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Currently Browsing: 2015,
Musicians and the Digital Age
President's Report
Has the digital age been good to musicians? That bombshell question was recently asked by the New York Times in its cover magazine story, “The Creative Apocalypse That Wasn’t,” written by Steven Johnson. The article received a lot of blowback
Labor History is Right Now
President's Report
May is Labor History Month, so it’s appropriate that I begin by talking about Local 802’s involvement in the rally for a $15 minimum wage that took place on April 15. This movement started in New York City in 2012
Goodbyes and Other Changes
President's Report
As 2015 draws to a close, I want to start by acknowledging the service of our outgoing Recording Vice President John O’Connor. John started his music career as a folksinger, songwriter and recording artist, a phase of his career that
Supporting Our Musicians
President's Report
Let’s start out this month with three pieces of good news. First, an appreciation for Bob Dylan, who has been a member of Local 802 since 1961. Mr. Dylan was recently honored by the Grammy foundation MusiCares as its person
The Year in Review
As we say hello to a new year, it’s time to reflect on our challenges and successes from 2014. I would be remiss if I didn’t start by mentioning Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner of Staten Island.
Showing Solidarity With Our Musicians’ Union Colleagues in Britain
President's Report
Summertime usually means vacation travel, but in the life of a union president today, it means nonstop conferences, meetings and strategy sessions all over the world. I began the summer with a trip to London for a meeting with the
Local 802 Election Update
President's Report
It has been a busy time at Local 802 and as always, there is plenty to report. First of all, I’d like to give you an update on the Local 802 elections. This year, there were no opposing candidates in
Rest in Peace, Erwin Price
President's Report
It is with a heavy heart that I report the passing of Erwin Price on April 10 at the age of 92. Erwin had been a member of the union since 1946. He was Local 802’s recording vice president from
Dancing Again to Live Music
President's Report
It’s always great to start with some positive news. The Paul Taylor Dance Company – now called Paul Taylor’s American Modern Dance – is once again performing with live music. The newly-renamed company just finished its inaugural season, featuring the
Negotiating Together
President's Report
One of the AFM’s many important contracts is the Theatrical Motion Picture and Television Film agreement, which covers musicians who score and sideline for movie and television. The latest and last negotiation session for the successor agreement took place in
When Musicians are Replaced, We Must Fight Back
President's Report
Summer is here and there’s a lot to report this month. First of all, our article in the May issue about the American Symphony Orchestra and Bard College went viral, attracting the most views of any article we’ve published in
‘Where Do You See the Union in 10 Years?’
Recording Vice President's Report
During a meeting to discuss contract proposals with Jazz at Lincoln Center, one of the musicians turned to me and asked me a big-picture question: “Where do you see us in 10 years?” I usually don’t hear questions like this.
Music recording included in state tax incentive program
Along with Assembly Member Joe Lentol (D-Brooklyn), and a coalition called New York is Music, Local 802 spent the last few months advocating for the inclusion in the budget of the Music Production Tax Credit, a $25 million state program
A tribute and celebration of Mary Whitaker
PLEASE SAVE THE DATE A Tribute and Celebration of Mary Whitaker (1952-2014) Sunday, May 3rd at 8 p.m. Cathedral of St. John the Divine (West 112 Street at Amsterdam) Details to follow in upcoming issues of Allegro and our e-newsletter
Performers collaborate for their proportionate share of revenues
The following statement was ratified at the International Federation of Musicians conference on online music, held in Budapest on Nov. 20 and Nov. 21, 2014. It has become known as the Budapest Declaration: Online music services have transformed the music
Show Your Union Pride!
At this time in history, it’s more important than ever to march together as union members. The New York Central Labor Council announces its annual labor rally on Saturday, September 12. Local 802 members will begin marching promptly at 10
‘Gig Economy’ Means Exploitation
Financial Vice President's Report
The word “gig” – once confined to musicians – is now mainstream. Pundits everywhere now talk about the so-called “gig economy.” Proponents call it the wave of the future and a transformative moment in the structure of employment. Whether it’s
New School jazz faculty unite for new contract campaign
The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music’s part-time faculty are set to begin their next contract negotiations. We are coming to the negotiating table on the heels of the New School’s very contentious and protracted negotiations with its other
Victory! Winter Jazzfest musicians make historic gains
Organizing Matters
Maggie Russell-Brown is the director of organizing and field services. If you’re playing a job where you feel disrespected or know that you aren’t being paid fairly, contact Maggie at (212) 245-4802, ext. 157 or You can also call
Local 802 wins first major agreement with a NYC nightclub
Local 802 announced in early June that the union has entered into a collective bargaining agreement with New York venue 54 Below. The agreement, which is the first of its kind between Local 802 and a major NYC nightclub, formally
Local 802 makes a $400,000 gain
Financial Vice President's Report
Every year, the Local 802 officers and the controller meet several times to create our budget. We always consider many factors. The most important are: 1) our best assessment of the state of the business and projected dues revenues; 2)
Musicians and the Digital Age
How a New York Times magazine story did a disservice to creative artists
Near the end of the summer, the New York Times Magazine published an article called “The Creative Apocalypse That Wasn’t,” by Steven Johnson. The article was disappointing to working artists in many different ways and we are grateful for the
A Sound Victory?
