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Currently Browsing: 2009,
Can You Spare $2 for the Arts?
The American Federation of Musicians is launching a very important initiative this month: the $2 political fundraising drive. The $2 drive is designed to strengthen AFM politically, allowing AFM to better fight for the protection and promotion of music and
See all events and exhibitions below, or download calendar of events. EXHIBITIONS Beyond Swastika and Jim Crow Museum of Jewish Heritage 36 Battery Place, NYC 10280 Opens May 1 Sun. – Tues. & Thurs. 10 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. Wed.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Voting is every citizen’s right and obligation. It is important that you make your voice heard in every primary and general election. Below is a list of Local 802’s endorsements to date. More candidates will be added shortly. As civic
PREMIUM SUBSIDY PURSUANT TO THE AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT In accordance with a law enacted on February 17, 2009, the Federal government now provides a 65% COBRA premium subsidy for eligible employees who are involuntarily terminated from employment between
The Employee Free Choice Act
From the New Jersey State AFL-CIO
With the Employee Free Choice Act being introduced into both the House and Senate (H.R. 1409 & S. 560) on March 10, 2009, yesterday marked a great day for working families all across the nation that wish to exercise their
Don’t Let the Governor Tax Your Health Care Plan!
In the 2009-2010 New York State Budget, Governor Paterson seeks to impose a $1 tax fee for every medical, dental, or vision claim or prescription drug benefit over $20. The New York State Budget must be approved by the New
It’s Time to Make Your Voice Heard
Local 802 Elections
Local 802’s election of officers and delegates will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009, for a term of office beginning Jan. 1, 2010. The offices open for election are: president, financial vice president, recording vice president, nine Executive Board
Local 802 Election Results
Unprecedented: The Musical Making of a President
Black History Month
Pete Seeger (center) with his grandson Tao at left and Bruce Springsteen at right, singing “This Land is Your Land” at the celebration for Barack Obama two days before his inauguration, at the Lincoln Memorial. When James Weldon Johnson wrote
The Arts Mean Business
How investing in culture revs up our economic engines
IN THE LONG RUN “The deficit worriers have it all wrong. Under current conditions, there’s no trade-off between what’s good in the short run and what’s good for the long run; strong fiscal expansion would actually enhance the economy’s long-run
Justice For Jazz Artists
Musicians and union ratchet up their campaign.
Pianist Danny Mixon, who joined Local 802 in 1993, jams at the annual “Great Night in Harlem” benefit for the Jazz Foundation. Photo by Enid Farber. PETITION FOR PENSION TO: New York’s jazz club owners and operators FROM: The New
A Healthy Contract
Musicians in NYC Ballet win major health provisions in new agreement
Photo by Paul Kolnik “I’d like to thank the committee for the new contract. I think everyone knows how important it is to have better benefits at this time. You guys did a great job!” — Bin Lu, violinist with
Ticket Tax Torn Up!
Entertainment unions claim victory for working artists
We did it! As Allegro goes to press, Local 802 and other entertainment unions can claim an important and at least partial victory in the ongoing battle over the state budget: the governor and legislature have taken off the table
Keeping Broadway Working
Broadway musicians ratify new promo agreement
Publicity helps everyone. That’s something that a majority of Broadway musicians agreed upon when they ratified a new promotional agreement with Broadway producers on April 18. The agreement allows the promotional use of captured material from Broadway performances and rehearsals
Cracking the Digital Code
Special Payments Fund hopeful about future
When superstar Carrie Underwood sells CD’s or downloads, the Special Payments Fund collects. If you’re a musician who plays on union recording sessions, you know that this August you’ll receive a check from the Sound Recording Special Payments Fund. The
The Union Makes Us Strong
In a sour economy, Local 802 is more importan than ever
Economists are calling the last ten months the worst economic downturn since the great depression of the 1930’s. In this setting Local 802 has been more important to professional musicians than ever before. Without a union contract, you are at
Yes, They Play ‘Stairway to Heaven’
Organizing the annual Led Zeppelin tribute concert on Long Island
Brent Havens (center) conducting “The Music of Led Zeppelin,” an annual show in Long Island. The concert had threatened to go nonunion this year. How does the union turn a nonunion gig into a union one? The answer begins with
Taking It to the Street
Supporters make a joyful noise at the Sept. 29 rally. Photos by Enid Farber. Amiri Baraka The city heard Local 802 loud and clear when we took our jazz campaign to Greenwich Village on Sept. 29. More than 100 area
Good Morning, Vietnam!
First-hand account of NY Philharmonic's historic tour
Photos by David Finlayson below article When Allegro first asked me to write about the recent New York Philharmonic trip to Hanoi, the parallels to last year’s North Korean adventure were immediately apparent: two foreign wars, two divided Asian countries
The Jazzman, the Boxer and the Pitcher
Black History Month
VISIT ARMSTRONG’S HOUSE! Louis Armstrong’s longtime home in Corona, Queens, is now open to the public, offering guided tours six days a week. Come visit the home of the world’s most famous jazz musician! The Louis Armstrong House Museum is
In Support of Marriage Equality
Looking at the larger picture – and taking action
As a core value, organized labor fights to ensure respect, dignity and equality of working men and women. Implicit in union contracts is the guarantee that all who work under them receive equal protection. Likewise, throughout history, many social movements
A System That’s Really Sick
The political economy of collective bargaining, part 2
How often does your boss cry “rising health costs” as a main reason for denying you a raise? So often that it seems normal? Well, that’s what employers would like workers to believe. But the truth is that employers take
Working Together, We Win
Musicians who work for ‘Wonder Pets!’ get contract
The “stars” of “Wonder Pets!” From left, Turtle Tuck, Linny the Guinea Pig and Ming-Ming Duckling. Musicians who work for the children’s TV show “Wonder Pets!” are set to achieve their first union contract, ending a campaign that began more
Arts – and Politics – in Motion
Music & Politics
JAMMIN’! Local 802 member Wynton Marsalis dazzled and inspired his audience with a moving lecture mixed with performance titled “The Ballad of the American Arts.” The 22nd Annual Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts & Public Policy was presented to a
‘Can you play ‘Piano Man’?
Working for a living as a hotel musician
DEBBIE ANDREWS (piano and vocals) performs at Peacock Alley in the Waldorf Astoria (50th Street and Park Avenue) from 5:30 to 7:30pm, Monday to Friday. RICH JENKINS (piano) and KURT WIETING (piano) alternate nights in the Astor Court at
Drumming Up Justice
How did Max Roach's missing drums turn up in a barn?
