
‘Why we joined the union’

Volume 117, No. 3March, 2017

Lily White

I re-joined Local 802 after I was offered a job playing for a party for the AFL-CIO that required me to be in the union. I had let my membership lapse and felt guilty about it, since unions are so very important to all workers. My musical life has always been a balance between good-paying jobs and ones that are more creative. Of course, it is always nice when the two go together! I have a CD coming out with an amazing band, Lyric Fury, led by composer Cynthia Hilts. Her music is beautiful and inspiring.  I had become burnt out booking my own band exclusively, but now I am working with Cynthia, booking Lyric Fury together. It’s a relief to have someone else to work with doing the hard work of telephoning and emailing. I would like to form a collective of sorts, booking a few jazz groups. My principal instruments are saxophones, flute, piano and voice.