What happens when a neighbor complains about two pianists and their practice routine...
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or
Apply now for Anne Walker Scholarship
May 1 is the deadline to apply for this year’s Anne Walker Scholarships. This is the 17th year that members of Local 802 and their children who are pursuing studies in music will have the opportunity to apply for these
Pension Alert: Solutions, not bailouts
As a member of the board of trustees of the AFM pension fund, I received the following communication authored by members of the union-side trustees. I am aware that there are some concerns and questions regarding the recently passed legislation
On the Road
Financial Vice President's Report
What I learned from my “field trips” in 2015 and how it will help make us a more powerful union Several times each year, union leaders at Local 802 are given opportunities to travel beyond our walls in order to
Local 802 makes gain in first six months of 2015
Controller's Report
For the six-month period ended June 30, 2015, Local 802 realized a gain of $42,945. The audited financial statements for the six-month period appear in the printed issue of Allegro starting on page 37. The Statement of Activities reflects little
Remembering Mary
Photo Feature
Over 700 people came out to remember Mary Whitaker, whose life was taken last Aug. 20 at the age of 61. She had been a Local 802 member since 1976. The tribute program and concert was held at the Cathedral
Fighting Misclassification
Recording Vice President's Report
The state doesn’t seem to care that musicians are being misclassified as independent contractors. We’re going to change that… Local 802 has consistently championed the cause of fighting misclassification of musicians as independent contractors. But even though there is strong
Broadway’s success helped Local 802’s bottom line
Controller's Report
For the 12-month period ended December 31, 2014, Local 802 realized a gain of $408,073. The audited financial statements for this period appear in the printed issue. The Statement of Activities reflects an increase in total revenue of $438,019. There
The Next Generation
Young musicians get a contract and learn about the union
These student musicians (pictures below) have learned the power of the union, thanks to Local 802 and the Public Theatre. The Public’s new initiative called Public Works aims to get the people of New York City creatively invested in theatre
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Recording Vice President's Report
It’s no news that being a full-time musician is getting harder and harder. There are lots of different reasons for this, including the rapidly changing landscape of musical culture. I quit doing music full-time in 1996 as the market was
Don’t Give Away Your Rights!
Legal Corner
WARNING: Musicians who work under Local 802 contracts should not get paid as “corporations” There is an alarming trend among musicians. Many have decided to form corporations and work under the guise of corporate entities rather than as individuals. This
Turning Up the Heat
Recording Vice President's Report
With momentum from City Council and with new supporters, our jazz campaign is doubling down in 2015 The Justice for Jazz Artists campaign has gained many supporters over the years. Some of the most respected names in jazz have endorsed
Is your information correct?
The 2016-2017 Local 802 directory will be compiled at the end of this year. Thousands of musicians receive a copy of this book and use it as a vital resource. Here’s how to check to make sure your information will
There were no contested races this year, so the Local 802 elections slated for Dec. 1, 2015 have been called off and each duly nominated candidate has been deemed elected. On Sept. 25, 2012, the Local 802 Executive Board voted
A Tribute to Lew Soloff
Lew Soloff, 71, a member of Local 802 since 1959, died on March 8. A consummate fixture on the New York jazz scene, Mr. Soloff’s career was filled with a rich history of renowned sessions and world-class collaborations. Whether interpreting
The Next Generation
Financial Vice President's Report
How Local 802 spreads the message of union benefits to younger musicians – and how you can do it, too! The labor movement’s persistent message to its members – and to a wider national audience, to those who might listen
The American Ballet Theatre Celebrates 75 Years
Photos: Walter Karling I joined ABT in the late 70s. It was not the coveted job that it is now. Orchestra members worked very hard to improve working conditions and salaries over the years, but that’s the kind of progress
This World is Our World
Unions roll up their sleeves to fight for climate justice
When Local 802 musicians led the labor contingent of the People’s Climate March last September, they were part of an event that sparked an already growing mass movement to pressure the leaders of this country and the rest of the
Let’s Dream Big!
Organizing Matters
“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon
Is Your Information Correct?
The new 2016-2017 membership directory is coming next year
The 2016-2017 Local 802 directory will be compiled at the end of this year. Thousands of musicians receive a copy of this book and use it as a vital resource. Here’s how to check to make sure your information will
Let’s back up choirs with union musicians, starting with the Pope!
