
Currently Browsing: February, 2006

The February Membership Meeting: Radio City Revisited
David Lennon
TRANSCRIPT AVAILABLE A transcript of the Feb. 14 membership meeting is being prepared and will soon be available. Members can request a copy through the office of the president or the recording vice-president, at (212) 245-4802. A HISTORIC MEETING Our

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Recording Vice President's Report
Bill Dennison
Well over 200 members attended the Feb. 14 Local 802 membership meeting. They came because of questions about the recent Radio City Music Hall negotiations and because of concerns that the open and democratic traditions of our union appeared threatened.

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Summer Smith
Teaching artists on strike at Midori and Friends keep their spirits high by performing music on the picket line. Pushed to the limit by more than ten months of negotiations with an unresponsive management, the 27 teaching artists represented by

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Orchestras and ensembles who use outside lawyers for contract negotiations will now be able to receive a larger reimbursement from the union under a bylaw resolution adopted by 802’s Executive Board on Oct. 11, 2005. From time to time, ensembles

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Finally, T.V. that’s worth watching. “Working New York,” a new 30-minute talk show, hit the airwaves last October. It’s the only mainstream television program in the area, if not the country, to be solely produced by a labor organization for

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Dom Salvador’s Lyrical Life
Essie Hayes
When pianist Dom Salvador arrived at Local 802 for our interview, he brought with him a sense of style and class characteristic of great talent. I warmed up to him immediately because he has such a warm smile and great

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The Many Moods of Geri Allen
Matt Weiers
Geri Allen is one of the many important musicians to emerge from Detroit. After graduating with a degree in jazz studies from Howard University, the pianist attended the University of Pittsburgh, where she earned a master’s degree in ethnomusicology before

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Each year, as the tax season approaches, Allegro publishes these updated tax tips provided by Local 802’s accounting firm, Gould, Kobrick & Schlapp P.C. OVERVIEW AND HIGHLIGHTS The following outline focuses on aspects of the tax law that specifically affect

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MPF Deadline is April 20
April 20 is the deadline for requests for funding from the Music Performance Fund (MPF). You can use this money for gigs that take place from May 1, 2006 through April 30, 2007. If you have never applied for this

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802 Legal Corner: The First Amendment in the Workplace
Harvey Mars
Perhaps the most cherished of all our civil liberties is freedom of speech and association established by the First Amendment. Thomas Jefferson once wrote: “A right to take the side which every man’s conscience approves in a civil contest is

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Musicians' Assistance Program
Caroline L. Werner
Are you stressed out? Do you feel tense? Or overwhelmed? Me too. As I write this article, I’m stressed out about making my publication deadline and the half dozen other things on my “to do” list. Perhaps you were recently

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The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The views expressed here do not express the views of Local 802. Please keep all letters to 300 words and send them to Allegro, c/o

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Roberta Como – Piano/Arranger/Copyist Anthony Corbiscello – Drums Larry Covell – Saxophone Scott J. Cutler – Saxophone Daniel Derasmo – Saxophone Harry DiVito – Trombone Gene Forrell – Conductor Harold Glick – Conductor Sol Jotim – Cordovox Ruth M. Laredo

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Vince Trombetta
“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” — Robert Browning. “It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.” — Sherlock Holmes. My friend Frank

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November 4, 2005 -- December 6, 2005
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2005 Meeting called to order at 8:10 a.m. Present: President Lennon, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Babich, Gale, Giannini, Landolfi, Schaffner, Shankin, Weiss and Whitaker. Executive Board member Gagliardi participated by

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Bill Crow
Local 802 sponsored a nice memorial party for the late Charlie Harmon in the club room last summer. Many of Charlie’s family and friends attended, and there was a lot of story telling around the clubroom tables before the program

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