
Executive Board Minutes

February 29, 2000 -- March 21, 2000

Volume C, No. 5May, 2000


Meeting called to order at 11:35 a.m. Present: Recording Vice-President Price, Financial Vice-President Landolfi, Executive Board members Blumenthal, Crow, Gale, Giannini, Rosen, Simon and Weiss, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison. President Moriarity excused for meetings on union business. Financial Vice-President Landolfi chaired the meeting.

Feb. 22 minutes unanimously approved as amended.

Board member Hafemeister present at 11:45 a.m.

Motion made and carried unanimously to concur with a CAC expense reimbursement of $24.63 to CAC member Steve Mack for poster copies.

Motion made and carried unanimously to contribute $500 from TEMPO802 to (James) “Florio for Senate Committee, Inc.” James Florio is seeking the U.S. Senate seat from New Jersey.

Assistant to the President Dennison submitted a request for a new copier for the fifth floor, with information about the current machine and a proposed replacement – a Toshiba 4560, which would cost $12,359. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to purchase a new copier at $12,359.

Financial Vice-President Landolfi distributed an agreement with the Queens Symphony that outlined terms and conditions for performance of educational services. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Controller Bogert distributed the January 2000 vouchers.

Discussion held on the printing and distribution of Local 802 bylaws. It was decided to print 500 copies for distribution to new members and current members who request them. Recording Vice-President Price will research costs and bring a proposal to the board.

Business Rep Donovan appeared before the board to present a pre-Broadway workshop agreement with the Little Women, LLC, for a production of Little Women at the Westbeth Theatre Center. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve. Donovan excused.

Discussion held on inclusion of pension and health benefit clauses in CBAs and personal services contracts.

Board member Shankin present at 12:48 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:35 a.m. Present: Recording Vice-President Price, Financial Vice-President Landolfi, Executive Board members Blumenthal, Crow, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen and Shankin, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison, Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. President Moriarity excused to attend the AFM & EP Fund meetings in San Diego.

Board member Weiss present at 11:43 a.m. Board member Gale present at 11:45 a.m.

Feb. 29 minutes unanimously approved as amended.

Financial Vice-President Landolfi submitted an agreement with the New York Chamber Ensemble, Inc., extending the current agreement until Aug. 31, 2001. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Landolfi submitted a request from the Stonewall Chorale for permission to have an evening rehearsal at day rates. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve, subject to the usual proviso that allows a musician to miss the rehearsal in the event of a performance at the same time.

Landolfi distributed an agreement with Dove-tayl, Inc., for employment of musicians in education clinics. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Board member Simon present at 11:55 a.m. during the previous discussion.

A request was received from James Florio for Local 802’s endorsement of his candidacy for the U.S. Senate from New Jersey. Motion made and carried unanimously to endorse James Florio.

A request was received from Long Island Supervisor Gulluscio for purchase of two tickets at $110, for a total of $220, to the Long Island Federation of Labor annual dinner-dance, which will honor Rep. Michael Forbes and Wayne Rogers, president of Local 7, United Brotherhood of Carpenters. Discussion held. Motion made and carried to approve the purchase of two tickets. Opposed: Simon.

Assistant to the President Dennison reported to the board that hearing testing will be made available to Local 802 members by four providers: Columbia University Center for Hearing Conservation, HearX (a MagnaCare provider), Mt. Sinai Selikoff Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and the Center for Speech and Hearing Sciences, Inc., New Jersey (Ellen Kelly, Director and Clinical Audiologist). The Local 802 Health Benefits Plan will cover the nominal costs for eligible members, subject to the usual deductibles and co-payments. Dennison asked for the board’s permission to ask MAP to act as an intermediary with regard to Local 802 assuming the costs for those members who need or want the testing but are unable to pay for the service. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve this request.

Director of New Organizing Dubnau appeared before the board to present an agreement between Red Hat Entertainment, Ltd. and Local 802 for musicians performing in the Supper Club Big Band. Discussion held, during which Dubnau outlined the agreement’s terms and conditions. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Dubnau advised the board that Local 802 is seeking recognition from the Apollo Theatre for the musicians who regularly perform at the amateur night show. Discussion held.

Discussion held on the current agreement with the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra.

Dubnau excused.

Controller Bogert distributed vouchers of January and February, 2000.

Meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:28 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Financial Vice-President Landolfi, Executive Board members Blumenthal, Crow, Hafemeister, Rosen and Shankin, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison.

March 7 minutes unanimously approved as amended.

Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens present at 11:35 a.m. Board member Giannini present at 11:38 a.m.

President Moriarity reported to the board on the AFM & EP Fund meetings in San Diego that he attended. The agenda included a discussion on the payment of the death benefit to the beneficiary of a vested member who had not been collecting the pension, a possible increase in benefits, and a review of the eligibility amount for vesting. It was noted that audits had been made of several Local 802 employers.

Board member Gale present at 11:40 a.m. during the previous discussion.