Harvey Mars, Esq. Max Roach’s drums (above) were found in a Tennessee barn, where they had been hidden. The Deputy Sheriff who had his hand on the top of the gun holstered at his side looked at me and said
Mark Lesko Honors His Promise
The success of our organizing victory with the Led Zeppelin tribute at the Brookhaven Amphitheater was due in no small part to political allies, including Brookhaven Town Supervisor Mark Lesko. Since taking office in April 2009, Lesko has kept his
Making Sense of it All
A brief economic explanation for rising health costs
Figure 6. Check out how health care premiums easily outpaced wages and inflation from 1999 to 2008. Back in 2000, premium rates for family coverage cost nearly $540 per month. By 2007, that figure soared near $1,010 per month (or $1,068
‘Wonder Pets!’ deal is a breakthrough
by Fred Barton I’ve been doing children’s TV since 1989. Since the advent of MIDI, the average low-level children’s show (i.e. not “Sesame Street”) consisted of a single employee — the composer — who was also the MIDI performer. It
Broadway on Pay-Per-View? Yes, and it’s Union!
Broadway’s on TV and it’s going to be union. Local 802 has negotiated an agreement with Broadway Worldwide, Inc., an entity that plans to do full-length pay-per-view broadcast of Broadway productions. The organization is the inspiration of Bruce Brandwen, who
Left Behind: ‘Why didn’t you guys call me?’
Organizing Matters
This is a story of opportunities lost. It begins in 1998, when employment levels in overall film production in New York started to slide downward between 5 and 10 percent per year. In response, New York entertainment unions – acting
‘Tony n’ Tina’ Tries to Divorce Local 802
Musicians fight back, winning a contract
“Tony n’ Tina” musicians feel the union spirit. From left, Alden Terry, Tony Ventura, Sharon Kenny and Ray Grappone. Photo by Walter Karling. The wedding is back on! Local 802 has successfully settled a dispute with the new producers of
Westchester Philharmonic Wins First Union Contract
New agreement mirrors union’s freelance scale
The musicians of the Westchester Philharmonic recently ratified their first collective bargaining agreement with Local 802. The new two-year contract, which runs through June 30, 2010, came about as a result of changes taking place at the artistic level of
A New Agreement — and New Model — for the ACO
Robert Chausow and Carolyn Wenk-Goodman, members of the ACO. A new agreement has been reached between the American Composers Orchestra and Local 802. This agreement adheres to the same wages as the other major freelance orchestras. (See the Wage & Contract
Equal Justice Under the Law!
On April 16th, Governor Paterson held a press conference to formally introduce legislation that would grant same-sex couples the same legal recognition afforded to partners of the opposite sex. The press conference was a bold call to action and I
The Future’s In Our Hands
On the horizon: an expanded right to form unions
TIME TO ORGANIZE: Above, the SEIU’s Theo Jackson before he speaks at a rally supporting the Employee Free Choice Act in February. Photo by Kate Thomas/SEIU via What time is it? Time to organize! And for the first time
A Stimulating Time
What’s in Obama’s plan for you
It’s a scary moment in history. The recession has affected the livelihoods of everyone. Many of us have pinned some hope on President Obama’s stimulus plan — the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act — signed on Feb. 17. The stimulus
President’s Report
Organize or Die
I got an e-mail from our controller, Ira Goldman, several days ago. It was a two-sentence message: “What can be done about a membership drive? Numbers are declining.” Ira is looking at the problem of declining membership from purely a
Building Trust
How the union is stepping up its Justice for Jazz Artists campaign
Junior Mance is part of the solution: he’s a member of the union’s Jazz Advisory Committee. When we regard our local with an unclouded eye, one of the things with which we must come to terms is the notion that
Feeling Healthy?
Why musicians need health care reform now
In 2006, I was diagnosed with cancer when a large tumor was discovered in my chest. I remember my initial surgery following the discovery of the tumor. I had researched what the surgery would likely cost and discovered that the
The Heat is On
Jazz campaign on the move
Reggie Workman. Photo by Walter Karling. Now’s the time.” That’s a famous Charlie Parker tune and also our demand. Now’s the time for club owners to do the right thing. This fall marks a turning point in the union’s “Justice
Bill Thompson for Mayor! Here’s Why…
Music & Politics
For this year’s mayoral race, Local 802 endorses Bill Thompson. While the vast majority of the feedback we’ve received about this has been positive, a small group of members took us to task for not going with whom they perceived
President’s Report
Honoring a Friend by Helping Others
An event honoring Jim Claffey becomes a way to donate to a worthy cause Most members are aware that since the time of the Moriarity administration, Local 802 has tried to build closer relationships with other entertainment unions. One of
President’s Report
Pain or Gain? Short Term vs. Long Term Thinking
Now that I have been serving as president of Local 802 for almost three years, I’ve developed a few opinions about the state of our union. It’s easy to place the blame for our conflicts on the events of the
The Political Economy of Collective Bargaining: Health Care
The function and purpose of every union is to act in the interests of its members. To put it another way, the purpose of the union is to secure respect. Respect for the members’ time in the form of good
President’s Report
Tough Times
Although the holiday season is upon us, the atmosphere is distinctly un-jolly. The stock market continues its gyrations, unemployment has begun to skyrocket and the call for a bailout for various segments of the economy continues. One can easily understand
Representing All Musicians, All the Time
President's Report (“Organize or Die” revisited)
Question: “Should Local 802 membership be limited to musicians who work under a certain number of union contracts, or should membership continue to be open to anyone who wants to join?” That was what we asked members this month in
President’s Report
A Wonderful Musician…and a Good Union Member, Too
He is a prince among men, a gentle and kind soul. I won’t identify him now, but he is the kind of player that has name recognition outside our membership. In other words, he has “star power.” He’s a little
President’s Report
Elections on the Horizon
2009 is an election year at Local 802. Later this year there will also be important local and municipal elections in New York and New Jersey. Elections are always important whether at the national level or within a union local
It Pays to Work Union!
Union collects over $3 million for members
If you’ve ever tried to sue someone in court — and then tried to collect on the judgment — you know what a hassle that is. Sometimes it’s impossible. But musicians who work under union contracts don’t have to worry
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Letters must be 300 words or less. Send them to Allegro, c/o Local
Now’s the Time! Jazz Campaign Gets Cooking
From left: Benny Powell, Jommy Owens and Sean Lyons. All photos by Walter Karling. Are you ready for Sept. 29? Local 802’s Justice for Jazz Campaign begins a major initiative on Sept. 29. It’s time for New York City’s jazz
It’s a Deal!