Financial Vice President's Report
My final column of 2015 can serve as wrap-up of the year, as well as a glimpse of things to come. I’ve written several times about a few road trips in 2015, events where I left 322 West 48th Street,
You’ve Got to Be In It to Win It
Recording Vice-President's Report
Every month, Allegro prints a column called “Why We Joined the Union” where members who have recently joined Local 802 say something about what brought them to do so. A typical answer will have to do with an engagement a
Together Again
Musicians of the NYCO perform in Japan
“Do you believe in miracles?” was the phrase used when the U.S. hockey team won its most improbable victory during the 1980 winter Olympics. That members of the New York City Opera Orchestra recently completed a week-long tour in Japan
Rebuilding the Power of Local 802
Recording Vice President's Report
In the late 19th century, musicians in New York formed the Musical Mutual Protective Union to attempt to create fair prices for musical services. As the union grew, the strength to enforce prices grew with it. Of course, it was
Live Music in Hotels Makes a Comeback
Recording Vice President's Report
Just one challenge: the musicians aren’t members of Local 802, and the scene isn’t covered by the union…yet! When I worked as the jazz rep for Local 802 in the late 90s, I also helped with club date and hotel
Goodbye, Clark Terry
Clark Terry, 94, a Local 802 member since 1954, died on Feb. 21. His career in jazz spanned more than 70 years. Mr. Terry was a world-class trumpeter, flugelhornist, educator, composer, writer, trumpet/flugelhorn designer, teacher and NEA Jazz Master. He
Union, Yes! Workers at Avatar Studios Stand Together
Recently, we workers at Avatar Studios successfully completed an organizing campaign to gain union representation with Local 802. Months of deliberations on our part and meetings with members of the union’s Organizing Department (including Maggie Russell-Brown, Shane Gasteyer, Sarah Koshar
Your e-mail, your privacy and your right to organize
Legal Corner
For those of my readers in their 40s or older, try for a moment to imagine how your life was before the advent of e-mail. Hard to do, isn’t it? (For my younger readers, this must seem impossible!) Before e-mail,
Musical Awakening
It’s time for the annual iPod drive on Broadway to bring the power of music to Alzheimer’s patients Everything has gotten too complicated these days!” That is the familiar refrain of my father. You see, he is now in his
Singing for Justice
Notes on the endurance of the American labor song movement
If you look up “Solidarity Forever” on Wikipedia, you will learn that the famous labor song – perhaps the most famous of labor songs anywhere in the world other than “The Internationale” – was written a hundred years ago by
‘It’s All Serious to Me’
Peter Schickele is P.D.Q. Bach - and it all adds up
This article from the October 2015 issue of Allegro magazine...
Playing for the Pope
The Pope played it union! Local 802 musicians performed two services for Pope Francis during his recent trip to the U.S., including an evening prayer service at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (pictured below) and the mass at Madison Square Garden. Musicians
Tax tips for musicians
This article contains general information only and is not intended to address the circumstances of any specific individual. The information contained herein is accurate as of the date of publication, but there is no guarantee that such information will be
In Defense of Buskers
Thank you for the article in the December issue about subway musicians and the law. I think this is a really important issue, but I also think you left a few things out – namely, the vague discrepancy between those
Traveling Partners
Rosanne Cash & John Leventhal
Two decades of sharing life, love and music. Here’s how they make it all work… Rosanne Cash and John Leventhal are a formidable creative couple. Rosanne’s 21 top-40 country singles – with 11 number-ones – have proved her to be
Two Local 802 members win top NEA jazz award
The nation’s top jazz honor is awarded each year by the National Endowment for the Arts. Out of this year’s four winners, two are longstanding members of Local 802, and we are pleased to publish exerpts from their NEA profiles
Listening to Lovano
Member Spotlight
Hailed by the New York Times as “one of the greatest musicians in jazz history,” Grammy-winning saxophone giant Joe Lovano has distinguished himself for some three decades. Lovano was born in Cleveland in 1952 and began playing alto saxophone as
Is Your Information Correct?
The 2016-2017 Local 802 directory will be compiled at the end of this year. Thousands of musicians receive a copy of this book and use it as a vital resource. Here’s how to check to make sure your information will
New pension law is no cause for panic
On March 2010, the AFM and Employers’ Pension Fund revealed that it was implementing a rehabilitation plan, freezing both employer contribution levels and the multiplier it uses to calculate the amount of pension to which an eligible participant is entitled.
‘Always Be Flexible’
Clarinetist John Moses, a member of Local 802 since 1966, is at the top of his game. He’s performed with virtually every major ensemble in the area and is currently the first clarinetist with the American Composers Orchestra, the New
‘It’s all about the music’
A conversation with Met concertmaster David Chan
Violinist David Chan, a member of Local 802 since 1999, is the concertmaster of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and an active soloist, recitalist and chamber musician. Mr. Chan first gained international recognition when, at the age of 17, he won
The Law Catches Up with Internet Hacking
A recent case gives computer users more protection
As I have remarked many times, the Internet has bred a whole host of legal conundrums that courts are only now catching up to. One of the more prominent problems arises when a person’s personal computer is hacked or unlawfully
Live Music Fundraiser on Dec. 8
WHAT: Live music performance of the 48th Street Big Band, directed by Roger Rhodes and Glen Daum, featuring arrangements from the Al Porcino collection WHEN: Tuesday, Dec. 8 from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Local 802 WHY: Fundraiser for
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th
Funds Find Money for Musicians
THE AFM & SAG-AFTRA FUND by Dennis Dreith Knowledge is power. And knowledge can also put money in your pocket! In late fall, I met with a number of prominent studio musicians and Local 802 members to give a detailed
The John Leventhal Interview
The composer, producer, guitarist and 5x Grammy award winner talks about his roots, the music business, and working with singer/songwriters - including wife and musical partner Rosanne Cash!