Moriarity distributed a letter from Alan Wasser Associates, producers of a new show entitled Seussical the Musical, requesting a waiver of musician minimums under the Special Situations provision of the League/Local 802 agreement. The producer outlined the rationale for employing 17 musicians plus conductor, rather than the required minimum of 24, when the show opens in the Richard Rodgers Theatre in November. Discussion held. Moriarity advised the board that he will seek further information from the producer and request input from the Theatre Committee.

Moriarity reported on the latest meeting held by the Media Forum/Internet group, a joint committee of symphony, opera and ballet orchestra musicians along with orchestra managements and representatives of some AFM locals.

Long Island Supervisor Gulluscio appeared before the board to submit a contract with the Westbury Music Fair, LLC, which is owned by SFX, Inc. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve. It was proposed that the ratification guidelines for this contract include any musicians who have played five engagements within the last two years at the Westbury Music Fair. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve those guidelines.

Meeting recessed at 1:10 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:20 p.m.

Present: Price, Landolfi, Blumenthal, Crow, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Weiss, Bogert, Dennison and Owens. Moriarity excused to attend negotiations at Lincoln Center.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the January and February vouchers.

Assistant to the President Dennison submitted a contract with EOS Music, Inc., for an off-Broadway production entitled Blood on the Dining Room Floor at the Signature Theatre. Discussion held. Motion made and carried to approve. Opposed: Hafemeister.

Gale present at 2:25 p.m.

Dennison submitted a recommendation from the supervisor of the Theatre Department, President Moriarity, that Business Rep Lennon be advanced in status to Senior Business Representative with the commensurate increase in salary, in accordance with the OUR agreement. The change would be made effective retroactively to March 3, 2000, the anniversary of his date of hire. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Price distributed a letter from RMA President Derasse with regard to the joint RMA/Local 802 advertising campaign agreed to last October. (See minutes of Oct. 5, 1999.) It had not been made clear what the costs would be, and clarification was made in this letter, which spelled out in detail the budget and advertising schedule. Discussion held. Since the letter requested additional funds, it was recommended that RMA seek the CAC’s participation to help fund this project. Price was directed to convey this information to the RMA.

Crow excused at 2:45 p.m.

Price updated the board on the current status of requests for applications to the Anne Walker Scholarship Fund. The board recommended disseminating more information, including in the form of notices posted around the building, to stimulate more applications.

Price advised the board that the AFM Executive Board had been authorized by the 1999 Convention to establish terms, conditions and marketing strategy for a Millennium Membership Drive (MMD). This will occur during the month of July 2000. Participating locals will receive information from the Federation no later than June 1, including flyers, sample advertisements, etc. In addition, the Federation will be placing ads about the MMD in the International Musician, trade magazines and on the AFM web site.

Financial Vice-President Landolfi submitted an off-Broadway contract with the Japan Society, Inc. for a production of an off-Broadway show at Japan Society, Inc. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Landolfi submitted an agreement with the Center for Contemporary Opera for the employment of musicians for rehearsals and performances. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Landolfi advised the board of her resignation as Financial Vice-President effective May 1, 2000. The board expressed its appreciation for her contributions as Financial Vice-President and as Supervisor of the Concert Department. Landolfi submitted a list of names for a proposed search committee to seek a successor and act as an interview committee. After discussion it was decided to hold any decision regarding the search committee in temporary abeyance.

Meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:20 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Financial Vice-President Landolfi, Executive Board members Blumenthal, Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin and Weiss, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison.

President Moriarity led a discussion on the selection of a search committee and the procedure to be used to determine a successor to fill the pending vacancy for Financial Vice-President and Supervisor of the freelance concert field. Moriarity was directed by the Executive Board to select the search committee, to be composed of several committee chairpersons of the freelance concert orchestras and Executive Board members, to seek out appropriate candidates for this position to present to the board for appointment to this post.

A board member reported on a visit to the new Broadway production of Aida now playing in previews. The visit was to determine the use of synthesizers in the orchestra as a means of boosting the string sound. Other matters pertaining to Broadway producers’ ongoing requests for the special situations provision were discussed.

Gale and Giannini excused at 12:45 p.m.

March 14 minutes unanimously approved as amended.

Hafemeister excused at 12:50 p.m.

Motion made and carried unanimously to participate in the AFM Millennium Membership Drive scheduled for July 2000. (See March 14 minutes.)

Moriarity submitted a request from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO, to support the Eleanor Roosevelt Club Dinner on March 30 that will honor Kevin Lynch, District 15’s Director of Organization and Political Action, for his efforts to organize the limousine industry in New York City. Motion made and carried unanimously to purchase four tickets at $30 each, for a total of $120.

Motion made and carried unanimously to pay approved negotiation expenses of $529.50 for the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra committee, in accordance with the receipts submitted.

Motion made and carried unanimously to purchase an advertisement for $300 in the May 23 fundraiser golf journal of the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, New Jersey Chapter, and Musicians With Dystonia.

Meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.