John W Engeman Theatre agrees to 802 contract
The John W. Engeman Theatre in Northport, Long Island. Until this year, the 400-seat John W. Engeman Theater in Northport, Long Island, was a nonunion venue for musicians. Happily, that’s changed now. For nearly a year, Principal Theatre Rep Mary
Supporting the Arts Industry Helps Everyone
It's a no-brainer: Albany should not cut the arts
JAZZ AMBASSADOR: What’s the mayor of Assisi, Italy (far right) doing with Paul Molloy, Christine Quinn and Douglas Purviance, the manager of the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra? Paul Molloy explains: The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra has been traveling to Assisi every summer
Jazz is the Backbeat of New York City
Recording Vice-President's Report
The jazz rally on Sept. 29 brought out the best in us. Photo by Enid Farber. Jazz musicians – and clubs – need our help to make sure they’re both supported Jazz lives! On Sept. 29, Local 802 and the
‘This Is About Respect’
What's at stake with the union's jazz campaign
‘Had the jazz community known more about pension, I’m sure that the legends – like Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis, Milt Jackson and Betty Carter – might have lived longer and better.’ In an open letter, bassist Bob Cranshaw spells out
Avoiding a Budgetary Disaster
President's Report
As I write this column, the economic downturn continues and the consequences of the recession are being felt, not only in the personal finances of all citizens, but also in the budgets of state and local governmental bodies. Here in
Solid Gains in a New Contract
Local 802 member and saxophonist Sean Lyons helped organize theaching artists at Midori & Friends, winning a union contract. After five sessions and over a dozen hours at the negotiating table, Local 802 and Midori & Friends — an educational
Weathering the Storm
Financial Vice-President's Report
As the recession continues to maintain a tenacious grip on the economy, I am happy to report that year-end numbers for Local 802 indicated a significant surplus. We ended 2008 in the black by $477,000. There are several reasons for
What? You Haven’t Been Paid Yet?
The Concert Department has been receiving a distressing number of calls from musicians who have not been paid for various jobs worked in the past year. None of these jobs were filed under a Local 802 union contract. What can
Earth Day: Tree Huggers Unite!
The images of the Cuyahoga River on fire were a wake-up call to many Americans. Earth Day is around the corner (it’s April 22) – and to the extent that any of us pay attention to it, it’s a pretty
Recording Department Breaks New Record
As the economy began to slide last year, and as recording work started a downward turn, Local 802’s Recording Department was still able to collect the most money for musicians in union history. The total number — which includes grievances,
Let’s Agree to Disagree
Keeping it civil when engaging in politics
What compels our members to engage in civic participation? I’ve asked myself that question many times since I began working here 14 months ago. The reasons our members take up one cause and not another vary from person to person.
Looking for Health Care? We’ve Got Options
Musicians' Assistance Program
One of the major challenges in this country is providing accessible health care for everyone. Fortunately, those in the entertainment profession have the Actors Fund, which offers programs, services and other useful resources for the exploration of affordable health insurance
Let’s Honor Ted Kennedy by Fighting for Worker’s Rights
Respect Now!
Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009 Ted Kennedy was a champion for workers for all his political career. I first shook his hand when I was only seven. He was behind his war hero brother who was running for president. I still have
For the Next Generation, Classical Music is a Click Away
Tan Dun composed the “YouTube Symphony.” Photo by Nan Watanbe. What’s one way to get the next generation excited about classical music? Put it on YouTube. The popular video site just completed its YouTube Symphony project, which let musicians upload
Allegro wins top awards in contest
Let’s toot our own horn just for a second. Allegro was awarded best labor newspaper in its circulation class by the International Labor Communications Association, an umbrella group of labor publications. Allegro also won a number of other top writing
A New Way To Audition
Earlier this year, members of the New York Philharmonic — including myself — were involved in judging entries for the “YouTube Symphony.” (Other orchestras participating in the process were the Berlin Philharmonic, San Francisco Symphony and Hong Kong Philharmonic.) We
Keeping Stable During Tough Times
Financial Vice-President's Report
The challenging economic environment has affected all of us – including Local 802. As you know all too well from your personal experience, there has been a serious decline in the amount of work being offered to members. This translates
Click for flyer Members and friends are invited to Local 802’s annual holiday party on Wednesday, December 16, starting at 5 p.m. at the union. Make a donation and win a prize! Join us for refreshments, live music and holiday
Honey and Liquid Fire
African-American composers and the classical tradition
Clarence Cameron White Put the words “music” and “Harlem Renaissance” into a web search engine and you’ll learn of the triumph of jazz and of bandleader Duke Ellington — one of the most prolific composers in American history. Indeed, jazz
Reading, Writing and Rhythm
Creative teaching gigs available to musicians and other artists
IN A NUTSHELL • Musicians and other artists can earn $154.97 per school day for subbing in the New York Public Schools. • The subbing is through a special program where you can use your music as part of your
Keeping the Union Strong
Controller's Report
It’s hard to believe another year has gone by. The financial statements reflect an increase in net assets of $477,303 for 2008 as compared to $529,519 for 2007. The income side was primarily responsible for this surplus. However, as good
Requiem: We’ll Remember You
Gerry Niewood and Coleman Mellet
Local 802 mourns the loss of two members who died on Continental Connection Flight 3407 near Buffalo on Feb. 12. Saxophonist Gerry Niewood, 65, and guitarist Coleman Mellett, 34, were both members of the Chuck Mangione band and the Radio
The Long Haul
After 250 concerts, 'Highlights in Jazz' keeps its groove
At top, Jack Kleinsinger, at a recent “Highlights in Jazz Concert” at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center. Bottom, clarinetist Anat Cohen and plectorist Howard Alden. Photos by Jim Eigo. It’s jazz time! Seven years ago, Branford Marsalis and the Smithsonian
Giving Unions a Bad Name
Organizing Matters
Having worked 30 years as a full-time staff member at various unions, I have had to confront the stereotype of the corrupt and inefficient union. One doesn’t remain a union organizer for very long unless one can ignore that particular
802 Legal Corner
If you are a Broadway musician and your show closes, can you apply for unemployment? Yes. While you are collecting unemployment, can you sub on other Broadway shows, teach lessons, and play other freelance gigs? Yes, but your unemployment check
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Letters must be 300 words or less. Send them to Allegro, c/o Local
A Stroll Down Off Broadway
Organizing Notebook
Benefits? Yes! Better Wages? Yes! If you get called to play an Off Broadway production or a reading, call Mary Donovan at (212) 245-4802, ext 156. Give us the chance to improve your wages and make it a union contract.
