
Currently Browsing: 2014,

President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
Greetings to all. The big news this month is that the musicians of the New York City Opera Orchestra are performing with special guests in a historic one-night concert at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 21 at City Center. This

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President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
I want to wish a Happy New Year to everyone. It’s hard to believe that another year has gone by and that so much has happened. As we reflect on our accomplishments and challenges, I’d like to offer a recap

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President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
Thank you to everyone who attended our New York City Opera gala, with special guest Placido Domingo. You made the event a success and ensured that the union’s Emergency Relief Fund has enough money to distribute to musicians who are

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President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
Our jazz campaign got a major boost in mid-October, when New York’s City Council passed a resolution in support of our efforts. In recognizing Justice for Jazz Artists, members of City Council joined a growing number of voices calling for

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New contract also mandates that Met management share the pain
Tino Gagliardi
I am writing this on Aug. 18, the afternoon after Local 802 and the Metropolitan Opera finally came to an accord at 5:45 a.m. These negotiations have been a long, arduous, and sometimes torturous journey. The outstanding issue was the

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President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
As Allegro goes to press, Local 802 and the musicians of the Metropolitan Opera are beginning preparations to ramp up the campaign for a new contract. This is going to be a contentious negotiation. Local 802 has never received a

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President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
As spring turns into summer, let me give an update of Local 802 news and events. We continue to keep our focus on the musicians of the Metropolitan Opera as negotiations promise to be a challenge. At the final concert

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President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
The big news this month is the announcement by the Paul Taylor Dance Company that it will once again be performing with live music, starting with their 2015 season. After decades of performing to recorded music, the company has once

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Tino Gagliardi
As I write these words, I’m on the way to London, visiting our colleagues at the British Musicians’ Union. Among other things, we’re talking about how to protect live musical theatre from producers who are constantly trying to chip away

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President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
Happy summer to all! As Allegro went to press, I had just returned from a conference of the International Federation of Musicians. This organization is a coalition of all musicians’ unions in the world, including the AFM. There were various

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President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
We lost a beautiful soul on Aug. 20, when violinist and Local 802 member Mary Whitaker was taken from us. We were shocked and saddened beyond belief when we learned that Mary was murdered by a pair of deranged thieves

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Enjoy a free concert by the Local 802 Senior Concert Orchestra on Sunday, Nov. 16 at 3 p.m. at Carnegie Hall (in Zankel Hall). Musical director David Gilbert will conduct a program featuring the top musicians in NYC, including a

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Rebekah Sale
  Green is good! We’re happy to report a milestone: the Broadway Green Alliance has now been around for five years. To celebrate, we have planned several activities for Earth Day (April 22) and Earth Week (April 21 to April

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The AFM has developed a new agreement covering professional musicians employed in the making of videogame soundtracks. The new agreement, which extends through December 2016, will be available for use by game publishers and developers upon approval by AFM members,

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Three prominent endorsers of the union’s jazz campaign recently made an appearance at one of New York’s most lively and well-attended churches, where they spread the message about the need for solidarity around the issues faced by the jazz community.

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Recently, Local 802 re-acquired a plaque, originally commissioned in 1947, honoring the 41 members of the union who died in World War II. Any member who may have information about them is asked to contact Bill Rohdin at (917) 405-5381

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How a recent law allows nonprofits to gut their endowments
Harvey Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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Musicians - and all labor activists - need to get serious about climate change
John O'Connor
Almost two years ago, the theaters on Broadway closed in anticipation of Hurricane Sandy as it approached the New York area. Off Broadway shows were also cancelled and the new nightclub that was employing Local 802 members, 54 Below, announced

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Financial Vice President's Report
Tom Olcott
Paul Taylor’s new commitment to live music came with support and encouragement from Local 802. Is this a new model we can strive for? It’s time to celebrate live music. As President Tino Gagliardi recently reported in the President’s Report,

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Financial Vice-President's Report
Tom Olcott
  On page 40 of the printed issue of Allegro is the audited financial report for the period Jan. 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2013. As usual, these reports simply show a snapshot of our finances. In reality, our finances

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The LS-1 contract DUE DATES HAVE CHANGED. ALL LS-1 CONTRACTS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY JAN. 16, 2015 for the MARCH 1 benefit period. The Affordable Health Care Act prohibits a waiting period of more than 90 days between attaining eligibility

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Tributes to Mary Whitaker
This summer, Local 802 member Mary Whitaker’s life was taken from us. On this page, fellow musicians pay tribute to an extraordinary soul. The Local 802 community was shocked and horrified by the news of Mary Whitaker’s death. She was

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Photo Op
What an evening! The New York City Opera Orchestra and Stars celebrated the 70th anniversary of “The People’s Opera” with great fanfare to a rapt crowd on Feb. 21 at New York City Center. “To be able to make music

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Please note: Effective Oct. 1, 2014, the Local 802 health plan will undergo major structural changes to comply with the Affordable Care Act. The changes consist of both coverage and costs. For more information, see LS-1 forms are due