(Click to read our cover story joint interview with John Leventhal and Rosanne Cash.) Local 802 member John Leventhal is a guitarist, arranger, and Grammy-Award winning producer and songwriter. He is married to Rosanne Cash and co-wrote and produced her
Get Networked
Younger musicians share insights
Networking has a negative connotation to some, but it’s just reality that the impression we make on others often influences future job opportunities. When I moved to New York City in the 1980s, most of us worked to break into
When are words a threat?
Legal Corner
The Supreme Court has taken up a case with implications for songwriters – and anyone who posts on Facebook! “Da da make a nice bed for mommy at the bottom of the lake…tie a rope around this rock…there goes mama
Following Her Passions
The many sides of harpist Laura Sherman
Harpist Laura Sherman, a member of Local 802 since 1988, enjoys a diverse and well-traveled career. Currently the harpist for “Wicked” on Broadway, she is also the founder of Gotham Harp Publishing, a harp music publishing company specializing in historically-informed
North/South Consonance Ensemble
Photo Spread
Musicians in the North/South Consonance Ensemble rehearsing before a recent concert at Christ and St. Stephen’s Church on West 69th. Funding for the concert came in part from the Music Performance Trust Fund, and musicians enjoyed wages and benefits of
Stars in the Alley
Live musical theatre sounded great at the Broadway League’s annual revue called “Stars in the Alley,” which took place in the heart of the theatre district. The free outdoor concert included excerpts from over 20 shows. Local 802 members performed
A free and open internet?
In a big decision, the FCC opens the door to net neutrality
Imagine going to a car dealership and being given the following choice. For a nominal fee you can purchase a car that has a maximum speed of only 30 miles an hour. However, a car with a top speed of
Raising the Spirit
Conference emphasizes how music supports community
At the 2015 ICSOM Conference in Philadelphia, in an effort to use our presence in the city as a symbol of community service, we provided music and assistance at a soup kitchen in collaboration with Broad Street Ministry. On its
All-Star Orchestra
They’re back! The Senior Concert Orchestra returned to Carnegie Hall this year, where it performed to a full house. Musical director David Gilbert conducted the ensemble, which is composed of the most experienced professionals in New York City, many of
Lyrical Life: The Musical Journeys of Katherine Fink
Member Spotlight
Katherine Fink, a member of Local 802 since 1980, has a diverse career as a soloist, orchestral and chamber musician. As a member of the Grammy-nominated Borealis Wind Quintet, Fink tours the country giving concerts, masterclasses and lectures. She is
Rosanne Cash: ‘I’ve always been a union member’
Rosanne cash and John Leventhal’s new album “The River & The Thread” was recorded under a union contract, of course (see “Traveling Partners” interview). But that’s just one example of how they stand up for fellow musicians. Guitarist and Local
Networking for Life
Musicians' Assistance Program
Musicians pick up valuable skills and tips at our seminar This spring, the Musicians’ Assistance Program partnered with the Actors Fund Work Program to sponsor a free networking seminar series for professional musicians called “Managing Your Music Career.” The response
It’s Easy Being Green
Broadway Green Alliance helps make theatre more sustainable
GO GREEN: “Sustainability is important to me, not just as a musician, but as a human being. We have a responsibility to look after our planet. Ideas for musicians: read music from digital devices instead of printing music on paper.
The Time is Now
Recent decisions by the NLRB have left some cracks open for Local 802 to make some big gains for musicians
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or
As a classical musician, do you know what union scale really pays?
Unless you are a contractor or a negotiating committee member, chances are you have never stopped to read the contracts under which you work. Busy schedules and commitments often do not allow for a lot of down time, so this
Musical Connections
Using creativity and live music to inspire others
“Where are you from?”, I ask one of the seven or so teens in the small, echoey box of a room. “Far ROCK.” “How about you?” I ask another. “Far ROCK.” I have never been to Far Rockaway, a neighborhood
The Transformative Power of Music
Photo Feature
Local 802 member David Eaton, conductor of the New York City Symphony (above), performed at the United Nations this summer under a union contract as part of the U.N.’s 70th anniversary under the theme of “The Transformative Power of Music.”
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th
Makin’ the Changes Happen
Vocal clinic on scat singing offers a new look at an old art form
Life is a lot like jazz…it’s best when you improvise,” said George Gershwin. And when vocalists improvise, something powerful and primal happens. In late October, Music for a Sound Future and the Council for Living Music presented its second free
The Heart of Teaching
Reaching the next generation of musicians means finding the music that students love and working with it. The following article is part of Allegro’s series on the art of teaching music. Click here for previous articles in our series. If
Celebrating 40 years of Saturday Night Live
Live from New York – and under a union contract – it’s 40 years of Saturday Night Live! We recently asked band members to reminisce about the show. Here’s what they told us… LENNY PICKETT (leader) “What I like best
The Soul of Stamford
The Stamford Symphony Orchestra prepares for a recent concert of Tchaikovsky and Sibelius during a Manhattan rehearsal at the DiMenna Center on West 37th Street. Eckart Preu has been music director of the symphony since 2005. Musicians enjoy wages and
In the Studio
Photo Feature
Photographer Kate Glicksberg was granted access to a recent cast album recording session of the Broadway show “The Visit,” currently playing at the Lyceum Theatre. The show has garnered five Tony nominations, including Best Musical and Best Original Score. This
Dance + Live Music
The Paul Taylor Dance Company – now called Paul Taylor’s American Modern Dance – is once again performing with live music. The newly-renamed company just finished its inaugural season, featuring the Orchestra of St. Luke’s performing under a Local 802
Practice Makes Perfect*
(*Or, how do you get to Broadway?)
