Allegro Allegro Home President's Report Bill Crow's Band Room Advertise Contact Archive Allegro (October 2020) Volume 120, No. 9October, 2020 INSIDE THIS ISSUE (Some links open up PDF’s or point to outside sources) (Click here for auditions, job postings and special offers) RALLY ON OCT. 6 TO SUPPORT MUSICIANS: President’s Report by Adam Krauthamer Local 802 member Joseph Anderer shares thoughts on his retirement from the Met From the NY DAILY NEWS: “Please, please help artists survive” by Local 802 member Matt Hinkley “Little Lady With a Big Drum”: the autobiography of Local 802 percussion pioneer Elayne Jones Legal corner: what happens when an orchestra stops paying pension Band Room by Bill Crow “Developing your creative abilities during the pandemic” by Dr. Don Greene Executive Board Minutes In memoriam: Reggie Johnson, Harold J. Lieberman, John Monaco Welcome to our new (and returning) members! New School jazz stewards need your help Election resources from Local 802 New York Phil musicians create video to raise funds 802 member Anthony McGill wins $100K Avery Fisher prize Central Labor Council invites volunteers to participate in election phonebanking FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: Restaurants open for indoor service at 25 percent capacity FROM BILLBOARD: “How a European court could lead to a payday for U.S. artists” Actors Fund reports that new middle-income housing lottery is open UPDATED: Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) describing the health coverage provided by the Local 802 Musicians Health Fund for Plan A+ and Plan A. CLICK HERE FOR AUDITIONS, JOB POSTINGS AND SPECIAL OFFERS Share our newsletter on: FACEBOOK | TWITTER