Political Action Fund (TEMPO 802) ARCHIVED PAGE

Political and Legislative Engagement

Our union works with local government officials, elected officials, campaigns and industry stakeholders to help influence policy and advocate for the interests and needs of all musicians. All musicians are affected by the political and legislative decisions made in Washington D.C., Albany, Trenton, and New York City Hall, and we must ensure that we identify every opportunity and use every tool possible to ensure that our interests are protected and strengthened.

Tempo 802

Tempo 802 is Local 802’s Political Action Fund. This fund, split between the Federal fund for national representatives and the NY State fund for local and state representatives, makes it possible for Local 802 to support and partner with elected officials and government allies as we work to champion the priorities, rights and goals of musicians and working people at the local, state, national and international levels.

All musicians are affected by the political and legislative decisions made in Washington D.C., Albany, Trenton, and New York City Hall, and we must ensure that we identify every opportunity and use every tool possible to ensure that our interests are protected and strengthened. From arts funding and employment status legislation, to workers compensation, health policy, the minimum wage and more, the decisions made by our elected representatives dictate our ability to make a living, enjoy a high quality of life and raise a family. The long-term success of our efforts depends on our ability to support our allies and fight those who damage the arts and our livelihoods.

Support our efforts to protect your interests! Join the campaign for Tempo 802!

Tempo 802 needs the help and support of every Local 802 member as we look to further our political and legislative priorities. These priorities include strengthening full performance rights on all sound recordings, fighting for stricter copyright enforcement measures, ensuring that musicians are treated fairly in employment law and have access to workers compensation, bolstering the funding of arts programming and education initiatives, and reinforcing the central role the arts play in communities and societal fabric.

You can help make a difference!

The strength of our work is greatly dictated by the resources that are available, and we urge all members to donate what they can to Tempo 802. Whether it is $5, $20, $50 or more, it is surely a worthwhile investment to help make sure that the needs and interests of musicians become part of the political debate. To make a donation to the NY State or Federal funds, mail a check or money order payable to Tempo 802 to:

Tempo 802, Local 802 AFM
c/o Alla Emelianova
322 West 48th Street
New York, NY 10036


TEMPO 802, Federal Fund

TEMPO 802, NY State Fund


Contributions to Tempo 802 are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.