Currently Browsing: April, 2018
Let’s Celebrate Jazz, Earth Day, and More!
President's Report
April is Jazz Appreciation Month, and jazz is a critical part of the history of both Local 802 and New York City. Jazz is truly one of America’s gifts to world music and Congress has even declared jazz to be
Roxy Coss Quintet Wins Emerging Artists Project Grant
Local 802 is proud to announce that the Roxy Coss Quintet is the winner of Local 802’s inaugural Emerging Artist Project grant. This exciting quintet was selected over 51 other applicants to win the grant of $10,000 per year for
Musicians Fight Age Discrimination
Legal Corner
This article from the April 2018 issue of Local 802's Allegro magazine...
Want More Gun Control? Elect More Women
As I sat in heavy traffic on my way home from work this past Friday, unconsciously feathering the clutch in my car as I crawled up the FDR at six miles an hour (I’m one of the last holdouts in
First student jam attracts new faces & new energy
Jamming & Learning
The Council for Living Music produced its first ever Jazz Mentors Student Jam in mid-March at Local 802. The jam was conceived by the Local 802 Jazz Committee, with the direct support of members Henry Conerway III, Rebecca Patterson, Kevin
Exploring the role of a publicist in a jazz musician’s career
Jamming & Learning
“What does a publicist do?” was the question posed by the 14th Jazz Mentors event, held in late February. On hand to discuss the role of a publicist in the career of a jazz artist were Lydia Liebman, Matt Merewitz
Doing Earth Day the Broadway Way
Earth Day is held every year on April 22 and it is the largest civic-focused day of action in the world. On this day, individuals, communities and politicians come together to fight to reduce our global environmental impact. Since the
An Inside Look at Playing Percussion on Broadway
Local 802 members give tips and insights to the next generation of theatre musicians
Passing the torch from one generation to the next is one of the most sacred duties an artist can fulfill, and that’s what Local 802 members do each year at the NYU Broadway Percussion Seminar. The deadline to apply is
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 so I could start doing work as a sub in the pits on Broadway. I have been working as a guitarist/violinist for various pop artists, and performing and working as a session musician. Lately I have
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 after I recently recorded my first CD here in the U.S. My musical goal is to become a true bridge between NYC and my home country of Japan, where my nickname was the “bravest jazz musician”
‘Why we joined the union’
I was a member of AFM Local 174-496 when I lived in New Orleans, and I joined Local 802 when I became involved with the new Broadway show “The Band’s Visit.” Though my background is in jazz guitar, these days
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 because I am pursuing more and more professional opportunities. For instance, I recently had the chance to play with the New York Philharmonic. I auditioned for the New York Philharmonic Global Academy last year and was
‘Why we joined the union’
I’m a jazz pianist, keyboardist, composer, jazz author and educator. I grew up in the Bronx and have many, many connections with Local 802. I am friends with probably hundreds of members. I conducted a workshop at Local 802 with
Meet Our Youngest Member… And Our Oldest
JESSE SPARKS At 12 years old, Jesse Sparks is the youngest member of Local 802. Allegro recently caught up with him and asked him about his path in music so far. Here’s what he told us. I joined Local 802
Earth Day Blues… or, business as usual – an (ultimately) political screed
“Well, we left it cleaner than we found it!” my Dad would say with some satisfaction. He had just made each of us (all seven kids) pick up ten pieces of litter at whatever roadside picnic area we’d pull
Bill Kirchner’s Multiverse
Feature Profile
It’s just before 7 a.m. on a chilly Monday in March, and Bill Kirchner is on his way to work. The BX7 bus is running late. Three days a week he travels from his home in Riverdale to teach –
The Musical Vision of Christian McBride
Feature Interview
It’s not simply his abundant virtuosity that has made Christian McBride the most in-demand bassist of his generation. McBride, a member of Local 802 since 1993, consistently combines his deft musicianship with an innate ability to communicate his enthusiasm to
The Gift of Life
Two Local 802 members are connected in an incredibly special way
April is national organ donation month, and it’s a fitting time to remember an amazing connection between two Local 802 members. We’ll let them tell their story themselves. Meet Deryck Clarke and Mike Sayre… PART I: BY DERYCK CLARKE “I’m
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Send letters to the editor or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West
Executive Board Minutes
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2017 Meeting called to order at 11:06 a.m. by President Gagliardi. Present: Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Dougherty, Hyde, Namkung, Suttmann. Minutes from October 31, 2017 reviewed. It was moved and
Bylaw Proposal
The following bylaw amendment will be proposed and voted on at the membership meeting on June 6 at 5pm in the Local 802 Club Room. (Admission to meeting by paid-up membership card only.) NEW LANGUAGE IS UNDERLINED: Article III, section
The Band Room
I started learning songs when I was still in my infant crib, and I’m still at it at the age of 90. Lately I’ve noticed that I don’t remember the bridges of some of the earliest ones, but I do