
Local 802 election summary

by the Local 802 Leadership Committee

Volume 124, No. 8September, 2024

Leadership road

The following election summary is provided as a courtesy from your Local 802 Leadership Committee. The official election rules are published at In case of any conflict between the summary below and the official election rules, the official election rules take precedence. 

The Local 802 Leadership Committee is: Deborah Assael (; Bud Burridge (; Lynne Cohen (; Wende Namkung (

            The Local 802 election is Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Elected positions on the ballot:

  • President
  • Financial Vice President
  • Recording Vice President
  • Executive Board (9 Positions)
  • Trial Board (9 Positions)
  • Delegates to the AFM Convention (5 Positions)
  • Alternate Delegates to the AFM Convention (3 Positions)
  • Delegates to the New York State Federation of Labor (2 Positions)
  • Delegates to the NYC Central Labor Council (3 Positions)
  • Delegate to the United Hebrew Trades* (1 position) (*the United Hebrew Trades is the New York division of the Jewish Labor Committee)

The Leadership Committee encourages all members to participate by voting and/or running for office.

Candidate and voter information

Polling locations for in-person voting on Tuesday, December 3, 2024:

  • Actors Equity Association (Council Room, 14th floor), 165 West 46th Street (voting from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
  • Westside YMCA (Parkside Lounge), 5 West 63rd Street (voting from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.).

Absentee ballot voting: see timeline below

Important dates

September 9, 2024

  • Candidates may request nominating petitions from the office of the Recording Vice President by sending an e-mail to Recording Vice President Executive Secretary Maureen Cupid at:

September 13, 2024

  • Petitions, accompanied with instructions, can be retrieved from the office of the Recording Vice President at the temporary Local 802 location: 25 West 45th Street (10th Floor), New York, NY 10036.
  • Petitions must be collected in person.
  • If a nominee is running on a slate, one candidate is permitted to pick up all petitions for the slate.

October 15, 2024

  • Each petition must be returned in person on or before this date to the office of the Recording Vice President with a minimum of 100 valid member signatures. (Collecting additional signatures beyond 100 is suggested.)
  • Each petition shall include the notarized signature of the candidate.
  • Written requests for absentee ballots must be submitted to the office of the Recording Vice President on or before this date by sending an e-mail to Recording Vice President Executive Secretary Maureen Cupid at:

October 25, 2024

  • Final day for ticket (slate) declaration requests and amendments to slates.
  • Candidates’ statements of 100 words or less and photos are due no later than 5pm for publication in the November Allegro and Local 802 website.
  • Meeting of all candidates to determine name placements on the ballot.
  • Candidates who cannot attend this meeting will have their lots drawn for them.

November 1, 2024

  • Absentee ballots will be mailed with instructions.

November 15, 2024

  • Last day to request replacement absentee ballots.

December 2, 2024

  • Absentee ballots must be received by the American Arbitration Association by 5pm on this date to be valid

December 3, 2024

  • Election Day. See polling locations and times above. The vote count shall begin immediately following the close of the polls. The AAA will announce the results of the count and certify the count in writing.

Eligibility to vote

Any member who is paid up through the third quarter on or before September 30, 2024 is eligible to nominate and vote. New members who joined before June 30, 2024 are eligible to nominate and vote.

Official election rules

The election summary above is provided as a courtesy from your Local 802 Leadership Committee. The official election rules are published at In case of any conflict between the summary above and the official election rules, the official election rules take precedence.

Your Local 802 leadership committee

The Local 802 Leadership Committee is: Deborah Assael (; Bud Burridge (; Lynne Cohen (; Wende Namkung (

Previous articles in this series:

Calling all potential candidates!


Local 802 Candidate Eligibility and Requirements


Duties of the Local 802 elected Trial Board officers


The duties of Local 802 part-time elected Executive Board officers


The duties of Local 802 full-time elected officers


What Local 802 does for you


Greetings from the leadership committee