Hitting the High Notes in 2025
Financial Vice President's report
Volume 125, No. 1January, 2025
January marks a new administration, a new term of office, and — on a personal note — the beginning of my 18th year serving the membership of Local 802. We are hitting the ground running with new contracts, some new faces, and a packed agenda.
Once the ABT contract was ratified in September, we were able to promulgate new ballet/opera rates. They can be found here on the Local 802 website, along with the single engagement concert rates.
With hundreds of contracts administered by our local, we are in a constant state of negotiations. The last few months of 2024 were incredibly busy for the Concert Department and I’m happy to report that we managed to finish up four negotiations before January.
The American Composers Orchestra ratified a new, three-year agreement on Dec. 2, 2024. ACO will pay the Local 802 single engagement rates. Additionally, we were able to clarify some language around itemization of payments and the premium for associate concertmaster.
After 10 years (!) of inactivity, we were able to negotiate a new, 3-year agreement with the Village Light Opera Group. VLOG is an amateur theatre company that once used a 19-piece, professional orchestra. As such, negotiating with this employer has always posed certain challenges. Local 802 has endeavored to be as accommodating as possible while continuing to uphold Union standards. Both the group itself and their economic situation have changed substantially over the years, but we were able to eliminate some unfavorable contract language regarding the utilization of amateurs as well as achieve some small economic gains in salary, cartage, and health benefits.
The musicians of the Riverside Symphony just ratified a new, 3-year agreement at Local 802 single engagement rates. This orchestra has a reduced season of only two scheduled concerts this year. We sincerely hope to see an expanded season soon.
On December 11, the NYC Gay Men’s Chorus ratified a new, 3- year agreement paying Local 802 single engagement rates.
We are putting the finishing touches on the Orchestra Lumos contract and hope to have that out for ratification by the time you read this.
We have begun committee meetings for the American Symphony Orchestra and will be back at the bargaining table with them this month.
I had hoped to start the year with better news regarding our financial position, but it simply was not to be. Despite making some needed staff changes, we have not been able to present the board with a balanced budget. Outgoing President Sara Cutler and I began discussing imposing limits on legal assistance in negotiations as one way to curb costs, but even that may not be enough. Our building renovation has been fraught with problems, and we continue to explore all possible options and solutions. Sara gave a comprehensive update in her final president’s report, and the situation continues to be fluid as I write this. More details will be reported as we move through the process. You can help mitigate our costs and help our bottom line immensely by paying your membership and all outstanding work dues in a timely fashion.
Membership invoices this year did not include notification of the $5 discount if dues are paid in full by January 31. That discount is still in effect. The easiest way to pay your dues is by using our online membership portal. Otherwise, mail in your dues using the instructions in your invoice or call us at (212) 245-4802 (ask for the membership department).
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sara Cutler for her leadership through the past year and a half. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with her. Under her leadership, we were able to make great progress in all areas of our union. I am looking forward to working with our incoming president, Bob Suttmann, as well as continuing to work with Recording Vice President Harvey Mars, and a good mix of experienced and new executive board members. We have many challenges ahead but I’m looking forward to a great year.