Touchdown! New York musicians a part of TV history
Who do you call when you need the best musicians to record for the biggest event on TV…with one week’s notice? Answer: New York City musicians. That’s exactly what happened for this year’s SuperBowl. According to reliable data, this year’s
Challenges Ahead
Controller's Report
We have just completed the six-month audit for 2009, which shows a decrease in net assets of $17,124. Income has decreased almost $450,000 from the revenues as of June 30, 2008 due to the 2008-2009 economy. Expenses have also been
Getting Noticed: New Ideas for the Musican’s Résumé
My inbox receives a continual stream of junk mail that assures me that the one thing that is most lacking in my life is the condition of my resume, and that, if I will only pay them $29.99 a month,
Bad Borrowing
Instruments were entrusted to a friend. Now it’s time to return them.
When I was growing up, I often “borrowed” items belonging to my sisters without their knowledge or permission. Upon discovery of my actions, when they implored me to return it, I would retort, “Possession is nine-tenths of the law.” This
Not Just for the Fun of It
Legal Corner
CAN YOU HELP? More than three years ago — on Nov. 2, 2005 — Local 802 won a $33,015 federal court judgment against Broadway producer Marty Bell and his company Chef’s Theatre Holdings for wages and benefits owed to musicians for work performed
Should Membership in Local 802 be Open to All?
Beat on the Street
This month, we asked Local 802 members the following question: “Should Local 802 membership be limited to musicians who work under a certain number of union contracts, or should membership continue to be open to anyone who wants to join?”
Orchestra of St. Luke’s Sets the Pace — Again!
Photo by Carol Cohn The Orchestra of St. Luke’s and Local 802 have reached a tentative agreement over terms and conditions for their successor contract. In 2004, during their prior contract negotiation, St. Luke’s asked to do a four-year deal
When Artists Come Knocking
Pounding the pavement - and pounding on doors - for the arts
This article from the April 2009 issue of Local 802's Allegro magazine...
If There’s No Contract, See You in Court!
If you work a nonunion recording session and get stiffed, sometimes the union can still help. When there’s no union contract to back you up, civil court can sometimes be an option. And often, Local 802 reps can accompany you
President’s Report
When Life Gives You Lemons…
Health fund a bright spot in otherwise down economy Our challenges continue as the economy begins to stabilize (we hope). Although the stock market has recovered somewhat from the lows immediately after the financial collapse, it has a long way
Bylaw Proposals
The following two resolutions have been submitted for the October membership meeting. Resolution #1 Whereas Article I, Section 7(n) of Local 802’s bylaws for forty years provided that any donations and contributions to any organization in excess of $100 per
Pounding the Pavement to Make a Change
Ethan Fein with Michael Lamb and Gina Strickland. It takes work to make change. This summer, a crew of the Local 802 Power Boosters and I went on a bus to Washington D.C. to lobby Congress. Our mission was to
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Letters must be 300 words or less. Send them to Allegro, c/o Local
CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT ETHAN FEIN: I’m a guitarist, Executive Board member and activist. I joined the Broadway Theatre Committee in 1982, when I began an 18-year run at “Cats.” I became committee chairman and “Cats” house contractor, also playing club
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Letters must be 300 words or less. Send them to Allegro, c/o Local
‘Standing on the Shoulders of Those Who Came Before Me’
Member Spotlight
Local 802 member Ricky Gordon submitted this essay about one of our most famous members. HONORING A LEGEND: On Nov 19, the New York City Council honored legendary jazz musician Bill Lee at City Hall with a proclimation of his life’s
Got Drugs?
To Your Health
We’ll all retire someday. For those of us without any other health insurance, Medicare will be a lifeline. Below, Allegro continues its series on the ins and outs of Medicare. This month: how Medicare’s drug benefit works. Did you know
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters published here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Letters must be 300 words or less. Send them to Allegro, c/o Local
Hotel Musicians Settle New Contract, with Perfect
Musicians have ratified the successor agreement to Local 802’s hotel contract. The agreement currently covers more than 40 musicians who perform in more than a dozen Manhattan hotels, and is the standard for all other steady work taking place within
A Brief History of Collective Bargaining
Knowledge is Power
UNION MEMBERSHIP RATES BY STATE, 2008 ANNUAL AVERAGES LABOR UNION MEMBERSHIP BY SECTOR: 1985 TO 2007 UNION DENSITY 1880 TO 2008 Working people in the U.S. formed, joined, or participated in unions well before the Supreme Court’s ruling in NLRB
League and 802 Settle Over Stagehands’ Strike
The Executive Board of Local 802 has accepted a settlement of a grievance for musicians who lost work as a result of the stagehands’ strike in 2007. Readers will remember that when stagehands walked out, Local 802 members were instructed
Charges, Bylaws and Common Sense
Recording Vice-President's Report
Looking past political agendas to do what we’re elected to do: fight for musicians! The Local 802 membership meeting on June 10th was crowded and contentious – far more contentious than I believe it needed to be. A good portion
President’s Report
As Elections Approach, Let’s Take Stock
This fall, we will be entering a new election cycle at Local 802. I stepped forward in 2006 because I believed that this organization was on a wrong course. That is certainly not an opinion that is universally shared, but
“I Can Deduct CD Production, Right?”
Website only bonus story
The following article first appeared in the February 2007 edition of International Musician, the official newspaper of the American Federation of Musicians. Recently, there has been an explosion in independent CD recordings, often made at a musician’s own expense on
President’s Report
Strategies for Keeping the Union Strong
As I write, I have just returned from Norfolk, Virginia where I attended the annual conference of the International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians(ICSOM). This is the first year I have been able to attend and I think it
Quick Notes
ARTS AND SMARTS The New York Times recently reported that New York City high schools with the highest graduation rates also offered students the most arts education. Among other findings, schools in the top third typically hired 40 percent more
Looking for Housing?
How does $635 a month sound to you?
Are you a single musician looking for housing? We have some news! There’s a terrific new affordable housing opportunity for single adults who work in performing arts and entertainment. Studio apartments in the brand-new facility known as Schermerhorn House, in
How to Pack a Room
Organizing Matters
Because we believe that a well-informed membership is key to assertiveness in contract enforcement and organizing, Local 802 is in the knowledge business. Knowing more about union benefits and contracts strengthens the union and the bargaining position of every musician.
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters published here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Letters must be 300 words or less. Send them to Allegro, c/o Local
‘Power Boosters’ United!