The answer to the old joke “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” is a great truism. This summer, Local 802 hosted another season of Inside Broadway’s Summer Stock Jr. program, where 14 lucky students enjoyed a full two-week camp
Local 802 at the time of the Harlem Renaissance
In the 1920’s, a sort of pluralism sprang up within Local 802. Unlike other smaller AFM locals, Local 802 exhibited a great degree of tolerance to internal division. Within Local 802, a baffling array of ethnic interests and groups coexisted
A Victory for Free Speech
The Supreme Court rules that even the creepiest Facebook posts aren’t criminal unless the writer intended a true threat. This ruling protects perverts…but it also protects songwriters, artists and anyone using avant-garde imagery in their writing… Anthony Douglas Elonis is
Proud to be Union!
Photo Feature
Local 802 musicians, officers, staff and supporters marched in the annual labor parade sponsored by the Central Labor Council. This year’s band included Abdulrahman Amer, Kevin Blancq, Scott Bourgeois, Rick Faulkner, Dave Hofstra, Barbara Merjan, Stefan Schatz, Jeff Schiller, Carol
The incredible New York Pops
Photo Spread
The New York Pops was founded by Skitch Henderson in 1983 with a mission to create greater public awareness and appreciation of America’s rich musical heritage through presentation of concerts and education programs of the highest quality. Musicians who perform
Always Striving
Andy Bloch's musical journeys
Andy Bloch, a member of the AFM since 1980, is a founding partner of Human, one of the most highly regarded and successful music and sound design production companies in advertising…and a longtime supporter of AFM and the cause of
Live from the Union!
Photo Spread
On most Monday nights, you can hear the sounds of great jazz coming from Local 802 thanks to the jam session sponsored by the Jazz Foundation of America. And now, the sounds are even sweeter: the Jazz Foundation recently renewed
Fiction vs. Reality
This is a story of how fiction met reality. I have spent my entire adult life – starting when I was 22 – working in the theatres of Broadway as a rehearsal pianist, keyboard player, conductor and music director. I
Ten Years After
A decade after Katrina, how is the live music scene in New Orleans?
As a New Orleans musician, when I think back on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina ten years later, I can vividly recall the bewildering sensation of sailing without a compass, living from day to day, as I was relocated nine
Remembering Erwin Price
We lost one of the great musicians of New York City on April 10. Trombonist Erwin Price was 92 and had been a member of Local 802 since 1946. Words cannot describe the magnitude of his career, which spanned over
‘How very much alive I am’
Stroke survivors and their caregivers share the joy of music
What is it about singing that enhances speech and our willingness to communicate? The research team at Mount Sinai Beth Israel’s Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine is eager to learn about the impact of singing on health and
‘Why we joined the union’
I transferred my union membership from AFM Local 47 in Los Angeles after years of session work out there. I joined Local 802 to maintain that consistency of networking and union jobs now that I’m in New York. I have
A brief history of the Clef Club
The bandleader and composer James Reese Europe spent his first years in New York playing cabaret piano and mandolin in black shows. But by 1910, this work had begun to dry up. Undeterred, Europe organized a group called the Clef
Bylaw Amendments
The following three bylaw amendments will be presented at the Oct. 14 membership meeting. Words that are struck through indicate deleted language. Words that are underlined indicate added or new language. 1) ARTICLE VI: ELECTIONS. Section 1. Beginning with the
Special Goodbyes
Violinist Lucy Morganstern helps people grieve their dying pets
A native New Yorker, violinist Lucy Morganstern grew up in a musical household. Her mother, a pianist, graduated from Juilliard at 18; her older brother and sister studied cello and violin. “My musical training was not typical,” Lucy relates. After
Live music brings joy to senior center
Music is a powerful connector that can have a positive impact on the mental and physical well-being of older adults. That’s why the Music Performance Trust Fund, the National Council on Aging and the Film Fund are teaming up to
Christmas Time is Here!
Radio City Music Hall is alive with the sound of Local 802 musicians performing the annual Christmas Spectacular show with the Rockettes. Musicians play up to six shows a day for nine weeks in this intense holiday gig. Allegro photographer
The Lessons of Leadership
Roberta Reardon on the strengths and challenges of the labor movement and how we can all move forward together Roberta Reardon is the founding co-president of SAG-AFTRA, starting with its overwhelmingly successful merger vote on March 30, 2012, until she
Carol Sudhalter’s Jazz Narratives
Carol Sudhalter smiles and sips herbal tea. At 71, the multi-reed player is in top form. An endorser of the union’s Justice for Jazz Artists campaign and a Downbeat poll winner, Sudhalter has just returned from her annual sojourn to
Saying goodbye to the Late Show with David Letterman
After 33 years of entertaining audiences on late-night TV, David Letterman retired this spring. We recently asked band members in the CBS Orchestra – who were covered under a union contract – to reminiscence about the show. Here’s what they
Erwin Price, in his own words
In his last weeks, Erwin Price took the time to write the following reminiscences, which he hoped would be published in Allegro. I was born to Russian immigrant parents in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston on July 4, 1922, and
Let’s talk…about our hearing!
