
Executive Board Minutes

April 12, 2005 -- April 26, 2005

Volume CV, No. 9September, 2005


Meeting called to order at 11:20 a.m. Present: President Lennon, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Babich, Gagliardi, Gale, Giannini, Landolfi, Schaffner, Shankin, Weiss and Assistant to the President Delia.

Recording Vice President Dennison distributed the minutes of April 5, 2005.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.

President Lennon requested reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount of $357.90 for NY Philharmonic Committee Chair Fiona Simon’s participation in a meeting in Washington D.C. in preparation for upcoming symphonic recording negotiations. (See minutes of April 5, 2005.)

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.

Lennon requested a contribution of $250 from TEMPO802 to the political action committee of New York City Controller Bill Thompson.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.

Lennon requested the purchase of one ticket at a cost of $250 to a fund raising event for the New City Center Encores! Series.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the purchase.

Lennon distributed a memorandum of agreement with the New York City Opera.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement as modified subject to ratification by the bargaining unit.

Lennon reported that early negotiations with the Metropolitan Opera had broken off.

Discussion held.

Financial Vice President Blumenthal distributed proposed Public Service Scales effective May 1, 2005 through April 30, 2006.

Motion made and carried unanimously to adopt the scales as proposed.

Organizing Director Eisman present.

Lennon presented a progress report from the Strategic Planning Subcommittee and distributed a proposed Local 802 mission statement.

Discussion held.

Babich excused at 1:15 p.m.

Meeting recessed at 1:25 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:25 p.m. Present: Lennon, Blumenthal, Dennison, Gagliardi, Gale, Giannini, Landolfi, Schaffner, Shankin, Weiss and Delia.

Discussion resumed on the proposed mission statement.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the mission statement as amended.

Lennon distributed a document containing an initial goal and action steps recommended by the Strategic Planning Subcommittee.

Discussion held.

Lennon, Gale, Shankin and Delia excused at 4:40 p.m.

Local 802 Counsel Mars present.

Blumenthal distributed copies of a settlement agreement and a collective bargaining agreement with Camerata New York Orchestra, Inc. Mars and Blumenthal reviewed the terms of the two agreements.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the settlement agreement and the collective bargaining agreement.

Mars distributed copies of an Asset Investigation Report regarding efforts to collect unpaid wages and benefits from an employer. (See minutes of February 22, 2005.)

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. Present: Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members, Babich, Gagliardi, Gale, Giannini, Landolfi, Weiss, Whitaker and Assistant to the President Delia. President Lennon excused on union business.

Recording Vice President Dennison distributed the minutes of April 12, 2005.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.

Financial Vice President Blumenthal presented a request from the American Composers Orchestra for the purchase of an ad in the program journal for their upcoming Fund Raising Gala.

Discussion held.

Board member Shankin present at 11:30 a.m.

Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens present at 11:40 a.m.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the purchase of a half page ad at the cost of $300.

Blumenthal distributed a memorandum of agreement with The American Symphony Orchestra.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement as modified subject to ratification by the bargaining unit.

Blumenthal reported that the Staten Island Symphony had announced that it would cease operations on or about May 31, 2005.

Discussion held.

Blumenthal reported on the status of negotiations with the Brooklyn Philharmonic, the Long Island Philharmonic and the Queens Symphony.

Dennison reported on a meeting held at Local 802 with representatives from the AFM and the Film Musicians Secondary Markets Fund at which the AFM agreed to host a national recording database and to assume a portion of the database programming costs, expected to total $14,000. In previous discussions among the major recording locals and the Film Musicians Secondary Markets Fund, who will each have access to the national database, it was agreed that these parties would share in the programming costs. (See minutes of June 22, 2004 and February 8, 2005.)

Discussion held.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve payment of $3,000 towards the programming costs of the national recording database.

Dennison recommended that an additional member be added to the Anne Walker Scholarship Fund panel.

Motion made and carried unanimously to appoint Bill Rohdin to the panel.

Board member Gagliardi agreed to assume coordinating responsibilities for the Anne Walker Scholarship Fund panel and to act as the panel’s chair.

Dennison requested a contribution of $250 to the annual fund raising event for the Workers Defense League.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.

Dennison reported on preparations for a meeting of New York recording musicians with the AFM International Executive Board scheduled for May 11.

Concert Representative Heyman-Kantor appeared before the board and reported on the status of negotiations with the Goldman Band.

Discussion held.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve strike authorization for the Goldman Band.

Meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m.