Music & Power
The Local 802 Power Boosters have established a good track record over the last nine months or so. An early activity was actually a non-activity. When the campaign on behalf of the “WonderPets!” orchestra needed people to picket the headquarters
Fighting to Save the Arts
Recording Vice President's Report
On Feb. 4, I and some 25 other Local 802 members and representatives of arts organizations traveled to Albany to urge changes in Gov. Paterson’s proposed state budget. I spoke before a joint Assembly and Senate committee on the arts
Making History
Digging into memories and archives can help union members win a case
Can words have history? In the world of union contracts, the answer is yes. Almost every phrase or topic in a union contract can be said to have a “collective bargaining history.” It is literally the history of how the
Do you take the subway? The MTA has voted to raise fares by at least 25 percent on New York City subways, buses, Metro North and the Long Island Railroad. It took this step because our state legislators in Albany
AFM May Collect Dues on ‘Promulgated’ Contracts
A federal judge recently ruled that it’s proper for the AFM to collect work dues on promulgated agreements. So what is a “promulgated” agreement? It’s an agreement that doesn’t involve face-to-face bargaining with either an individual employer or a group
It’s Crunch Time for Health Reform
Recording Vice-President's Report
In order to achieve results, we have to make our voices heard in D.C. The next few months may well determine if the United States will remain a third world country when it comes to its citizens’ health care needs.
Election Countdown: A Call for Thoughtful Debate
Readers will observe from the ads and other content in this issue that we are approaching a new election here at Local 802 and that campaigns are heating up. For many, the reaction is one of dread, in anticipation of
Health Insurance News and Tips
Thinking about your health? Local 802 and the Actors Fund recently co-hosted a seminar on getting and keeping health insurance. A union rep explained how the Local 802 health benefits plan works, including an overview of what services are covered.
He Said, She Said
Unions enjoy free speech during a labor dispute
During many labor disputes, tempers and emotions run high on both sides of the fence. Rhetoric exchanged between labor and management often becomes imbued with heated invective and hyperbole. Unfortunately, this renders the situation ripe for defamation claims. Fortunately, however,
Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?
The French Quarter was deserted after Hurricane Gustav hit New Orleans. Three Years After Katrina – and Four Months After Gustav – Musicians in the Big Easy Tell Their Stories Last fall marked the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. New
Help! I Need a Wedding Band! Fast!
We’re not a booking agency, but from time to time, Local 802 receives requests for live music, mostly from the general public looking to hire musicians for weddings, private parties and corporate events. Sometimes we receive calls from other unions
Meeting of the Minds
Much food for thought at membership meeting
It wasn’t official, but the Feb. 11 membership meeting stirred up vigorous debate and put out a lot of food for thought. The crowd was just a handful short of quorum — and indeed, the subject of quorum was one
Taking On Parkinson’s
A bright ray of hope after years of darkening clouds
It’s hard to believe that seven years have passed since my first article about Parkinson’s disease appeared in Allegro. I ended then with an offer for sale of my wonderful tuba that I knew the disease would keep me from
Holding Hands with the Next Generation
Labor History Month
Pete Seeger at 90 is still inspiring others. Photo courtesy Clearwater. The lifelong labor and music activist Pete Seeger turns 90 on May 3 and a star-studded group of his friends and fellow musicians will celebrate with him at Madison
A Man With a Plan: Listening to Wade Barnes
Wade Barnes: “Jazz was always my father’s music, and he always laughed at us because we were singing stuff that he considered trite.” The Brooklyn based drummer Wade Barnes has been taking advantage of his American Federation of Musicians, Local
‘A Musician Never Retires’
Feature interview with Stanley Drucker
This article from the September 2009 issue of Allegro magazine...
On the Top of Our List: Musicians’ Jobs!
Recording Vice-President's Report
Everyone’s hope is that the current recession, reportedly the deepest since the Great Depression, is coming to an end. The drop in our members’ jobs has been as bad as right after 9/11. There are however some glimmers of hope.
It’s Time to Focus on Drinking Problems
Musicians' Assistance Program
Do you drink too much? How much is too much? Alcohol, when consumed responsibly, is not a bad thing. Wine can be a fine compliment to a meal; it can be part of a religious celebration or a special accent
Before You Hit Bottom, Make a Change Now
Musicians' Assistance Program
Last month’s article looked at the signs that point to the possibility of an alcohol abuse problem. This month, we are addressing behavior modification and the avoidance of possible dangerous situations. During the holidays, we are inevitably faced with additional
Free Health Care?
Medicaid may give you the help you need
Do you qualify for Medicaid? For the answer or for more information, call Local 802’s Musicians’ Assistance Program at (212) 397-4802 and ask to speak to Cindy Green, the union’s social worker. Times are tough. We are in an economic
The More Things Change…
What do the two pictures to the right have in common? Answer: both are examples of fake music. The photo on the bottom is from the front page of Allegro in February 1984. It shows “Sally,” a robot pianist and
Musicians at Work
Photo by Wire Image PETE SEEGER’S 90th BIRTHDAY BASH May 3 • Madison Square Garden Members of the “Saturday Night Live” orchestra performed as the house band. “Times have changed a lot since I was a kid, growing up in
The Pen is Mightier than the Sword
New law offers promise of protection against unequal pay
They say the pen is mightier than the sword. President Obama has proven that this old adage is still true when he signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act at the end of January. This new law, the first signed by our new
Breakthrough: How I Beat Dystonia
As musicians, we constantly face the fear of repetitive stress injuries and hope that it never happens to us. Well, that fear came true for me four years ago when I was diagnosed with focal hand dystonia. About a year
Looking Back, Looking Ahead
LaborHistory Month
Geraldine Blankinship and Olen Hamm, veterans of the 1937 Flint sitdown strike, were honored by their modern-day counterparts in Detroit in February. To the left and right of the Flint strikers are two workers from Republic Windows and Doors. Last
Deep Listening: A Conversation with Suzanne Vega
Matt Weiers Suzanne Vega, a Local 802 member since 1984. Suzanne Vega, a Local 802 member since 1984, is not only a top-tier singer-songwriter but also an activist. She was part of the MusicFIRST coalition that recently lobbied in Washington,
In the Groove: Benny Powell Looks Forward
A full transcript of Todd Bryant Weeks’ interview with Benny Powell available for download. Who is Benny Powell? He is a multi-dimensional performer who has worked on Broadway, on television, and has starred in world renowned big bands. He has
Do the Right Thing
Union officers must learn how to manage finances
Being a Union officer carries with it important duties and responsibilities. One has only to briefly glance at the Local 802 constitution and bylaws to see the numerous obligations elected officers are sworn to uphold. These responsibilities are neither facile
What to Do in a Health Insurance Emergency
I’m a Local 802 member who was recently involved in a health insurance emergency. I had a critical medical condition and no way to pay for it. My medical bills on leaving the hospital totaled just under $150,000, not including
Robot Recommendations
Your computer wants to know what you’re listening to
How would you like your computer to recommend music for you? That’s the latest trend, but is it good for consumers or musicians? Here are three quick examples of how computers are thinking for you. Warning: these will only make
Why did you join the union?
