Submit Event
Local 802 accepts event submissions for consideration in our monthly “upcoming events” email to our membership. These emails are sent out in the interest of promoting events and meetings that Local 802 departments and member committees have created, as well as music- and labor-related events hosted by our allies and partners.
Process and Timeline
All information on upcoming events must be emailed to Mikael Elsila by the last Monday of the month for inclusion in the monthly events email. Monthly events emails are sent out to membership on the last Wednesday of each month.
To submit an event to the email, please include:
- title of event
- committee or department hosting the event
- time/date/location
- brief description of event and/or committee
- RSVP info an attendee would need, if any
- any visual you would like included (a logo, event flyer, etc.)
- an event contact if attendees have questions
Requests are subject to approval by the union’s editorial process.
Special Exceptions
If an 802 member wants their event announced between monthly email blasts, submit the event to Mikael Elsila along with desired date of email blast. Sending is subject to approval by union leadership.