Ratification procedures

Per the Local 802 Bylaws, Article II, Section 10, “Ratification”:

(a) Wherever there is a Trade Agreement between the Union and the Employer, all qualified members working or having worked under the old agreement shall be eligible to ratify by secret ballot any new agreement that may be entered into between the Employer and Local 802.

(b) The procedure for such ratification shall be determined by the committee representing the musicians working under each contract.

(c) The qualifications for voting on such ratification shall be determined by the Executive Board in consultation with the committee representing the musicians working under each contract.

(d) A ratification vote shall be null and void unless all members voting are fully informed of all terms of the proposed agreement.

(e) No member of a bargaining unit may be required to cast his or her ballot to ratify or reject any agreement until 24 hours has elapsed from the beginning of the time the agreement is presented to the bargaining unit for ratification and discussion. No ballots may be counted until either 100 percent of the bargaining unit has voted or until the 24 hour period has elapsed, whichever comes first. Members shall have reasonable opportunity to vote during the 24 hour period. The Executive Board may require that all or part of the balloting take place at Union headquarters. The Executive Board shall have the power to waive any provision of this paragraph when it deems that to do so would be in the best interest of the bargaining unit.

Members of Local 802 in good standing may download the complete Local 802 bylaws by first logging into the Local 802 membership portal, then clicking on MEMBER DOCS, then CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS.