
Jazz Advisory Committee enters new stage

Volume 121, No. 8September, 2021

The Jazz Advisory Committee of Local 802 (abbreviated as “JAC802”) has now crossed a threshold into a new stage. Led by co-chairs Buster Williams and Rachel Z Hakim and secretary David Stern, JAC802 seeks to secure substantive improvements on the New York-area jazz scene concerning issues including but not limited to: wages, working conditions, fairness in access to work, healthcare, and pension, as well as to help create and maintain safe spaces for musicians. The committee recently ratified bylaws/structure for the first time in history and is pursuing new initiatives. Any active Local 802 members are welcome to join JAC802.  Non-members and guests may attend by sending an email in advance of a meeting to the committee. JAC802 meets the third Tuesday of each month at 3:30 PM via Zoom. To find out more please send an email to