
The Musicians’ Voice

Volume CXI, No. 1January, 2011

The Musicians’ Voice is an open forum for discussion about the state of union affairs. The letters here do not necessarily express the views of Local 802. E-mail letters to or write to Allegro, Local 802, 322 West 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. Letters must be no more than 300 words.


Please pass on my congratulations and total support for Marshall Coid and his views with regard to his article “Swan Fake” in the December issue of Allegro.

It is the best article in support of live music I have read in a long time, and I hope he doesn’t mind but I will be photocopying it and forwarding it to many of my musical colleagues in both the “straight” and jazz fields.

I would forward it to our politicians but that would be a waste of valuable rain forest (or cyberspace).

Many best wishes for the new year to all at Local 802.

–Ian Royle