Member to Member
As professional musicians, by the time we reach late middle age, we are likely to be experiencing the aches and pains of repetitive physical stress, changes in our vision and other age-related ailments. We devote more time to visiting doctors
Treasured memories of the American Ballet Theatre
I enjoyed the Allegro article from earlier this summer covering the 75th anniversary of the American Ballet Theatre. It reminded me of the very first year of the company’s existence. Leading into that year was a big musical and social
Original Thinker
Howard Johnson's musical trailblazing
Howard Johnson, a member of Local 802 since 1963, is one of the finest jazz tubists in the world, but if that’s not enough, he also plays baritone sax, flugelhorn, bass clarinet, cornet and pennywhistle, among other instruments. Howard was
‘Why we joined the union’
To join Local 802, call our Membership Department at (212) 245-4802 or visit As a bandleader, professional flutist and native New Yorker, I rejoined Local 802 because the union provides a venue for networking with booking agents and musicians
Bylaw Amendments
The following four bylaw amendments will be presented at the Oct. 14 membership meeting. Words that are struck through indicate deleted language. Words that are underlined indicate added or new language. 1) ARTICLE VI: ELECTIONS. Section 1. Beginning with the
The joy of teaching just got better
Musicians now have a say when they negotiate contracts for clinics in NY public schools
It was a cold day in January two years ago when I received a call from Local 802 member Ayodele Maakheru. He was in the midst of re-negotiating a contract with an arts organization to work as a music teaching
Mozart and Opera
Last month in these pages, we celebrated Beethoven’s birthday. Now let’s give a cheer to Mozart, whose 258th birthday is on Jan. 27. We’re pleased to feature an excerpt from Paul Johnson’s new biography of the great master. Centuries after
Despite gains, our pension fund is still in the red zone
But here's why musicians don't need to worry...
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or
The Secret of “At Will” Employment
Legal Corner
Music teachers fight back when employer tries to take away rights Almost all of us have heard the term “at will employment.” Your employer can fire you for any reason – or no reason at all – and the courts
Visiting the audiologist
It is extremely important for every person to have a complete hearing evaluation to establish baseline hearing levels, at the very least. While this is important for everyone, it is most important for musicians who are extremely reliant on this
Executive Board Minutes
June 23, 2015 - August 4, 2015
NOTE: The Executive Board did not meet on June 30, July 14 or July 21. TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2015 Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m.. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members
‘The Grinch’ returns to Madison Square Garden
Photo Spread
“The Grinch” was back again for the holidays in 2014. This year, all 15 musicians were covered under the full Broadway contract. The show ran for two weeks at the Chicago Theatre before playing four extremely successful weeks at Madison
A tribute to my friends
Given the fact that we all have friends who die, it is easy to be affected by the syndrome called Annually Growing Elderly (“AGE,” for short). In the last few years, I have been hit very hard with many of
Film fund provides services (and money) for musicians!
The Film Musicians Secondary Markets Fund works to serve the film, television and music communities. To this end, the fund is pleased to provide ongoing updates to Allegro for the benefit of Local 802 members. If you perform on music
Remembering Wilmer Wise
When Jimmy Owens called me with the sad news that Wilmer Wise had passed away on Jan. 30 and suggested I write some reminiscences of Wilmer, I began making notes of all the memorable times I spent with him over
Threats or Art?
The Supreme Court's recent decision in not a victory for free's a victory for bullies
I agree with fellow attorney Harvey Mars’ message that it is important that the law distinguish between art and criminal speech. However, as a professional musician, attorney, former NYC prosecutor and licensed rape crisis/trauma counselor with decades of experience handling
Powerful Sound
They’re back! The Senior Concert Orchestra returned to Carnegie Hall this year, where it performed to a full house. Musical director David Gilbert conducted the ensemble, which is composed of the most experienced professionals in New York City, many of
A View from the Podium
Broadway music director gives an inside story in new book
As well as being a great honor, it is especially fitting to introduce my new book, “Music Direction for the Stage: A View from the Podium,” here in Allegro, as my involvement with the musicians’ union was one of my
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 as part of the company of a Broadway-bound show called “The Last Goodbye” (directed by Alex Timbers), which combines “Romeo and Juliet” with Jeff Buckley tunes. I’m the guitarist and frontman of the onstage band. I’m
Executive Board Minutes
March 31, 2015 - April 7, 2015
TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2015 Meeting called to order at 11:02 a.m. by Financial Vice President Olcott. Present: Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman. President Gagliardi absent on union business. Minutes
A Tribute to Seymour Benstock
As we grow older, retire and change our whole pattern of life – and as friends, colleagues and relatives pass on – we realize how difficult it is to accept the inevitable “empty chair.” Our dear friend and cellist Seymour
In the studio, union style
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” a musical that played earlier this year at the Paper Mill Playhouse in Milburn, New Jersey, recently recorded its cast album under a union contract. The producers had originally planned to outsource the recording session
Remembering Emile Charlap
Emile Charlap, 96, a member of Local 802 since 1940, died on March 22. He was a contractor for 50 years and was also a trumpeter, copyist and arranger. Mr. Charlap had been Dizzy Gillespie’s copyist and close friend. He
‘The men with satin voices’
There are moments in your life that change you forever, but you don’t know it at the time. When you look back, they are like fence poles in the soil connected by horizontal boards, which form the line of your
Musical Trailblazer
A tribute to Edward Simons, who – along with his wife Janet – made music flourish in Rockland County My father, Edward Simons, a member of Local 802 since 1946, is turning 98 on February 1. It is very possible
Does the FMSMF have money waiting for you?