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Performing live at the Local 802 holiday party were Mark Lopeman (sax), Dion Tucker (trombone), Jennifer Vincent (bass), Matt Munisteri (guitar), Adam Witkowski (mandolin) and John O’Connor (guitar & vocals). Local 802 wishes everyone a happy 2014 filled with joy,

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(Can you spot the fake?)
Happy birthday, Mozart! It’s been 258 years since the master was born, on Jan. 27. Recently, the Mozart Residence in Austria exhibited new research on historical photos of Mozart that uncovered some interesting surprises. There are, in fact, not many

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th

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Tom Olcott
Musicians in the freelance classical community have expressed legitimate alarm and complaint about the dwindling number of gigs in recent years. There remains the very real impression that work has steadily evaporated over time. Not only are members understandably upset

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2013-2014 Season Roundup
Tom Olcott
September is always an important month for classical musicians because many of our orchestra contracts expire each year on the unfortunate date of Sept. 11. That date was picked many years ago and harkens back to the time when many

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We are very excited to announce a new company that has been launched for the purpose of booking union bands and musicians for weddings, corporate parties, bar mitzvahs and other events. The company, First Choice Musicians, features a state-of the-art

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Controller's Report
Cathy Camiolo
From Jan. 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2013, Local 802 realized a loss of $99,591. The audited financial statements for this 12-month period appear beginning on page 40 of the printed issue. The Statement of Activities is relatively consistent when

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It's time to take a stand on gun violence
Dave Fallo
On April 20, 1999, I remember watching the news from the comfort of my couch in my apartment in Boston, being broadcast from a high school in Columbine, Colorado. Fifteen young students and teachers were killed by disturbed children with

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Jazz campaign forges ahead as club owners' silence becomes deafening
John O'Connor
The letter below that seven prominent jazz artists sent to the owners and management teams at the Blue Note, the Jazz Standard and Birdland illustrate the commitment that musicians are making to the Justice for Jazz Artists campaign. This letter,

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Financial Vice President's Report
Tom Olcott
  Happy New Year! As we enter 2014, it’s time to look back and examine the best and worst of 2013, from a classical musician’s point of view. THE WORST 1. The New York City Opera declared bankruptcy. Its board

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We asked Local 802 members to tell us...
My favorite music teacher was my great-great Aunt Hilda Johnston. I began playing the piano when I was four years old in a tiny community called Hub, Mississippi. Hub is about 10 miles from the town of Columbia, which is

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Urbie Green is the trombonist’s trombonist. A member of Local 802 since 1954, he is one of the true greats of jazz, among the elite of the world’s players. No one plays a smoother, warmer, more mellow trombone. He was

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  We are very excited to announce a new company that has been launched for the purpose of booking union bands and musicians for weddings, corporate parties, bar mitzvahs and other events. The company, First Choice Musicians, will feature a

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Martha Hyde
  By now, many of you may be aware that the Local 802 plans have been overhauled to ensure that the medical coverage meets minimum value standards under the Affordable Care Act. Since the law was passed Plans A and

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Adam Witkowski
As spring warms up the city, a very busy season for many of Local 802’s members arrives. As we all know, parties, weddings, concert seasons and special events throughout the city’s many parks bring a lot of employment opportunities to

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As we promote live music, hope beats fear
Bruce Ridge
In my opening address to the annual meeting of the International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians in Los Angeles this past August, I noted that for the first time in several years we were commencing our discussions on a

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Creating the Magic at 'Motown: The Musical'
The smiles tell the whole story. Inside Broadway recently presented another Creating the Magic event, bringing about 2,500 public school children into the Lunt Fontanne Theater to peek behind the curtain of “Motown, the Musical.” It was a fascinating and

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It's back to Carnegie Hall for the Senior Concert Orchestra!
Harvey Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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An exclusive interview with the jazz master on his 93rd birthday
Peter Zimmerman
  Clark Terry, the legend of jazz, just turned 93 on Dec. 14, so happy birthday, Clark! He was born in 1920 – the same year as Charlie Parker – and was raised in St. Louis, Missouri. Salvaging materials from

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Recording Vice President's Report
John O'Connor
  It’s hard to think of Pete Seeger as gone. A man who took up the landscape in a very large way for seven decades cannot easily slip away from the way we become accustomed to great living people. Pete

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Controller's Report
Cathy Camiolo
For the six-month period from Jan. 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014, Local 802 realized a gain of $251,330. The audited financial statements for the six-month period appear in the printed issue of Allegro. The Statement of Activities reflects an

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Deanna Witkowski (as told to Bettina Covo)
When it comes to live music, Local 802 puts its money where its mouth is. Each year, the union co-sponsors “Piano in the Park,” which provides gigs for our members under a union contract and allows passersby to enjoy the

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th

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Financial Vice President's Report
Tom Olcott
  I am constantly reminded that Local 802 represents an amazingly diverse array of performers. A list (that is way too short!) includes: Elite headliner recording musicians Commercial and TV performers Broadway musicians (including musicians who double as actors) Concert

