
Executive Board Minutes

January 9, 2007 -- January 23, 2007

Volume CVII, No. 3March, 2007


Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Hunt, Johansen, Rizzo, Roach, Schaffner and Schwartz.

Recording Vice President Dennison distributed the minutes of January 2, 2007.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.

Board member Giannini present at 11:15 a.m.

Attorneys Dan Engelstein and Kevin Finnegan from the firm Levy Ratner P.C. appeared before the Board to answer questions and discuss possible retention of the firm as Local 802 counsel.

Discussion held.

Engelstein and Finnegan excused.

Long Island Business Rep DeFilippi appeared before the Board and presented an agreement with Westbury Music Fair.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement subject to ratification by the bargaining unit.

Meeting recessed at 1:00 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:05 p.m. Present: Landolfi, Blumenthal, Dennison, Fein, Giannini, Hunt, Johansen, Rizzo, Roach, Schaffner and Schwartz.

Discussion resumed on new legal counsel for Local 802.

Motion made and carried unanimously to engage the firm Levy Ratner P.C. as Local 802 counsel and to authorize the officers to enter into negotiations for a retainer agreement with the firm.

President Landolfi reported that the positions of Assistant to the President/Organizing Director, Music Preparation Supervisor and Public Relations Director had been filled.

Landolfi reported on meetings that she and Dennison had with the leadership of Local 1 IATSE and the leadership of Actors Equity.

Landolfi reported on the status of several special situation musicals.

Board member Giannini excused at 2:45 p.m.

Landolfi reported on a meeting with representatives of the League of American Theatres and Producers regarding an increase in theatre health benefit contributions.

Discussion held.

Landolfi requested that the health benefit payment mandated in the General Price List for Music Preparation be raised to $23 per day.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.

Motion made and carried unanimously to authorize a change in the signatories on the Associated Musicians of Greater New York, Local 802 AFM bank accounts to reflect the union’s current officers.

Newly hired Public Relations and Political Action Director Julia Smith was introduced to the Board.

Smith excused.

Blumenthal requested approval of wage increases for several supervisors.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.

Blumenthal presented an invoice in the amount of $3,000 from the Working Families Party for 2007 affiliate dues.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve payment of the Working Families Party dues.

Blumenthal requested approval of the purchase of new furniture for the second floor of the Local 802 headquarters building at a cost of $16,250.53.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the furniture purchase.

Board member Schaffner distributed material regarding the Broadway Industrial Promotional Agreement with the League of American Theatres and Producers and reported on the history of that agreement.

Discussion held.

Board member Rizzo excused at 4:05 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members, Fein, Giannini, Johansen, Rizzo, Roach, Schaffner and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens.

Recording Vice President distributed the minutes of January 9, 2007.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.

President Landolfi reported that she had been appointed Bill Dennison, Martha Hyde and herself as trustees of the Local 802 Health Benefit Plan, Jay Blumenthal, Bill Dennison and herself as trustees of the Theatre Sick Pay and Hospitalization Fund and Jay Blumenthal, Bill Dennison and herself as trustees of the Local 802 Emergency Relief Fund.

Landolfi reported on discussions with the Bryant Park Association regarding their continued interest in working with Local 802 on their summer music programs and their willingness to address the union’s concerns regarding a sound system and stage canopy.

Landolfi requested the purchase of two tickets to the 2007 Annual Meeting of NYC & Company at a cost of $150 per ticket.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.

Landolfi reported on discussions regarding legal counsel for the Local Health Benefits Plan and Theatre Sick Pay and Hospitalization Fund and recommended that Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein be retained.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Landolfi reported on research regarding the special situation request from the producers of “Pirate Queen.”

Financial Vice President Blumenthal requested approval of a Small Ensembles Side Letter with the Stamford Symphony.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the side letter subject to ratification of the bargaining unit.

Blumenthal reported on the status of negotiations with the Village Light Opera.

Board members Hunt and Schwartz present at 11:40 a.m.

Motion made and carried unanimously to concur with the CAC expenditure of $2,075 for a memorial program for recently deceased member, past chairman of the Local 802 Gospel Committee and Recording Department Representative Pedro Rodriquez.

Contracts Department Supervisor Hannen appeared before the Board and presented an agreement with Jillbern Music, Inc.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement subject to ratification by the bargaining unit.

Hannen presented an agreement with East West Touring Company, Inc. covering the Bob Dylan 2006 fall tour.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement.

