New Member Resources (a few handy links to start with!)
By joining Local 802, you are now a member of both Local 802 and the American Federation of Musicians (our national union).
- Local 802 membership portal: create a free account on the Local 802 membership portal to retrieve your Local 802 union card number, pay your dues electronically, get access to the member directory, download the union bylaws, and more!
- AFM membership portal: unlock more tools by creating a separate free account on our national AFM union portal
- Register for our next general membership meeting on Feb. 26 on Zoom
- Register with our national union’s referral service to put yourself out there for union gigs
- UNION BOOKING AGENTS: Start at, log in as a member, then go to this page (the page won’t unlock unless you’re logged in)
- Local 802 benefits (includes the option to purchase instrument insurance)
- Read Local 802’s newsletter and follow Local 802 on social media
- Contact Local 802
- LOCAL 802 HOTLINE: turn a non-union gig into a union gig
- Download our membership brochure
- Actors Federal Credit Union (open to Local 802 members)
- Friedman Health Center for the Performing Arts
- NEW: Donate to Local 802’s political action funds