From time to time, as space permits, Allegro will spotlight some new or readmitted members. I joined Local 802 to better network as a musician in the New York theatre scene, as well as to be an active part of an
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters published here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Letters must be 300 words or less. Send them to Allegro, c/o Local
Music in Your Brain
Book Review: "Musicophilia" by Oliver Sacks
Dr. Oliver Sacks has been fascinating readers for decades with vivid descriptions of his patients’ ailments. The eminent neurologist is the author of several books, including “The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat” and “Awakenings.” (The latter was
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters published here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Letters must be 300 words or less. Send them to Allegro, c/o Local
Crisis and Recovery
Knowledge is Power
A bargaining history of the Local 802 health fund – what every musician should know Coping with the cost of health care is a difficult experience for every union in the country. One of the bedrock principles of unions –
‘Why we joined the union’
I joined the union for networking opportunities and free earplugs! My musical goal in New York City is Broadway subbing and pit gigs. My principal instruments are drums, percussion and music prep. – Jeremy Yaddaw I recently started playing as
Why We Joined the Union
Why did I join Local 802? It was time! I’ve been working in New York City for a long time, but almost never on union jobs. The perils of being a freelancer with no collective bargaining strength mount up over
Quick Notes
Union wins $8K for musicians Recently, Local 802 settled a long-standing grievance with Mostly Mozart. The dispute centered on a nonunion recording used for a public art work commissioned by the Mostly Mozart Festival. The settlement agreement provides for proper
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters published here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Letters must be 300 words or less. Send them to Allegro, c/o Local
Music and the Internet
Is there money waiting for you?
If you’re listening to the radio and you hear a tune that you played backup on, do you get any kind of royalty? The answer, for now, is a big, fat “no.” Only the copyright holder of a song —
Women’s History Month: ‘Down, Down Baby’
Music between the sexes, from double-dutch to hip-hop
There is music in the games of girls. Specifically, there are complicated rhythms in the double-dutch jumprope games of African-American girls. Just in time for Women’s History Month, ethnomusicologist Krya Gaunt gives us a brief tour of a musical genre
The Musicians’ Voice
The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters published here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. Letters must be 300 words or less. Send them to Allegro, c/o Local
We’re Now on Twitter!
Music & Technology
Local 802 has joined the cutting edge of the 21st century and is now “tweeting.” To “tweet” is to send a message using Twitter, and Twitter is the latest addition to social networking sites, such as MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn.
From Blogging to Gigging
Music & Technology
I landed my first tour because of a little blog I kept about playing keyboards on a cruise ship. I called it the Chronicles of a Cruise Ship Musician (CCSM). I’d only meant for it to be a casual way
‘Why We Joined the Union’
I rejoined Local 802 because I was hired to play “Ragtime.” My musical goal is to have a nice run of the show and visit friends from my previous shows in New York. I live in Bethesda, Maryland, and last
Protect Yourself – and Get Paid
When you get called to play on a recording, it’s not always clear who has backed the session: a label, an artist or a freelance producer. But this detail can have big consequences when it’s time to get paid. The
How Can We Help You?
Musicians' Assistance Program
The New Year is here and with it comes the opportunity for a fresh start. Everyone likes a clean slate and the New Year shines a light on new beginnings and fresh opportunities. We’re all enthusiastic at the start of
Tax Tips for Musicians
Each year, as the tax season approaches, Allegro publishes these updated tax tips provided by Local 802’s accounting firm, Gould, Kobrick & Schlapp P.C. OVERVIEW AND HIGHLIGHTS The following outline focuses on aspects of the tax law that specifically affect
Negotiations & Grievances
TALE OF TWO GRIEVANCES The Theatre Department has settled two outstanding grievances with the producers of “Tale of Two Cities,” which closed last November. One grievance concerned a rehearsal that was called on less than seven days’ notice before the
Music and Money
Book Review
“Hey! Mister Horn Blower” is the autobiography of Local 802 trombonist Gene Hessler, who is an interesting mix: he’s both a musician and an expert on the history of money. Hessler’s musical resume would impress anyone: Performed in the Army
A War Against Organizing
How companies use the law to thwart musicians
Angel Warner, an employee at a Rite Aid distribution center, sat next to me recently in a congressional briefing room and described what happened when she and her fellow workers tried to form a union in their California workplace. She
Executive Board Minutes
September 8, 2009 - September 29, 2009
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 eeting called to order at 11:15 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Giannini, Johansen, Schaffner and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. Recording Vice President Dennison
Executive Board Minutes
October 6, 2009 - October 26, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 Meeting called to order at 11:15 a.m. Present: Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Giannini, Johansen, Norrell, Rizzo, Roach, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. President Landolfi excused
Geoffrey Clarkson, piano Edgar A. De Pool, saxophone Howard A. Kravitz, trombone/conductor/arranger Carmen Leggio, saxophone Michael Levin, violin Nathan Mash, drums Hal Militare, saxophone Manny Oquendo, drums Don Palmer, violin/conductor Kimberly Reeves, violin Myor Rosen, harp Carmen Leggio Carmen Leggio,
Is it Better to Settle? Sometimes!
Legal Corner
Sometimes it’s better to settle. Here’s a story of two cases, one where the parties settled and one where they didn’t. Go back to my December 2008 and January 2009 columns. (You can read them on my Web site, at
Is It Possible?
Music Prep scores big for union members
IS IT POSSIBLE that after almost two decades, orchestrators and copyists have recently achieved increases in wages that were long overdue? Yes! Earlier this spring, I received a call from the administrator of our Health Benefits Department, Gloria McCormick. She
“Why we joined the union”
As a tenor trombone player, I have toured internationally with the Monkees and regionally with This Ambitious Orchestra. In addition to several national television appearances, I play principal trombone with the Astoria Symphony Orchestra. I have appeared on stage with
Why did you join the union?
From time to time, as space permits, Allegro will spotlight some new or readmitted members. Joining Local 802 is a part of my musical goal in New York City. As a freelance violist, expanding and being part of the network is
Why did you join the union?