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How the law protects musicians when they have "joint employers"
Harvey S. Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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Most other workers are protected by minimum wage laws. Why aren't musicians?
John O'Connor
One of the most effective tools for counterattacking the great disparity of wealth that has risen in this country is the movement for raising the minimum wage in many states and major cities. Recently, Gov. Andrew Cuomo made news by

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Jazz artists may soon have a new ally on their side: New York City Council. Supporters of Local 802’s Justice for Jazz Artists campaign gathered in mid-September to testify before a council committee in support of Resolution 207-A. The resolution,

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Club owner 'roasted' in front of his customers for turning a deaf ear to jazz
Todd Bryant Weeks
Let the roasting begin. Local 802 and the Justice for Jazz Artists campaign recently staged two highly effective demonstrations to pressure Danny Meyer, a major jazz club owner in NYC, to negotiate over pension and other benefits for musicians. For

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New coalition provides a voice and a catalyst
Adam Wtikowski
Open the door slowly!” yells a voice from the other side of a fifth-floor apartment door in Brooklyn. I heed that warning, to find internationally renowned guitarist, composer and bandleader Marc Ribot changing lightbulbs atop a ladder that some might

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We all need health care, but health insurance recently got more complicated – especially for freelance musicians. The Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as the ACA, or Obamacare) just ended its first open enrollment period, and with it one of

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A site for the musicians...and one for the whole industry
Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Tony Bennett, Wynton Marsalis. No, these stars have never played in a Broadway pit. But if you play on Broadway, chances are good that you or the person sitting next to you has played with them

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Dave Elsila
I was 16 years old when I first heard Pete Seeger at a concert in Detroit. His message of peace, freedom, and human rights seemed to pierce the clouds that hung over our country in the dark days of McCarthyism.

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Bettina Covo
Summer Stock Jr. adds new programs while keeping true to its mission: introducing kids to the magic of live musical theatre If change is good, this year’s Summer Stock Jr., presented by Inside Broadway and hosted by Local 802 was

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From classical to contemporary club dates, Spencer Bruno continues to inspire and lead
Woodwind doubler Spencer Bruno, a member of Local 802 since 1973, has paid his dues in more ways than one. He is the executive director and owner of the Lester Lanin Orchestra, the top society band. Spencer worked with Lester

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Sarah Vonsattel
There is always more going on at the Metropolitan Opera House than meets the eye: wig fittings, dance rehearsals, orchestral rehearsals. One particularly busy corner of the Met can be found by descending two stories below the stage level to

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Open to All
How the Symphony of the New World made history
Barbara Steinberg
This article from the February 2014 issue of Allegro magazine...

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More than a half a million people took to the street at the People’s Climate March, which took place in New York City and all across the globe on the first day of fall. As Local 802 musicians performed, protestors

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Bill Scribner, as told to Tom Olcott
When bassoonist Bill Scribner arrived in New York as a young man, he hit gold. He won a chair in the American Symphony under Stokowski and became a busy freelancer. But at the same time, he noticed a lack of

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Happy Birthday, Brahms (1833-1897)
Styra Avins
Styra Avins has been a member of Local 802 since 1961. She is the author of “Johannes Brahms: Life and Letters” (Oxford University Press, 1997/2001) as well as many articles and book chapters concerning Brahms’s life, his correspondence with members

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What can happen when musicians are deemed "panhandlers"
Harvey Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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Trumpet great Vince Penzarella always stays prepared, because great opportunities seem to come up when you least expect it… Trumpeter Vincent Penzarella, a member of Local 802 since 1963, has played with the best. He won a seat in the

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Miguel Santana
Local 802 is now an approved vendor with the New York City public school system and is authorized to negotiate contracts It was a cold day in January when I received a call from Local 802 member Ayodele Maakheru. He

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African-American musicians and the early musicians’ union
Jacob Goldberg
Two factors hampered black musicians from becoming professional musicians in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. First, black musicians did not have the same access to musical education and organization as white musicians. Though African Americans were admitted in

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A lifetime of music has kept Marvin Stamm's eyes and ears always open to new possibilities
Marvin Stamm, a longtime member of Local 802, is a native of Memphis, and a graduate of the well-known North Texas State jazz program. He began his career as trumpet soloist with the Stan Kenton Orchestra, later touring with the

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Andy Schwartz
In order to have a voice, you’ve got to show up. I recently joined union colleagues at the Future of Music Policy Summit at Georgetown University, an annual event that brings together aspiring musicians, representatives from the music industry and

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th

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LADY GOT CHOPS: The Jazz Foundation recently hosted a women’s history month music jam at Local 802 as part of a month-long festival in NYC called “Lady Got Chops.” Featured were Dinah Vero (piano), Julie Bluestone (sax), Monnette Sudler (guitar),

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As the anti-bootlegging law turns 20, artists continue to learn more
Crystal L. Cochren, Esq.
The anti-bootlegging statute, 17 U.S.C. § 1101, was enacted in 1994 to protect against unauthorized recording of live musical performances and trafficking of those unauthorized recordings. Yet, artists still see themselves and their performances in places they have not authorized.