The Film Musicians Secondary Markets Fund (FMSMF) works to serve the film, television and music communities and meet the needs of film musicians whose talents fuel the industry. To this end, the FMSMF is pleased to provide ongoing updates to
DAVE RATAJCZAK Dave and I met at the Eastman School of Music back in the ‘70’s. We became close almost immediately as we had so much in common – we were the same age, we were both upstate boys from
Executive Board Minutes
December 2, 2014 - January 6, 2015
Note: the Executive Board did not meet on Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2014. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2014 Meeting called to order at 11:05 AM. Present: President Gagliardi, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant
A Tribute to Sam Ulano and Gil Barretto
Two names appeared recently in Allegro’s obituaries that brought back distant memories. The first one was Sam Ulano, a hardworking drummer, teacher, author, and entertainer. He was the teacher of many young drummers in the 1960s. He wrote a couple
Executive Board Minutes
February 24, 2015
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2015 Meeting called to order at 11:11 a.m. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Bond. Minutes
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th
‘Why we joined the union’
From Madison Square Garden to the Blue Note to Lower East Side bars to bathrooms in private houses (yes, I’ve literally played two gigs in bathrooms!), and from musicals to jazz to rock to R&B to reggae, I enjoy playing
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 when I served as associate conductor in the national tour of “Elf.” I’ve played on several national tours lately, playing keys, conducting, music directing, or all of the above. I recently earned my master’s degree at
Executive Board Minutes
January 13, 2015 - February 3, 2015
Note: the Executive Board did not meet on Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2015. TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 Meeting called to order at 11:06 a.m. by Financial Vice President Olcott. Present: Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cranshaw,
We’re off to see the wizard!
After a tireless year and a half of courting one of the most coveted shows on Broadway, Nick Sala, associate producer of Inside Broadway, was able to secure “Wicked” for one of this year’s Creating the Magic events. This popular
Alan Shulman and the Golden Age of Music in NYC
Cellist, composer and and arranger Alan Shulman had a life steeped in the musical history of New York City. A charter member of Arturo Toscanini’s NBC Symphony, he was also a founder of the Symphony of the Air, Stuyvesant String
How feeling physically ‘centered’ affects your music
Musicians' Assistance Program
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, food stamps and
Collaborating: The do’s and don’ts of dual relationships
Musicians' Assistance Program
Collaboration is the bread and butter of being a musician. It’s nearly impossible – and not advisable – to work alone, most of the time. Many collaborations become a significant source of creativity and growth. So who do you partner
‘How do I help my friend?’
Musicians' Assistance Program
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, food stamps and
Remembering Charles McCarty
Charles McCarty, 95, a trumpeter and a member of Local 802 for over 60 years, died on Aug. 28. Charlie grew up listening to his father sing the show tunes and pop songs of the day. Charlie sang them too.
Can anger be a useful tool?
Musician's Assistance Program
Anger is one of the hardest emotions to get right. Many of us are either too angry or too afraid to express our anger. Is there a “perfect” amount of anger that we should strive for – not too much
Hail, Caesar!
If it’s a movie score, it can be union! Local 802 has had success in reaching out to movie producers and letting them know about the tax advantages of recording and doing post production here. Several big films have recently
Executive Board Minutes
October 28, 2014 - November 25, 2014
NOTE: The E-Board did not meet on Nov. 4 (due to Election Day) or Nov. 11 (due to Veterans’ Day). The Board met on Friday, Nov. 7 instead. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2014 Meeting called to order at 11:08 a.m. Present:
Bylaw Amendments
The following four bylaw amendments will be presented at the Oct. 14 membership meeting. Words that are struck through indicate deleted language. Words that are underlined indicate added or new language. 1) ARTICLE VI: ELECTIONS. Section 1. Beginning with the
Marching for Justice
Photo Feature
Musicians take to the streets for labor rights and justice for jazz artists at the May Day parade. Photos by Walter Karling.