From time to time, as space permits, Allegro will spotlight some new or readmitted members. I’m primarily a jazz drummer. My reasons for joining Local 802 are the same as my musical goals in New York City: to create music with
Negotiations & Grievances
NEW DEAL FOR ‘ORPHEUS’ The Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Inc. has reached a successor agreement with Local 802. The new two-year agreement runs from Sept. 1, 2008 to Aug. 31, 2010. Musicians won wage increases of five percent in the first
Looking for Work? We’re Here for You
Musicians' Assistance Program
In recent months, people have been coming to the Musicians’ Assistance Program telling us how hard it is to find work. During these tricky financial times, it can become more and more challenging to make a living doing the work
Why did you join the union?
From time to time, as space permits, Allegro will spotlight some new or readmitted members. I am a violinist, electric violinist, conductor, composer and teacher. I’ve been the concertmaster of regional orchestras as well as a recitalist and soloist. I joined
Why Did You Join the Union?
From time to time, as space permits, Allegro will spotlight some new or readmitted members. Having just moved to New York City to pursue my career in music, I thought joining Local 802 would be a great way to familiarize myself
Jazz is in the Air
Jazz musicians deserve benefits too! Recently, four jazz contracts have been renewed with Local 802. Musicians in the following groups continue to be covered under union agreements. The SULTANS OF SWING big band is led by the highly respected musician
‘I’ll Be Seeing You’
Drummer Wade Barnes, pianist Bertha Hope, vocalist Siena, 802 Jazz Rep Todd Weeks, bassist Bob Cranshaw and drummer Jerome Jennings gather last spring in honor of legendary bassist and longtime 802 member, Leonard Gaskin (seated). Gaskin, 88, died on Jan.
Executive Board Minutes
August 4, 2009 - September 1, 2009
TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2009 Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Giannini, Norrell, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. Recording Vice President Dennison
Henry Addler, drums Stanley Block, violin Louise Caso, guitar Jane Cochran, oboe Sol C. Consor, saxophone Gayle Dixon, violin/arranger Bill Gaffney, oboe Louis Guss, trumpet Tina Hafemeister, arranger/copyist Herbert Harris, percussion Lionel Kilberg, bass Alice McDaniel, violin Odetta, actress/guitar/vocalist Studs
Are You in Grief?
Musicians' Assistance Program
The office of the Musicians’ Assistance Program (MAP) is your one-stop shop for musicians’ health. We offer counseling — both one-on-one and in groups — as well as information on all kinds of social services, including health insurance, food stamps
Why we joined the union
I came to New York for graduate school and am planning to stay in the city after graduation. Joining the union just made sense. My goal is to play as much as I can. I don’t have a regular gig
Breaktime Answers
Crossword & Sight-Sing Solutions
Sight-Singing Answer: Theme from the movie “Jaws,” by John Williams. Across 1- Dolls’ counterparts GUYS 5- Command before aim READY 10- Band jacket COAT 14- Sweet sandwich OREO 15- Make your case ARGUE 16- Recess APSE 17- Zounds! EGAD 18-
Matthew Altschuler, trumpet Leonard T. Gellers, saxophone Isabella Goldberg, piano Samuel Kissel, violin Charles Latorella, piano Edward Pizarro, saxophone Kimberley Reeves, violin Frank Russo, accordion Henry Stone, saxophone Kelley Wyatt, piano Samuel Kissel Samuel Kissel, 100, a violinist, died on
The Band Room
Marlene Verplanck sent me a nice interview with her late husband Billy that had been published in the Jersey Jazz Society’s monthly newsletter. Telling of his days as a big band trombone player, Billy described his time on the Jimmy
Executive Board Minutes
November 10, 2008 - November 18, 2008
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2008 Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Giannini, Johansen, Norrell, Rizzo, Roach, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. Recording
Executive Board Minutes
November 25, 2008 - December 16, 2008
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2008 Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Johansen, Rizzo, Schaffner, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. Recording Vice President
Executive Board Minutes
April 7, 2009 - May 5, 2009
TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2009 Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Fein, Giannini, Johansen, Rizzo, Roach, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. Local 802 Counsel
Contract Negotiations Updates
INSIDE BROADWAY MUSICIANS WIN RENEWAL A new two-year agreement has been ratified for Inside Broadway, a nonprofit entity that presents theatre to school-age children. In the new agreement, the wages are frozen for the first year and increase by 3
Executive Board Minutes
January 20, 2009 - March 10, 2009
TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2009 Meeting called to order at 11:05 p.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Fein, Giannini, Johansen, Norrell, Rizzo, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. Recording Vice President
Executive Board Minutes
March 17, 2009 - March 24, 2009
TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2009 Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Giannini, Johansen and Roach. Recording Vice President Dennison distributed the minutes of January
Executive Board Minutes
May 12, 2009 - May 19, 2009
TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009 Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. Present: Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Fein, Giannini, Norrell, Rizzo, Roach, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. President Landolfi excused on union
CAC Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2009
In attendance: Roger Blanc (RMA), Joyce Flissler (NYCB), Yana Goichman (Single Engagement Concerts), Richard Jenkins (Hotel Committee), Frances McIntyre (Gospel Committee), Gail Kruvand Moye (NYCO) Meeting called to order at 2:10 pm Quorum was established to be a simple majority.