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The one thing we cannot do is give up. Mandela didn't.
John O'Connor
After Nelson Mandela died on Dec. 5, it made me think of a time back in 1990, a few months after he was released from prison. It was one of those indelible events that make the mundane moments of life

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Shane Gasteyer
The New York chapter of the Recording Musicians Association recently held its annual meeting at Local 802 with a look at the state of the recording industry in New York and a discussion of what musicians can do to protect

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What it's like to teach at the high school that inspired "Fame"
Kevin Blancq
I was fortunate to grow up in an environment where creativity was a daily event and music education was a priority and strongly supported. I try to pass this along to the more than 100 students I teach every day

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That’s it really like to be a teaching artist in the New York City public schools? Ayodele Maakheru has been doing it for decades. A member of Local 802 since 1979, Mr. Maakheru plays guitar, banjo, bass, mandolin, ukulele, harmonica

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Fellow musicians flocked to St. Peter’s Church on Jan. 4 to take part in a musical tribute to Frank Wess (1922-2013), who died last Oct. 30 at the age of 91 after being a Local 802 member since 1956. Allegro

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After musician is unjustly arrested by MTA police, Local 802 joins rally
Shane Gasteyer
Is it legal to perform in the subway? The relationship between musicians and MTA police has long been fraught with misunderstanding and inconsistency. This friction was brought to light again in October, when a video (screen shot above) made the

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A remarkable music education program from Venezuela spreads its inspiration to NYC
Lynne Bond and Bettina Covo
“Music has to be recognized as an agent of social development in the highest sense, because it transmits the highest values – solidarity, harmony, mutual compassion. And it has the ability to unite an entire community and to express sublime

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Announcing an iPod drive on Broadway to bring the power of music to Alzheimer's patients
Dave Roth
Over the past couple of years I’ve shared the story of my parents’ struggle with Alzheimer’s disease and so many of you responded with such generosity. Your iPod donations have brought such joy to those suffering from this horrible disease.

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Recording Vice President's Report
John O'Connor
Most everyone can agree that musicians face some challenging times. We’ve seen the music business become much more complex and a much more difficult place to make a living. But for those of us still grinding away, there is one

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PLEASE ALSO READ “NEW WORKS DESERVE SECOND CHANCES” BY WILLIAM BOLCOM We recently asked our members for their thoughts on performing current repertoire. What you told us was thoughtful, provocative and surprising… As a performer, I love working on and

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'How do I notate ethnic flutes and woodwinds?'
David G. Weiss
In my work performing on so-called “ethnic” flutes and woodwinds for live and recording projects, the same questions always come up as I collaborate with composers, orchestrators, and copyists to get a piece ready to be performed or recorded. What’s

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Celebrating 66 years of performances this season, The Little Orchestra Society shares the vitality of live classical music and seeks to build future audiences by presenting innovative concerts that incorporate multiple art forms to foster a deeper understanding and enjoyment

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Martha Hyde
The online health insurance marketplaces of the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) have been live for almost six months. In our region, New York and Connecticut are running their own, while the New Jersey and Pennsylvania marketplaces are being run by

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Adding Arabic tambourine to your composer's bag of tricks
Vin Scialla
I recently presented a percussion demonstration and discussion with string player John T. La Barbera at a seminar at Local 802 entitled “Exotic Instruments, Indigenous Musicians: A New York Composer’s Guide to Writing World Music.” The focus of my presentation

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Why it's important to negotiate a "union security clause" into our contracts
Harvey S. Mars, Esq.
One of the most sensitive subjects in the labor movement is union dues. Any of us who have argued with anti-union friends or relatives has heard the line, “Unions are only after dues; that’s all they want.” But of course

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A conversation with Bobby Porcelli
Peter C. Zimmerman
Bobby Porcelli has paid his dues. Described by his sometime bandleader, the drummer T.S. Monk, as “the most underrated alto player of all time” and a “veritable encyclopedia of jazz discography, especially the bebop era,” Porcelli has worked with everyone

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National Youth Orchestra challenges new musicians to hit the high notes
Lynne Bond and Bettina Covo
  “We have to go and show these people what classical music is. We say sometimes that classical music has a small audience, but it’s because people don’t have the chance to be closer to it.” – Gustavo Dudamel “I

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Organizing Matters
Maggie Russell-Brown
Maggie Russell-Brown is the director of organizing and field services. If you’re playing a job where you feel disrespected or know that you aren’t being paid fairly, contact Maggie at (212) 245-4802, ext. 157 or You can also call

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If you are forced to go on strike - or if you get locked out - these are some things you must know...
Harvey Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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Creative teaching gigs are now available for musicians and other artists
Do you want to use your music to enrich the lives of public school children – while getting paid? Here’s some news: the Actors Fund has come up with a very creative way for musicians and other artists to do

