Midori Teachers Leaflet for Fair Contract
Volume CII, No. 3March, 2002
“How long must we wait for health and pension?” was the question posed by music teachers who work for the Midori and Friends Foundation. Frustrated with the slow pace of bargaining talks, teachers and Organizing Department staff passed out flyers in front of the foundation’s office at Seventh Avenue and 53rd Street in late January. Midori hires teachers to give music classes and lessons in public schools.
The employer agreed to bargain with Local 802 in December, but talks stalled over issues such as health and pension contributions. After a few hours of passing out flyers, the teachers and the union called off the action when the employer made a new offer that, at first look, appeared to be a substantial improvement. Talks were set to continue near the end of February. For more information, contact the Organizing Department, at (212) 245-4802.