Hannen presented an agreement covering musicians engaged by the Old First Reformed Church, located at Seventh Avenue and Carroll Street in Brooklyn, NY.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement.

Hannen excused.

Principal Theatre Business Rep Donovan appeared before the Board and presented an agreement with BWDB Company Limited Partnership for the production of “Bill W. and Dr. Bob.”

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement.

Donovan excused.

Discussion held on compensation for musicians from the digital sale of music through the Sound Recording Special Payments Fund and the AFM-AFTRA fund established by digital copyright law.

Discussion held on co-payments for officer health benefits.

Absent any motion to change policy, the union’s current practice of only paying the Health Benefit Plan premium for full time officers and Executive and Trial Board members would continue and any additional payments required would be the responsibility of the individual officer.

Meeting recessed at 12:50 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:05pm. Present: Landolfi, Blumenthal, Fein, Giannini, Hunt, Johansen, Owens, Rizzo, Roach and Schwartz.

MIME (Music Industry Music Education) initiative Director Larry Rawdon appeared before the Board to report on the progress of the MIME initiative. Principal Business Rep Mary Donovan and Public Relations/Political Action Director Julia Smith present.

Board member Jay Schaffner arrived at 2:11pm

Discussion held.

Rawdon, Donovan and Smith excused at 3:20 pm

MIS Director Ibrahim appeared before the Executive Board to deliver a progress report on Local 802’s future proprietary software, MIMS (Musicians Information Management System).

Dennison present at 3:45 p.m.

Ibrahim excused.

Theatre Negotiating Committee Co-Chair Gagliardi and Principal Theatre Representative Donovan present.

Discussion held on the special situation application made by the producers of the Broadway production of “The Pirate Queen.”

Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M.


Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. Present: Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Hunt, Johansen, Rizzo, Roach, Schaffner, Schwartz, and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens.

Recording Vice President Dennison distributed the minutes of January 16, 2007.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.

Financial Vice President Blumenthal presented a modified educational agreement with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the modified agreement.

Blumenthal distributed a proposal for an increase in Local 802 Public Service Scale.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the proposed increase in Public Service Scale.

Board member Giannini present at 11:45 a.m.

Blumenthal proposed adoption of a policy establishing a cap of $150 on expenditures from petty cash and that a larger amount would require the approval of two officers.

Motion made and carried unanimously to adopt the policy.

Dennison requested approval of the expenditure of up to $3,500 for the repair of the air conditioning and heating system’s evaporator blower on the roof of the Local 802 headquarters building

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.

Local 802 Counsel Leibowitz appeared before the Board to discuss grievances regarding increases in employer health benefit contributions.

President Landolfi present at 12:10 p.m.

Discussion held.

Landolfi excused at 12:55 p.m.

Landolfi present at 1:10 p.m.

Meeting recessed at 1:15 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:20 p.m. Present: Landolfi, Dennison, Burridge, Fein, Giannini, Hunt, Johansen, Owens, Rizzo and Schwartz.

Motion to affirm an email poll approving participation with the AFM in the purchase of ad in the upcoming Grammy Awards Journal at a cost of $500.

Motion made and carried unanimously to affirm the email poll.

Landolfi distributed a retainer agreement with the firm Levy Ratner, P.C.

Discussion held.

Blumenthal and Board member Schaffner present at 2:30 p.m.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the retainer agreement subject to clarification of two issues.

Landolfi appointed a committee to prepare resolutions for the 2007 AFM convention that includes Dennison, Fein, Giannini and Schaffner.

Landolfi reported on recent meetings with the Broadway negotiating committee.

Discussion held.

Motion made to set the June membership meeting for Wednesday, June 27 at 5:00 p.m. and the October membership meeting for Wednesday, October 17 at 5:00 p.m.

Principal Business Reps Sheldon and Donovan, Jazz Representatives Cranshaw and Hayes and Recording Representative LeFevre present.

Schaffner reported on the new AFM Sound Labor Recording Agreement.

Discussion held.

Cranshaw, Hayes, LeFevre and Sheldon excused.

Donovan presented an agreement with Lincoln Center Theatres for “The Coast of Utopia-Salvage” at the Vivian Beaumont Theatre.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement.

Donovan presented an agreement with BAM for the production of “Edward Scissorshands” at the Howard Gilman Opera House.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement.

Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.