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Shane Gasteyer
As technology advances, finding music gets more and more convenient for consumers. Music fans today have a wide variety of user-friendly platforms through which they can access their favorite music at the click of a button. Internet radio stations offer

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Musicians come together to teach, learn and jam
David Sheldon
Writing music for world instruments was the topic of a recent seminar co-produced by Local 802 and the New York chapter of the Society of Composers and Lyricists. The evening was the second in a series called “Exotic Instruments, Indigenous

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Composer's Corner
William Bolcom
The composer and pianist William Bolcom has won the Pulitzer Prize, the National Medal of Arts and two Grammy Awards, among numerous other accolades. He has been a member of AFM Local 76-493 (Seattle) since 1957. Recent orchestral programming is

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Legal Corner
Harvey Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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Tax tips for musicians
Each year, as the tax season approaches, Allegro publishes these updated tax tips for musicians provided by Local 802’s accounting firm, Gould, Kobrick & Schlapp P.C. OVERVIEW AND HIGHLIGHTS The following outline focuses on aspects of the tax law that

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The West African gyil brings depth to a score
Valerie Naranjo
There was a time when the mere timbre of a traditional non-European instrument was enough to pay sufficient tribute to a “world”-oriented musical work. Thanks to such composers as Lebo M. (“The Lion King”) and Bill Whelan (“Riverdance”), the techniques

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th

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New York City's labor movement comes together
Marvin Moschel
United, we prosper. The New York City labor movement has never been as solid as it is today, but that hasn’t always been the case. As we celebrate the election of a new pro-labor mayor, it’s a good time to

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Radio City Music Hall is alive with the sound of Local 802 musicians performing the annual Christmas Spectacular show with the Rockettes. Musicians play up to six shows a day for nine weeks in this intense holiday gig. Allegro photographer

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In recognition of this milestone, we asked NYC Ballet orchestra members to send their favorite memories...
I joined the New York City Ballet Orchestra as timpanist/percussionist in October 1950. I played there until February 2014 and was also orchestra manager from 1972 until 2012. We performed at New York City Center until 1964, when the company

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Allegro interviews Anthony McGill
From early lessons in Chicago to a top career in New York City, Anthony McGill has kept his focus, his drive and his energy. Anthony McGill is one of the classical music world’s finest solo, chamber and orchestral musicians, and

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Steve Holloway
How do you write something that sounds traditionally ethnic? First, it goes without saying that “ethnic” or “indigenous” compositions of any kind benefit greatly from the input of musicians who are very experienced in those given styles. That’s not to

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Paula Eisenstein Baker
  It’s a muggy Friday afternoon in July 1990, and my husband and I are the only visitors to Block 15 of Old Montefiore Cemetery in Queens. As storm clouds roll across the sky and planes noisily approach JFK, we

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What happens when money, politics and music all get mixed together? Financial Vice President Tom Olcott’s column in our January issue has ignited the passions of our members. In his column, Tom referred to the billionaire Koch brothers. He wrote,

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th

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Andrew Schulman
I’m 62 years old and playing better now than ever because of something that happened to me just over five years ago. In sharing the following steps to this method that unfolded over time, I suggest that it can and

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Scenes of Summer
This summer, music lovers flocked to Washington Square for extraordinary free concerts that featured Local 802 musicians playing under a union contract. Presented by the Washington Square Music Festival, the series offers adventurous programming and unusual instrumentation. The Music Performance

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Legal Corner
Harvey Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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Todd Bryant Weeks
Photos by Jimmy Katz Artistic passion may sometimes seem like a secondary consideration today, especially when faced with a society that rarely rewards originality. But while Rufus Reid’s talents as a bassist – and composer – have continued to win

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Guest Commentary
Kim Roberts Hedgpeth
If you are a recording musician, you get paid in at least two ways when you record for a movie under a union contract. First is the recording session itself when you record the movie soundtrack. The second is the

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Stan Applebaum, the master of arranging, tells his secrets
Spanning almost half a century, Stan Applebaum’s career has been rich and diverse. His compositions and arrangements have earned him numerous awards, including 35 top-ten hits and several number-one singles for extraordinary artists such as Ben E. King, Bobby Vinton,

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Want to play percussion on Broadway? The NYU Percussion Studies Program, under the direction of Local 802 member Jonathan Haas, recently hosted the eighth annual NYU Broadway Percussion Seminar and Summit. The event brings together an array of renowned Broadway

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Janet Lawson
Bebop and scat…blat! Diz…”it’s ‘bout what not to play” Ella was the Queen! Lester and Billie Which one was which, could you tell? Tones…moaning…bending. Bird! Did you hear that? “Blew notes…as they’d never been” Dorough, thanks…you heard! Is there another?