Bylaw Resolutions
The following resolutions have been submitted to the June 10 membership meeting. RESOLUTION #1 Whereas: Until 1983, Local 802 Executive and Trial Board Members also worked as staff members and supervisors and, Whereas: Up to that time, most Executive Board
Breaktime Answers
Crossword and Sight-Sing
SIGHT-SINGING ANSWER: “America” from “West Side Story” (Leonard Bernstein) Across 1- An arms treaty SALT 5- Oohs and ____ AAHS 9- Secretary Clinton has a great one SEAL 13- Coconut-husk fiber COIR 14- Permeate IMBUE 15- ____ libre CUBA 16-
Executive Board Minutes
January 6, 2009 - January 13, 2009
TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2009 Meeting called to order at 12:30 p.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Fein, Giannini, Johansen, Norrell, Rizzo, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. Member Marc Ribot
Executive Board Minutes
May 26, 2009 - July 21, 2009
TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2009 Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Norrell, Rizzo, Schaffner, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. Financial Vice President Blumenthal excused on union
Breaktime Answers
SIGHT-SINGING ANSWER: Fugue in C-minor from the Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1. (J.S. Bach) Across 1- Editor’s mark STET 5- Humid DAMP 9- It’s shaped like an F on basses HOLE 13- Pakistani talk URDU 14- Hold back DETER 15- Negative
Breaktime Answers
Crossword & Sight-Sing
SIGHT-SINGING ANSWER: Theme from “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” by John Williams. Across 1- Pass out METE 5- Bright lizard AGAMA 10- Poems of praise ODES 14- Opera highlight ARIA 15- Catering hall? MANOR 16- Glow AURA 17- Early
Breaktime Answers
SIGHT-SINGING ANSWER:“With a Little Help From My Friends” (The Beatles) CROSSWORD ANSWERS Across 1- Movie actress Theda BARA 5- County ____ SEAT 9- Flood SPATE 14- Persia after 1935 IRAN 15- Bassist Walter PAGE 16- Reads avidly PORES 17- Set aside
Breaktime Answers
Crossword & Sight-Sing
SIGHT-SINGING CHALLENGE:The “Twilight Zone” theme. CROSSWORD ANSWERS: Across 1- Track events MEETS 6- “First do no ___” HARM 10- Home of Council Bluffs IOWA 14- ___ Grows in Brooklyn ATREE 15- Type of rug AREA 16- Kind of team SWAT 17-
Breaktime Answers
Crossword & Sight-Sing Challenge
SIGHT-SING CHALLENGE: “Summertime” CROSSWORD PUZZLE Across 1- Out-of-tune string? BADE 5- Reindeer name CUPID 10- Shrinking sea ARAL 14- Regan’s father LEAR 15- Pianist Gary or his father? APACE 16- Regal address SIRE 17- “____ and the Man” ARMS 18-
Breaktime Answers
Sight-Singing Answer: “Zip-a-dee-doo-dah” CROSSWORD PUZZLE Across 1- Roseanne BARR 5- Neophyte TYRO 9- Brawl SETTO 14- Horne solo ARIA 15- Stir up ROIL 16- Dancing, maybe AREEL 17- Lack of knowledge NESCIENCE 19- Drum type SNARE 20- Metamorphic rock GNEISS 21-
Calendar Of Events
October 2009
Date Event Time Location 10/5 Mon. JAZZ FOUNDATION JAM SESSION 7:00 PM Club Room 10/6 Tue. CHORUS 802 6:45 PM Club Room 10/7 Wed. THEATRE COMMITTEE* 5:15 PM Exec. Bd. Room 10/12 Mon. CLOSED: COLUMBUS DAY 10/13 Tue.
Calendar Of Events
November 2009
Date Event Time Location 11/2 Mon. JAZZ FOUNDATION JAM SESSION 7:00 PM Club Room 11/3 Tue. CLOSED: ELECTION DAY 11/4 Wed. THEATRE COMMITTEE* 5:15 PM Exec. Bd. Room 11/9 Mon. JAZZ FOUNDATION JAM SESSION 7:00 PM Club Room
Calendar Of Events
December 2009
Offices will close for business at 2:00pm Wednesday, December 23rd 2009 & remain closed through Friday, December 25th in observance of the Christmas holiday. Offices will close for business at 2:00pm Thursday, December 31th 2009 & remain closed through Friday,
Calendar Of Events
January 2009
Date Event Time Location 1/1 Thu. CLOSED: NEW YEAR’S DAY 1/2 Fri. CLOSED: DAY AFTER NEW YEAR’S 1/5 Mon. JAZZ FOUNDATION JAM SESSION 7:00 PM Club Room 1/7 Wed. THEATRE COMMITTEE* 5:15 PM Exec. Bd. Room
Calendar Of Events
July/August 2009
Date Event Time Location 7/3 Fri. CLOSED: INDEPENDENCE DAY 7/6 Mon. JAZZ FOUNDATION JAM SESSION 7:00 PM Club Room 7/8 Wed. THEATRE COMMITTEE* 5:15 PM Exec. Bd. Room 7/13 Mon. JAZZ FOUNDATION JAM SESSION 7:00 PM Club Room
Calendar Of Events
September 2009
Local 802 offices will be closed for business September 7, 2009 in observance of Labor Day. The Membership Department dues payment window & the Recording Department check pick-up window will close at 1:00pm on Friday, September 4, 2009. Date Event
Local 802’s 2010 Holiday Schedule
The union offices will be closed on the following holidays: Friday, January 1 New Year’s Day Monday, January 18 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, February 15 Presidents’ Day Monday, May 31 Memorial Day (observed) Friday, July 5 Independence
Bill Crow’s Band Room
When Larry Benz found out about the cabin that my wife and I have on Martha’s Vineyard, he sent me this story: “I grew up there, in Vineyard Haven, two houses down from the Episcopal church. In the 1950’s, Lennie
Bill Crow’s Band Room
I had a long day at the office recently, and that same evening I was playing some quiet jazz up in Westchester with Carmen Leggio’s trio. During Hiroshi Yamazaki’s piano solo, I nearly nodded off, catching myself just as I
Bill Crow’s Band Room
Thom Pastor, who is the secretary-treasurer of AFM Local 369 (Las Vegas), spent some time in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s playing lead alto on Si Zentner’s band. One New Year’s Eve they were playing at the Sahara. A
Bill Crow’s Band Room
Many years ago I was invited to a press party at a midtown loft. There were people there from the worlds of jazz and the Broadway theatre … musicians, writers, actors and dancers. The room was packed from wall to
Bill Crow’s Band Room
Howard Heller is a French hornist who also plays the bagpipes. He told me he once got a call from another piper who needed him to cover a funeral service at a church not far from his home in Pelham
Bill Crow’s Band Room
Marlene Verplanck sent me a nice interview with her late husband Billy that had been published in the Jersey Jazz Society’s monthly newsletter. Telling of his days as a big band trombone player, Billy described his time on the Jimmy
Bill Crow’s Band Room
Richard Beeson, whose book, “Seduction of a Wanton Dreamer” was published this year, sent me a remembrance from his student days in Aspen, Colorado. At a restaurant called “Trader Ed’s,” clarinetist Joe Marsala, who had retired to Aspen, put a
Bill Crow’s Band Room
Years ago, Josh Siegel was playing English horn with the American Symphony Orchestra on a tour backing a rock show by Rick Wakeman and his crew. Josh says the orchestra’s function was to sit there in their tuxes and provide
Bill Crow’s Band Room
While chatting on the phone recently, Frank Tate and I were remembering the late, great Dave McKenna, who spent most of his career playing solo piano. Dave sometimes denied being a jazz musician. “I’m a song player,” he would say.
Bill Crow’s Band Room
I lost my old friend Carmen Leggio in April. A heart attack took him away just two days after we played our last gig together, with pianist Hiroshi Yamazaki, at the Red Hat on the River, a lovely restaurant up
Bill Crow’s Band Room
I don’t often tell stories on myself, but this one is really stupid. In April I spent several hours in the studio at station WBGO-FM in Newark, recording a Benny Goodman birthday broadcast with a nice group put together by