Titanic plaque to be dedicated on Dec. 2
Volume 116, No. 10October, 2016

The Titanic musicians’ plaque says: “A tribute to the bandsmen of the Titanic. When the order was ‘each man for himself,’ these heroes remained on board and played till the last.” The plaque then lists the names of the Titanic musicians: bandleader Wallace Hartley, George Krins, Roger Bricoux, Theodore Brailey, John Wesley Woodward, Percy Cornelius Taylor, John Frederick Preston Clarke and John Law Hume. The plaque was commissioned by Local 802’s predecessor, the Musical Mutual Protective Union, after the Titanic sank on April 15, 1912. Photo by Walter Karling.
In the September issue of Allegro, we told members that our attorney Harvey Mars had recovered the historic Titanic musicians’ plaque, which is more than 100 years old and which Local 802 used to own before losing it during a move. The plaque was commissioned by Local 802’s predecessor, the Musical Mutual Protective Union, after the Titanic sank on April 15, 1912. It will be formally rededicated at our Membership Meeting, on Friday, Dec. 2 at 5 p.m. We hope you can make it. (By the way, light refreshments are served at every meeting!)