
Executive Board Minutes

October 21 -- October 31, 2003

Volume CIV, No. 1January, 2004


Meeting called to order at 10:45 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Financial Vice-President Hafemeister, Executive Board members Blumenthal, Crow, Landolfi, Reynolds, Rohdin and Shankin, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison, Assistant Director Lennon.

Motion made and carried unanimously to purchase an ad for $150 in the journal celebrating the 100th Anniversary of St. Malachy’s Church.

Controller Bogert distributed charts with yearly financial information from 1995 and projections through 2005. He reviewed and discussed this with the board. In the discussion he outlined the possible costs of various programs that would be administered by the union. The board also discussed the afternoon bylaw meeting and the presentation of the financial information to the membership in seeking approval of the pending dues increase bylaw.

The following board members present during the previous discussion. Gale at 10:50 a.m. Giannini at 11:30 a.m. Weiss at 11:40 a.m. Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens present at 11:05 a.m. during the previous discussion. President Moriarity excused to attend a meeting at Lincoln Center.

Organizing Director Eisman and Senior Organizer Smith appeared before the board to request strike authorization for the Kaufman Center organizing campaign. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the strike authorization as requested. Eisman and Smith excused.

Motion made and carried unanimously to authorize up to $6,000 for a holiday event in December 2003.

Minutes of Oct. 7 unanimously approved as amended.

A draft of a proposed bylaw for the February 2004 membership/bylaw meeting was distributed.

Meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Financial Vice-President Hafemeister, Executive Board members Blumenthal, Crow, Gale, Landolfi, Rohdin and Shankin, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison, Assistant Director Lennon, Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens.

Minutes of Oct. 14 unanimously approved as amended. Board member Giannini present at 11:35 a.m. Minutes of Oct. 21 unanimously approved as amended.

Price distributed the CAC minutes of Oct. 21. Motion made and carried unanimously to affirm the CAC motion that approved the disbursement of funds to pay three delegates expenses for attendance at ICSOM and ROPA conferences. Board member Weiss present at 11:48 a.m.

Motion made and carried unanimously not to concur with the CAC recommendation to fund the Riverside Symphony proposal as submitted to the CAC and to invite the CAC to a joint meeting with the Executive Board for discussion of the bylaw governing CAC projects.

Discussion held on the recent membership/bylaw meeting at which the bylaw resolution to raise annual and work dues was adopted.

Moriarity initiated a discussion on implementing a public relations campaign and indicated that he had allocated funds for a monthly retainer in the President’s 2004 budget. He also informed the board that he had held talks with Ken Sunshine Associates Inc., the public relations firm that managed the media relations during the Broadway negotiations and strike. Moriarity recommended that they be re-engaged on a monthly retainer of $4000 per month. Discussion held.

Motion made and carried unanimously to engage Ken Sunshine Associates Inc. as outlined.

Moriarity reported on meetings with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra committee regarding payment for additional legal services expenses in negotiating a final touring agreement. Discussion held on the amount involved and the request by the committee for financial assistance to pay this bill.

Discussion held on the retirement of a non-bargaining unit staff member.

Controller Bogert distributed financial statements for August 2003 and January through August 2003. Bogert reviewed and discussed the statements.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the September 2003 vouchers.

Meeting recessed at 1:15 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:30 p.m.

Present: Moriarity, Price, Hafemeister, Blumenthal, Crow, Gale, Giannini, Landolfi, Reynolds, Rohdin, Shankin, Weiss, Bogert, Dennison, Lennon and Owens.

Senior Business Rep Donovan appeared before the board to present an agreement with The TNT Company c/o James Hannah for the production of “Tony N’ Tina’s Wedding” at St. Luke’s Church and at the Edison Hotel. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve. Donovan excused.

Senior Business Rep Jackson appeared before the board to discuss, along with Assistant to the President Dennison, the current technology and its implications for distribution by members of their music on the internet. Dennison requested that Jackson attend a National Conference on Media Reform that will take place at the University of Wisconsin at Madison on Nov. 7-9, 2003.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve up to $3,000 for two attendees to this conference with a recommendation to seek reimbursement from the CAC.

Moriarity submitted a request from the League of American Theatres and Producers for reimbursement of 50 percent of the cost of the food supplied during the Broadway negotiations. After discussion Moriarity directed to obtain an itemized list of the expenditures from the League before payment.