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Harvey Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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Alfred Brown Alfred V. Brown, 84, a violist, violinist, producer, arranger and contractor, died on Nov. 17. He had been a member of Local 802 since 1950. Mr. Brown was a musical trailblazer. He was one of the first African-American

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Workers Memorial Day
Amy Cunningham
We must never forget those who have given their lives for their work. Every year, the labor movement observes Workers Memorial Day on April 28, to commemorate those who have died on their jobs and to focus on making workplaces

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Tax tips for musicians
Can musicians deduct massage therapy? According to IRS Publication 502, medical expenses are the costs of diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and the costs for treatments affecting any part or function of the body. These expenses include

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September 16, 2014 - September 30, 2014
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. by Financial Vice President Olcott. Present: Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Bond. President Gagliardi and Recording Vice President O’Connor

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Scenes of Summer
What happens when every child is given the chance to play music? Last month in Allegro, we presented a story on El Sistema, an innovative music education and social rescue program from Venezuela that has become a global movement. (See

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Live music brings the magic of theatre to kids
Bettina Covo
  What happens when you combine the wonders of live music with the power of live theatre? Magic! Recently, over 3,000 public school children were treated to a special holiday gift – a look behind the curtain into the inner

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Guest Columnist
Walter Gowens, EA
No one wants a big surprise at tax time (that would be a really sour note), which is why this year tax professionals are especially recommending that musicians review their tax situation as soon as possible and make any necessary

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– by Jason Haaheim, principal timpanist It was about 11:40 p.m. on Saturday night, May 3, 2014, and the sweat was already beading up on my forehead. We had just finished our eighth performance of Mozart’s “Così fan Tutte,” and

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How a new approach to bargaining could save more orchestras
Harvey S. Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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Listening to Elaine Douvas
As the principal oboist of the Met Opera since 1977, Elaine Douvas speaks from experience. Equally devoted to her career as a teacher, she has served on the oboe faculty of Mannes, Bard College and Juilliard, where she is chair

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  I joined Local 802 for the whole package, really. The support and networking benefits are fantastic. The union has put me in touch with some great people so far. I would give an arm to play on Broadway, so

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Amiri Baraka (1934-2014) by Todd Bryant Weeks April is jazz Appreciation Month, so it’s an appropriate time to remember Amiri Baraka, who died on Jan. 9 at the age of 79. He was poet laureate of New Jersey and an

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I joined Local 802 for the solidarity of belonging to a union in this very competitive business. After working as an agent and producer for many years, I want to encourage fellow musicians to negotiate better-paying gigs for themselves and

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Herb Davidson Herb Davidson, 83, a member of Local 802 since 1946, died on Feb. 7. Mr. Davidson was a pianist, accordionist, vocalist, composer, arranger and producer. In 1971, Mr. Davidson and his future wife, Charlotte Sanders, founded Charlotte Russe

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The Local 802 softball teams played their hearts out this season. As usual, we competed in the Performing Arts Softball League, which is a 12-team league composed exclusively of Broadway unions and other entertainment professionals in New York City. To

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Photo Feature
The New York Pops was founded by Skitch Henderson in 1983 with a mission to create greater public awareness and appreciation of America’s rich musical heritage through presentation of concerts and education programs of the highest quality. Musicians who perform

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Local 802 and other music industry experts were part of a recent roundtable discussion co-hosted by New York State Assemblyman Joseph R. Lentol (D-North Brooklyn). The talks aimed to better understand how the Empire State Music Tax Credit should be

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Musicians at Work
This free outdoor concert at Shubert Alley in the heart of the theatre district celebrated Broadway with star appearances and exciting performances from over 20 shows – both new and long-running favorites – accompanied by a live 12-piece Local 802

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How labor songs inspire, teach...and even make us laugh
John O'Connor
The Sound Of Solidarity By John O’Connor When we think of labor history, we tend to gravitate to the decades of the industrial revolution when labor struggles were a matter of life and death and the stories of workers battling

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October 15, 2013 - October 22, 2013
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2013 Meeting called to order at 11:15 AM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Boyle. Minutes from

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I joined Local 802 because I’ve recently returned to playing clarinet again, after spending eight years running my own stained glass studio. I look forward to finding opportunities as a sub on A and Bb clarinet for classical, show and

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Michael Chapin
In June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court struck down section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The decision has many tax implications. The federal government now recognizes legally married same-sex unions that were performed in states or foreign

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Skip the pub crawl - go on a "juice crawl!"
Siena Shundi, LCSW-R
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, food stamps and

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SEYMOUR BARAB Seymour Barab, 93, the composer and cellist, died on June 28. He had been a Local 802 member since 1944. Mr. Barab was fascinated by both ends of the musical timeline. His interest in contemporary music led him

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Legal Corner
Harvey Mars, Esq.
Harvey Mars is counsel to Local 802. Legal questions from members are welcome. E-mail them to Harvey Mars’s previous articles in this series are archived at (Click on “Publications & Articles” from the top menu.) Nothing here or

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th

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Local 802 member Ken Robinson was born and bred in the Greater Philadelphia area. Both his parents are musicians and have had professional careers as music teachers. Ken started playing the clarinet when he was seven, the saxophone at 12

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Innocents abroad at the Wagner festival in Germany
Amy Camus
When I developed a fascination for all things Wagner several years ago, a visit to the Festspielhaus opera house in Bayreuth, Germany to see a performance was something I planned for my next life, along with a full-time cook and

