Negotiations Roundup
Volume CVII, No. 6June, 2007
L’Opera Francais de New York. L’Opera Francais de New York and Local 802 signed an agreement to extend their previous contract through Dec. 31, 2007. The employer has agreed to pay full freelance scale for a performance in May. This will be the first engagement for L’Opera Francais since 2004.
Manhattan Concert Productions. A four-year agreement (September 2004 to September 2008) has been reached between Manhattan Concert Productions and Local 802. This agreement conforms to the Single Engagement Classical Wage Scales and includes virtual orchestra machine language and electronic filing of contract information. The musicians ratified this agreement along with a side letter allowing evening rehearsals at day rates to accommodate the large number of amateur singers in the chorus on March 21, 2007.
Village Light Opera Group. A recent mediation session has resulted in the signing of an extension agreement extending the expired collective bargaining agreement between the Village Light Opera Group and Local 802 through the next production of the Village Light Opera Group. Both parties to the extension agreement have agreed to return to the negotiating table after April 30, 2007.
Dex Jazz, Inc. (Gerard Weldon). The duration of this contract is Jan. 31, 2007 through Feb. 1, 2009. Wages are $500 per musician for educational workshop or clinic or $150 per club/restaurant performance of three hours or less. Overtime pays time and a half. All other engagements pay club date scale. Musicians earn Plan B. Pension pays 10 percent.
EEMCD, Inc. (Wally “Gator” Watson). The duration of this contract is Jan. 2, 2007 through Jan. 2, 2009. Wages are $500 per musician for an educational workshop or clinic or $60 per club/restaurant performance of three hours or less. Overtime pays time and a half. All other engagements pay club date scale. Musicians earn Plan B. Pension pays 15 percent.
Jay-oh Productions, Inc. (Jimmy Owens). The duration of this contract is April 1, 2007 through May 31, 2007. Wages are $175 per performance of four hours or less in venues seating 250 or less or club date scale for venues seating more than 250. Overtime pays time and a half. The daily wage scale for workshops and clinics is $300. Health payments are equal to club date scale for performances in venues seating over 250. Pension pays 15 percent.
Mleonhart, Inc. (Micheal Leonhart). The duration of this contract is March 16, 2007 through March 15, 2009. Wages are $125 per performance of four hours or less in clubs seating 250 or less. Overtime pays time and a half. The weekly rate for tours is $1,000; a touring week equals six performances within a seven-day period. Each additional service over six in one week pays $210. All other engagements pay club date scale. Musicians engaged for at least 75 percent of performances in each six-month health contribution period earn Plan A. Pension pays 15 percent.
Kaufman Center. Teachers at the Kaufman Center have ratified a new three-year agreement. The agreement includes wage increases of 2 percent each year and slight increases in the minimums, and health and retirement benefits contributions. New additions to the contract include a TransitChek program, longevity bonuses and retention bonuses for private student instruction for Lucy Moses faculty.
Please be certain to submit all payments to Local 802 no later than 10 business days after the end of a service set. Payment should include the contract and three separate checks for pension, health benefits and work dues. If you have any questions or need forms, call Chip Fader at (212) 245-4802, ext. 108 or Karen Fisher at ext. 174, or stop by the Concert Department on the fourth floor at Local 802.
The Local 802 Executive Board heard a grievance against employer Her Song, LLC on Feb. 13. The grievance concerned outstanding pension contributions for musicians who performed in the cabaret production of “Her Song” at Birdland from May 7, 2006 through Feb. 17, 2007. The board ruled that the employer pay within 30 days. The employer complied.
Jazz educators who teach at historically black colleges and universities will meet at North Carolina Central University from June 20 to 23. For more information, call (212) 979-0304 or e-mail