
Currently Browsing: June, 2018

President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
There’s lots of news to share this month. First of all, we are in full swing in our negotiations with the Metropolitan Opera and will keep you posted. Separately, I’m pleased to announce that Local 802 has reached an agreement

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All LS-1 contracts must be submitted by July 15, 2018 for the benefit period that begins September 1, 2018. Only teaching (private and institutional) and/or solo, live engagements performed between Jan. 1 and June 30, 2018 can be reported on

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Financial Vice President's Report
Tom Olcott
One of my duties as financial vice president is to assist in the production of the annual audit of the local’s finances and to report the results to the membership. The latest audit was recently completed and reviewed by our

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Controller's Report
Cathy Camiolo
For the 12-month period ended December 31, 2017, Local 802 realized a loss of $163,280. The audited financial statements for the 12-month period appear in the printed issue of Allegro on page 35. The Statement of Activities showed an increase

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Labor and our Allies
Jerame Davis
In 28 states you can be fired for being gay, lesbian or bisexual. In 30, you can be fired for being transgender. And in states and jurisdictions that do have laws protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination, you would need the

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What we learned at this year's Labor Notes Conference and how it gave us hope for the future of the labor movement
Contrary to some rumors, unions and the labor movement are very much alive and kicking in 2018. An exciting degree of energy among union leadership, organizers and member activists was on full display at the Labor Notes conference in Chicago

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to Allegro editor Mikael Elsila or write to Allegro, Local 802,

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New York Philharmonic concertmaster Frank Huang on the art of sharing music and connecting with audiences
Interview by Bob Pawlo
New York Philharmonic concertmaster Frank Huang, a member of Local 802 since 2015, has enjoyed a rich musical life. Born in Beijing, Huang moved to Houston at the age of seven, where he began violin lessons with his mother. Four

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A candy company in Pennsylvania triggers a crisis that musicians and all workers should learn from
Harvey Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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Who was Burton Turkus?
How he set up a situation where Broadway contributes the most to the AFM Pension Plan
Martha Hyde
This article from the June 2018 issue of Local 802's Allegro magazine...

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RICHARD DALLESSIO Richard Michael Dallessio, 60, a member of Local 802 since 1987, died on May 1. Mr. Dallessio served as associate principal oboe and English horn with the New York City Ballet Orchestra, and also performed with the Metropolitan

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TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2018 Meeting called to order at 11:03 a.m. by President Gagliardi. Present: Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Burridge, Dougherty, Garnett, Hyde, Namkung, Sharman, Chief of Staff Carroll. Executive Board member Hyde

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Caroline Drexler
I joined Local 802 because I recently moved to NYC. I came from a smaller city and saw how the musicians there were reliant on their AFM local for support and representation. I loved seeing how the union advocated for

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Damion Corideo
I’ve been touring with Cirque du Soleil for the past six years. It’s been a beautiful and educational experience and I’ll never forget all the countries I visited and people I met. But now I’m happy to re-join Local 802

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Lynnea Harding
I joined Local 802 to connect to musicians and to further my music career. I was recently in Los Angeles as the music transcriber for DreamWorks Animation, which was an amazing experience. I learned how the film/TV music world works

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Craig Holiday Haynes
I joined Local 802 because I simply felt that it was time to do the right thing and help our industry. I’d like to help increase the level of jazz organization (musicianship, pay and benefits) and to get more work

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June '18
My old friend Howard Williams passed away recently (see Requiem). He sat at a desk next to mine here at the Local 802 Recording Checks Department from 1991 until recently, when he moved to Connecticut to live near his brother-in-law.

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