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The following bylaw resolutions have been submitted for the Feb. 19 membership meeting. RESOLUTION #1 WHEREAS, Local 802 bargaining units have requested that the amount of attorney’s fees available from the Members Legal Services Fund, (MLS Fund) Article III, Sections

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January 21, 2014 - February 19, 2014
TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2014 Meeting called to order at 11:13 AM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty, Kruvand, Sharman, Assistant to the President Boyle. Minutes from January 14,

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A conversation with Susan Jolles
Susan Jolles has enjoyed a long and varied career as a soloist, chamber musician, orchestral player, teacher and arranger. A founding member of the Jubal Trio, she also appears with her daughter, violinist Renee Jolles, as the Jolles Duo. Jolles

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The Band Room
Bill Crow
The late Bernie Privin was universally admired for his trumpet playing. He was also famous among his colleagues for his acid humor. He specialized in insults long before Don Rickles made a career of it. If you asked Bernie how

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I was a Local 802 member for over 35 years. Work for me dried up and I allowed my membership to lapse. But recently I was at a political rally and realized that one of the few remaining positive political

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SANDOR BALINT (1928-2014) by Duncan Patton The MET Orchestra mourns the passing of Sandor Balint, 86, a member of the Met’s first violin section since 1956 and a member of Local 802 since 1945. He died on June 13. Sandy’s

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th

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Just in time for Beethoven’s 244th birthday on Dec. 16, a new book about the great master was recently written by the composer and author Jan Swafford. Using new sources never before cited in English-language biographies of Beethoven, Swafford reveals

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th

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I joined Local 802 after I won the Waldo DeMayo Competition and performed the Elgar violin concerto with the Local 802 Senior Concert Orchestra, directed by David Gilbert. My musical goal in New York City is to enjoy, collaborate and

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Musicians' Assistance Program
Siena Shundi, LCSW-R
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, housing, food stamps

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Guest Commentary
Marcia Peck
  We are back to work, at last. As most of you know, the musicians of the Minnesota Orchestra recently endured a 16-month lockout. The unprecedented length and severity of the lockout taught us some important lessons, which I’d like

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March 25, 2014 - April 22, 2014
The Executive Board did not meet on April 8, 2014. TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2014 Meeting called to order at 11:07 a.m. by Financial Vice President Olcott. Present: Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Branford, Burridge, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty,

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I joined Local 802 after I missed a music opportunity because I wasn’t a union member at the time. My musical goal in New York City is to eventually replace my day job with playing music. (Sounds cliché, doesn’t it?)

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THEODORE FLOWERMAN Theodore Flowerman, 94, a bassist who also played piano and tuba during his career, died on May 14. He had been a Local 802 member since 1937. Mr. Flowerman started his career with club dates in the Catskills,

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BENJAMIN ALTMAN Benjamin Altman, 95, a violinist and a Local 802 member since 1936, died over the summer on June 25. Mr. Altman was born in the Bronx to Russian immigrant parents. He studied at Curtis, where one of his

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August 5, 2014 - September 9, 2014
TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014 Meeting called to order at 11:03 a.m. Present: President Gagliardi, Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Bond, Political and Public Relations Director Kremen. Political

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How to work with people you don't really like!
Siena Shundi, LCSW-R
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, housing, food stamps

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May 27, 2014 - July 22, 2014
TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014 Meeting called to order at 11:05 AM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cranshaw, Dougherty, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Boyle. Minutes from May

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Peter Zimmerman
  Yusef Lateef, 93, the saxophonist, multi-reed player and flutist, died on Dec. 23. He had been a Local 802 member since 1960. Below, jazz writer Peter Zimmerman remembers Lateef’s versatility, which was really beyond category. Last July, when I

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October 7, 2014 - October 21, 2014
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2014 Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Bond. Minutes

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I joined Local 802 because I got a gig that required it, with the wonderful Trinity Baroque Orchestra. My musical goal is to be a part of New York City’s rise as a center for historical performance. Last winter, I

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Social support can ease the pain. Here's how...
Siena Shundi, LCSW-R
Life as a musician can be exciting and creatively fulfilling, but there’s a lot of unpredictability, which can cause stress. Bands break up, shows close down, work dries up… but rent is still due and life still has to go

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If you or a loved one is abusing drugs, there's help
Siena Shundi, LCSW-R
Do you know someone who’s a user? Research estimates that substance abuse is common in about 10 percent of the general population. But the percentage is much higher in the music industry. Musicians are particularly at risk for substance abuse

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Roger Rhodes
  Al Porcino, 89, a trumpeter and a Local 802 member since 1968, died on Dec. 31. He is survived by his wife Erna Tom, daughters Debra Ogorzaly and Gia Krietzberg, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Take 1. I first

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After touring the country for a couple of years with a few musicals (“Catch Me If You Can,” “Shrek” and “South Pacific”), I decided to settle in NYC and join Local 802. I’m also a member of AFM Local 72-147