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 when I became the substitute music director for the Off Broadway production of “The Fantasticks.” I am here in NYC to be a musical theatre writer; I graduated from NYU’s graduate program in musical theatre writing,
November ’15
The Band Room
Phil Woods spent his last years suffering with emphysema, but he still managed to play the saxophone with his customary brilliance. When it finally got too tough for him, he ended his career with style. He played one last concert,
February ’15
The Band Room
On Facebook, Roberta Gambarini posted a very nice tribute to the late James Moody. It reminded me of an encounter I once had with him. One winter night I was walking up 54th Street nursing a cold. As I walked
July/August ’15
The Band Room
I drove out to Glen Cove, Long Island, to say goodbye to my old friend Marty Napoleon, who passed away on April 27 (see obituary). His body was there in the casket, but his spirit was on the other side
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 when I started performing in NYC. I am the associate conductor of “On The Town” on Broadway, which ranks as my favorite gig of all time. Playing and conducting for that incredible production is an unbelievable
‘Why we joined the union’
I am so excited to be a part of Local 802! Since moving to NYC seven years ago to pursue a career as a pianist/music director, I have grown immensely as an artist and overall musician. I have learned the
How can Pilates help me?
As you get older, you can make your body younger!
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, food stamps and
As a musician, are you satisfied with your relationships?
Musicians' Assistance Program
Do you ever feel like you have difficulty maintaining your relationships and friendships? Or are you dissatisfied with those you do have? Or perhaps you feel a void in your life and wish that you had more grounding relationships? Social
Why we joined the union
I joined Local 802 after a situation where I had been offered a gig and couldn’t do it because I wasn’t in the union. I didn’t want that to happen again. My musical goal is to play the music of
Questions about the Local 802 health plan?
Many of us are engaged in a contact sport called “keeping track of your health benefits.” It remains a field with goal posts that move around. Below, I will try to answer some commonly asked questions about the new structure
Executive Board Minutes
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2015 Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. Present: President Gagliardi, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman. Financial Vice President Olcott and Executive Board member Hyde absent on union
Executive Board Minutes
May 19, 2015 - June 16, 2015
TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. by Financial Vice President Olcott. Present: Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Burridge, Cutler, Cranshaw, Dougherty, Hyde, Kruvand, Assistant to the President Bond. President Gagliardi absent on
Executive Board Minutes
October 20, 2015 - Bylaw Amendments
Special note: the previous issue of Allegro ended with the minutes of Aug. 4, 2015. However, instead of starting below with the minutes of Aug. 11, 2015, we are printing the minutes of Oct. 20, 2015 in order to fulfill
January ’15
The Band Room
In 1964, Eric Knight went to London with Ethel Merman as her music director for a four-week gig at a club called Talk of the Town on Leicester Square. During the rehearsals, Merman was intrigued by British music terminology: “minims”
Local 802 health plan extends temporary buy-up option
The Local 802 Musicians Health Fund recently mailed a notice to all participants. Below is an excerpt of the key points, for easy reference. The notice that was mailed out should be considered the complete, definite document. For more information,
Is anxiety stopping you from performing your best as a musician?
Musicians' Assistance Program
It’s well known in the industry that musicians are their own biggest critics. Somewhere along the line, you may have had a tough music teacher. Or maybe your family put pressure on you to succeed. Perhaps your own passion and
Change is in the Air
Musicians' Assistance Program
This month will be my last column, as I will be leaving my position here to have a child at the end of the year. I’ll be taking some time off so I can spend time being a mom, then
Remembering Gil Barretto, a bandleader who became a spiritual teacher
My husband Gil was born in the Bronx on March 2, 1929. As a young man he played saxophone, clarinet and flute, and became a bandleader on the club date circuit, including a long tenure at Brown’s Hotel in the
Executive Board Minutes
March 3, 2015 - March 24, 2015
NOTE: The Executive Board did not meet on March 17, 2015. TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2015 Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. by Financial Vice President Olcott. Present: Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cranshaw, Hyde, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman. President Gagliardi
Free counseling available to Local 802 members
Musicians' Assistance Program
Many musicians call our office for help because as life gets busy, it can sometimes get more stressful. We offer many free social services, including clinical case management, counseling and financial assistance. This month we will discuss what sorts of
December ’15
The Band Room
I’ve been learning tunes since I was born. My mother, a singer who played piano and organ, filled our house with song as I was growing up. I memorized all her art songs, and things by Stephen Foster, and also
Executive Board Minutes
April 14, 2015 - May 12, 2015
TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2015 Meeting called to order at 11:07 a.m. by Financial Vice President Olcott. Present: Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cranshaw, Cutler, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Bond. Minutes from April
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined Local 802 because I feel that musicians must unite in order to maintain the quality of compensation and treatment. Union dues are very reasonable and the services are useful; I particularly like the payroll and contract services provided.
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th
Musician networking group is now open to all
Musicians' Assistance Program
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, food stamps and
October ’15
The Band Room
Jerry Dodgion had just joined Red Norvo’s group in 1958 when they played a gig opposite the Count Basie band in Las Vegas. Jerry and his then wife Dottie invited a few of the Basie musicians to their home for
September ’15
The Band Room
After reading my note about the Nut Club in a recent Band Room column, Phil Woods sent me this note: “I worked the Nut Club after Juilliard in the early 50’s, with Nick Stabulas (leader), George Syran (piano) and Jon
Enjoy a free concert by the Local 802 Senior Concert Orchestra on Monday, Oct. 12 at 2 p.m. at Carnegie Hall. Musical director David Gilbert will conduct a program featuring the top musicians in NYC, including a violin concerto performed