Currently Browsing: September, 2019
Standing strong for musicians
President's Report
It’s been a busy nine months in office. We stabilized the 802 Health Plan, negotiated a new Broadway contract with the largest economic gains 802 has seen in decades, restored fiscal responsibility to 802’s budget, re-energized organizing, moved decisively on
We won!
DCINY musicians overwhelmingly vote UNION YES
DCINY MUSICIANS OVERWHELMINGLY VOTE UNION YES Over the past 11 years, DCINY has operated as a producer and presenter of music at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. For many of their choral concerts, DCINY assembles choirs of amateur singers
Classical musicians continue to make gains with new contracts
Financial Vice President's Report
The summer of 2019 was unusually active in the Local 802 Concert Department. We were especially busy negotiating and updating our expired and about-to-expire agreements. Since the new rates were promulgated in June, Riverside Symphony ratified a five-year contract that
We’re working together to get musicians paid — and on time!
Recording Vice President's Report
I want to take this opportunity to update you on activities in the Local 802 Recording Department (also known as Electronic Media Services) and introduce the great staff working on your behalf. I recently assumed an enhanced role in managing
Make Music New York
Make Music New York is a unique festival of free concerts in public spaces throughout the five boroughs of New York City. All of the performances take place annually on June 21, the first day of summer and longest day
Letters to the editor
E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. Letters must be no more than 300 words. Opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of Local 802. One person
"There have been only one or two Broadway pits that I’ve walked into over the years where I have not experienced some kind of sexualization, harassment or lewdness"
The following story was sent to Local 802 anonymously. I have been heartened recently by what feels like a shift in our Broadway musician industry towards recognizing the problem of systemic inequality and making steps toward solutions. It is less
Fight to regain our digital rights
Local 802 Artist Rights Caucus
With all the hype about streaming, it’s easy to forget that musicians’ recording income is still massively reduced from what it was 20 years ago. Easy, that is, unless you’re a recording musician. We know too well that only a
Reaching out to the next generation
Reflections of a New York Philharmonic teaching artist
What’s it really like to work as a teaching artist? Allegro recently got a chance to listen to trumpeter Paul Murphy, a member of Local 802 since 2008, to get his insights. Members of Local 802 who work as teaching
BREAKING NEW GROUND: The trailblazing path of Tomoko Akaboshi
Member Spotlight
Violinist Tomoko Akaboshi started her career as a musician at age 20 while attending the Tokyo College of Music, and has since performed with or coordinated for internationally renowned artists such as Alicia Keys, Coldplay, Alan Silvestri, Andrea Bocelli, Maria
Play ball!
Local 802 softball team photo spread
PLAY BALL! The Local 802 softball team played its heart out this season. As usual, we competed in the Performing Arts Softball League, a 12-team league composed exclusively of Broadway unions and other entertainment professionals in New York City. As
HEAR MY VOICE: Local 802 member Caroline Shaw is breaking boundaries
Feature Interview
Caroline Shaw, the youngest recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for music, is a vocalist, violinist, composer and producer who performs in solo and collaborative projects. A brand-new member of Local 802, Shaw won the Pulitzer in 2013 for “Partita for
THE CURIOUS CASE AGAINST OBERLIN COLLEGE — and why it matters to activists
Legal Corner
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or
Performance pressure never goes away — so how do we deal with it?
Winning on Stage
My column last month about beta blockers got lots of great feedback, and I want to give you some follow up. I wrote that beta blockers are widely used by musicians to lower their heart rate and blood pressure, and
‘Why we joined the union’
I rejoined Local 802 after I accepted the position of head librarian at the New York Pops. I’m also the Manhattan School of Music’s performance librarian, a job I’ve held for 12 years. This comes after a summer as head
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 to pursue my professional career as a musician and woodwind doubler on a more advanced and rewarding level. My musical goal in New York City is to play in as many pit and studio orchestras as
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 after I was asked to take a sideline part in the upcoming series “Wu Tang Clan: An American Saga.” Since I was 8 years old, I’ve been playing at the School of Rock Music School in
‘Why we joined the union’
I’m new to New York City and looking to network and make new acquaintances. Joining the union seemed like an easy way to make hundreds of new friends and meet new colleagues. I was previously a member of AFM Local
‘Why we joined the union’
I JOINED LOCAL 802 because I am looking to further my music career in NYC by joining a growing community of like-minded professionals. Eventually, I am looking to make it as an orchestrator, arranger and copyist in NYC’s musical theatre
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 to be a part of the larger musical community in New York City. I decided it was time to join after playing with the American Ballet Theatre, and hearing about the importance of the Local 802
Executive Board Minutes
June 11, 2019 - Aug. 6, 2019
Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Meeting called to order at 11:06 am by Financial Vice President Fisher. Present: Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Axelrod, Donovan, Frawley, Hoyt, Paisner, Shankin, Managing Director Kantor, Chief of Staff Winkler. President Krauthamer present
The Band Room
September 2019
The late John Amoroso was a fine trumpet player and a great entertainer, both on and off the bandstand. He had a lot of schtick with which he entertained his audiences and his bandmates. And he often called his friends