Dennison submitted a request from Actors’ Equity Association that Local 802 support its Fair Wages All Stages campaign to organize non-Equity road productions and to support Equity’s upcoming demonstration in Duffy Square. Actors’ Equity also requested Local 802 to publish the resolution regarding the campaign.

Motion made and carried unanimously to adopt the following resolution:


WHEREAS Actors’ Equity Association is a national Union representing 45,000 stage actors and stage managers and

WHEREAS Actors’ Equity is a vital and influential member of the theatrical community and

WHEREAS Actors and stage managers are an important part of the American economy and contribute to the well-being of the communities in which they work and live and

WHEREAS Actors and stage managers deserve to have fair wages and benefits

THEREFORE let it be RESOLVED that Local 802 AFM, its Board, Officers and Members support Actors’ Equity’s FAIR WAGES ALL STAGES campaign to organize the non-Equity road productions and to negotiate wages, working conditions and benefits for those actors and stage managers who work on non-Equity shows without the benefits of the Union.

The following members of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Committee appeared before the board: Sandor Balint, David Langlitz, chair, Kingsley Wood, Ivey Bernhardt, Michael Parloff, Craig Mumm. The purpose was to discuss the touring agreement reached with management. Balint outlined the sequence of events that led to the agreement. The committee requested financial assistance from the union to pay the balance of the legal and negotiating expenses in the amount of $10,690.99. The master agreement would now incorporate the touring arrangements as a result of the negotiations. The committee was excused while the board deliberated.

Motion made and carried unanimously to pay $10,690.99 for legal fees as requested. Moriarity informed the committee of the board’s decision.

Giannini excused at 3:35 p.m.

Senior Business Rep Smith appeared before the board to report the progress of the strike against the Kaufman Center. The picket line went up on Oct. 26 and was to continue until a settlement would be reached. There was to be a negotiating session with management on Oct. 29. Discussion held. It was recommended that strike benefits be paid to the striking musician-teachers at the rate of $20 per teaching hour for lost wages.

Motion made and carried unanimously to pay strike benefits as outlined retroactive to the beginning of the strike on Oct. 26. This issue was to be re-evaluated at the end of the week. Smith excused.

Public Relations Director Beaudoin appeared before the board to recommend a political contribution and endorsement for New York City Council candidate Eric Gioia.

Motion made and carried unanimously to endorse Eric Gioia for New York City Council from Queens and to donate $250 from TEMPO802 to his campaign.

Motion made and carried unanimously to pay $250 to renew membership in Jobs for Justice.

Motion made and carried unanimously to endorse Steve Levy for Nassau County Executive.

Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 10:05 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Financial Vice-President Hafemeister, Executive Board members Crow, Giannini, Rohdin, Shankin and Weiss, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison, Assistant Director Lennon.

Organizing Director Eisman and Senior Organizer Smith appeared before the board to participate in the discussion on the resolution of the strike action against the Kaufman Center. President Moriarity outlined the Kaufman Center negotiations that led to an agreement with Local 802. Eisman distributed and reviewed a summary of the agreement. Discussion held.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement subject to ratification by the bargaining unit.

Discussion held on the amount of work dues to be paid by the Kaufman faculty.

Motion made and carried unanimously that due to the special circumstances of the ongoing organizing at the workplace, Local 802 would waive payment of work dues until the end of the school year – June 2004 – when the situation would be reviewed. The special organizing initiation fee discount will remain in effect for Kaufman Center faculty until June 30, 2004.

Jazz Advisory committee Liaison Owens present at 10:20 a.m. during the previous discussion.

Moriarity distributed the agreement between Local 802 and the Hotelmen’s Committee for Hotel Users of Music. This agreement had expired Feb. 28, 2002 and was renegotiated and extended to Feb. 28, 2005. The only change in the agreement was an increase in health benefits contributions to reflect the increase in eligibility requirements voted by the health plan trustees. Moriarity reviewed the history of the agreement and the recent negotiations. The hotel musician’s committee unanimously recommended acceptance of the agreement. Discussion held.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement subject to ratification of the bargaining unit.

Moriarity distributed the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra touring agreement. Discussion held. It was noted that this agreement was to be incorporated into the orchestra’s master agreement.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement subject to ratification.

The New York City Central Labor Council (CLC) requested a donation of musical services for a combined CLC and Working Families Party event on Oct. 29 to protest charter proposal #3 on the ballot. This proposal would change the voting procedure and eliminate party designations.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve payment up to $1,000 for four musicians to perform at public service scale at this event.

Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.