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TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 Meeting called to order at 11:07 a.m. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Cranshaw, Cutler, Hyde, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Boyle, Director of Lincoln Center

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The Band Room
Bill Crow
Bassist Ken Rizzo often did travel dates with Julie Budd during the late 90s, usually with Kenny Hassler on drums and Art Weiss on keyboard. He took an offer to fly to Cleveland, hoping to visit the newly opened Rock

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We are very excited to announce a new company that has been launched for the purpose of booking union bands and musicians for weddings, corporate parties, bar mitzvahs and other events. The company, First Choice Musicians, features a state-of the-art

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The Band Room
Bill Crow
If you have called the Recording Department at Local 802 lately, you have probably noticed that the young women answering your calls have a slight foreign accent. The three newest members of the staff there, and one of the new

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Herman “Trigger” Alpert Herman “Trigger” Alpert, 97, the jazz bass player, died on Dec. 21. He first joined Local 802 in 1940.Mr. Alpert played bass with the original Glenn Miller band and was one of its last surviving members. He

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I joined Local 802 after hearing great things about the union from other musicians. I was also intrigued by the benefits and services that come with being a member. I’m always trying to make my presence known in the New

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It's not addictive and can benefit everyone
Siena Shundi, LCSW-R
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, housing, food stamps

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th

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Musicians' Assistance Program
Siena Shundi, LCSW-R
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, housing, food stamps

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The Band Room
Bill Crow
Pete Seeger left a large footprint when he went away. I first knew him from a record I used to own, “Darlin’ Corey.” I loved his singing and his driving banjo line. I met him when the group that made

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We are in awe of our musical elders, especially saxophonist Fred Staton, who recently celebrated his 99th birthday on Feb. 14 at Local 802. Fred was serenaded by the Harlem Blues and Jazz Band (pictured above; Fred Staton is seated

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The Band Room
Bill Crow
The late Joe Wilder, who died on May 9 at the age of 92, was the “gentleman of jazz,” dearly loved by everyone who knew him. Ed Berger’s new book on Joe, titled “Softly, With Feeling,” is a fine tribute

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October 29, 2013 - November 26, 2013
NOTE: The Executive Board did not meet on Tuesday, November 5, 2013. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2013 Meeting called to order at 11:16 AM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cranshaw,

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The Band Room
Bill Crow
Back in the 1950s, when I was with Gerry Mulligan’s quartet, we played a week at the Village Gate opposite Dizzy Gillespie’s quintet. Woody Allen was the comedian on the bill, just starting his career as a standup. When Woody

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Bill Crow
When I first moved to New York in 1950, Local 802 was located on Sixth Ave. in the West 50s. We had two floors of a building: one for offices and one for the “exchange floor,” which was a large

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I re-joined Local 802 because I was asked to play with the Trinity Baroque ensemble at St. Paul’s Chapel, and the job requires union membership. My musical goal in NYC is to help further the early music scene, where historically

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Musicians' Assistance Program
Siena Shundi, LCSW-R
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, housing, food stamps

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When musicians are front and center, it’s better for everyone. Local 802 musicians were recently featured in costume and on stage for an Off Broadway revival of Brecht’s “The Threepenny Opera” at the Atlantic Theater from March 12 to May

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December 10, 2013 - January 14, 2014
NOTE: The Executive Board did not meet on the following dates: Dec. 3, Dec. 24 and Dec. 31. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2013 Meeting called to order at 11:09 AM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor,

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Band Room
Bill Crow
The late Frank Wess, who died last Oct. 30 at the age of 91, was nicknamed “Magic” by his colleagues. He certainly worked wonders with his saxophone and flute. I first met him when I was at Birdland with the

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I joined Local 802 because my dad was a bandleader and a lifelong member of the musicians’ union until he passed. I know he would encourage me to join the union. I intend to educate myself and take advantage of

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Musicians' Assistance Program
Siena Shundi, LCSW-R
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling – both one-on-one and in groups – as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, housing, food stamps

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February 18, 2014 - March 18, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Meeting called to order at 11:14 AM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Burridge, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Schwartz, Sharman. Minutes from February 11, 2014 reviewed. It was

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The Band Room
Bill Crow
A few years ago, Howard Danziger had a solo piano gig in the lobby of the Grand Hyatt Hotel on 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. The hours were 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., a “power breakfast” session. The piano was

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The following bylaw resolution has been submitted for the June 11 membership meeting; see back cover for meeting details. (Note: underline denotes added language. Strikethrough denotes deleted language.) Article III, Section 3 (b) Members suspended, or terminated for a period

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Band Room
Bill Crow
The jazz world lost master guitarist Jim Hall in December, and it struck close to home for me. I had a deep connection with Jim both musically and personally, and I’m overwhelmed by the loss. We met when he came

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The Band Room
Bill Crow
In March 20, which would have been Marian McPartland’s 96th birthday, a program of remembrance and celebration of her life and career in jazz was presented by the 92nd Street Y and South Carolina ETV Radio, the co-producer of Piano

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