Executive Board Minutes
May 23, 2000 -- July 11, 2000
Volume C, No. 9September, 2000
TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2000
Meeting called to order at 11:25 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Executive Board members Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Shankin, Simon and Weiss, Controller Bogert, Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens.
May 16 minutes unanimously approved as amended.
Price reported to the board that he had granted the following leaves of absence:
- David Smith, from the Broadway production The Phantom of the Opera, from June 5-30, to perform with the New York Philharmonic on tour in Europe.
- Doug Oberhamer, from the Broadway production Swing, from May 16-June 12, for personal reasons.
- Ted Baker, from the Broadway production The Lion King, from May 31-Aug. 1, to perform on tour.
- Nam-Sook Lee, from the Broadway production Jekyll & Hyde, from May 22-29, for personal reasons.
- Morris Kainuma, from the Broadway production Annie Get Your Gun, from June 6-18, to play the OK Mozart Music Festival in Bartlesville, Okla.
- William Stein, from the Broadway production Jekyll & Hyde, from May 24-30, to perform in Mexico.
President Moriarity submitted an archival audiotape recording agreement with Fiery World Music, to be made on May 30. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Moriarity submitted a request from Legislative Director West and Allegro editor Portugal to purchase two tickets at $125 each, for a total of $250, to a “N.Y. Women for Hillary Clinton” breakfast. Motion made and carried unanimously to purchase tickets for $250 from TEMPO802.
Moriarity reported on the Disney production Aida special situation dispute.
New Organizing Director Dubnau, Senior Organizer Elsila and intern Aaron Johnson appeared before the board to report on the Museum of Modern Art strike action by UAW Local 21-10. The Raymond Scott Orchestra, scheduled to play at the museum, did not cross the picket line and Dubnau requested that Local 802 pay strike benefits of $125 per musician in the orchestra. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to pay strike benefits to musicians scheduled to perform at MoMA who respect the picket line. Further discussion held.
Motion made that, through June 2000, strike benefits of $100 be paid to any musicians scheduled to perform who do not cross the picket line at MoMA. An amendment was offered that the amount to be paid should be $125. A further amendment was offered that $100 be paid without picket duty and that $125 be paid to musicians who also perform picket duty.
Motion made and carried unanimously that through June 2000 a strike benefit of $100 will be paid to any musicians scheduled to perform at MoMA who do not cross the picket line, or $125 to musicians who also perform picket duty.
Chair of the Theatre Committee Larry Rawdon and Business Rep Lennon appeared before the board to discuss the special situation status of the Broadway production of Aida. Moriarity reviewed the dispute with Buena Vista Theatrical Productions, a/k/a Disney. Motion made and carried unanimously to send the dispute back to the special situation panel for reconsideration.
Meeting recessed at 12:50 p.m.
Meeting resumed at 2:15 p.m.
Present: Moriarity, Price, Blumenthal, Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon, Weiss, Bogert and Owens.
Business Rep Jackson appeared before the board to submit a budget and a request for Local 802’s participation in the Billboard, BET, Conference and Awards program on June 7-10 in Washington, D.C. Jackson indicated that she and Benny Powell, Jazz Advisory Committee founder, would represent Local 802 and Stanton Davis of the AFM’s concert and tour booking department would represent the Federation. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to fund attendance at the conference, with the proviso that Local 802 request the CAC to participate in the funding.
Jackson submitted an agreement for employment of musicians with John Hicks/Elise Wood. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Jackson submitted an agreement for employment of musicians with Jazz Legacy, Inc. (a/k/a Larry Ridley). Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Supervisor of Contract Administration/Field Services Hannen, Long Island Supervisor Gulluscio, Senior Business Rep Schilio and New Organizing Director Dubnau appeared before the board to submit and discuss the plan of work for the Contract Administration/Field Services Department, in accordance with Executive Board policy. Hannen distributed copies of the report, which covered single engagement club dates, hotels, Jewish club dates, various restaurants, Gateway Theatre and other single and steady engagements in New York and Long Island. The report also embraced the staff and their duties, and included statistics relating to the number of contracts processed, referral service activity, and a comprehensive Long Island report.
Blumenthal excused at 3:15 p.m. Crow excused at 3:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
TUESDAY, MAY 30, 2000
Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Executive Board members Blumenthal, Crow, Gale, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin and Weiss, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison.
President Moriarity advised the board that he had held a preliminary year 2000 budget conference with Controller Bogert, who will present the completed budget to the board within two weeks.
Moriarity reported to the board that the AFM has scheduled two days of meetings in Los Angeles in July to discuss Pamphlet B concerns and National Contract Phonograph Recording issues. He suggested that he would attend these meetings along with Recording Vice-President Price, the supervisor of National Contracts, Jay Schaffner, assistant supervisor, and board member Maura Giannini, who has been concerned with Pamphlet B issues.
Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens present at 11:43 a.m.
Discussion held on the SAG-AFTRA strike in the commercial/jingle field. It was recommended that strike benefits of $100 per day be paid to any musician scheduled to perform who does not cross the picket line. Motion made and carried unanimously to pay strike benefits of $100 per day to any musician scheduled to perform who does not cross the SAG-AFTRA picket line.
Former Financial Vice-President Landolfi appeared before the board to review and discuss the Concert Department report which she had written and submitted before her resignation. She outlined the highlights of the report, which focussed on the freelance concert orchestra negotiations which will take place in 2001. Discussion held, during which Landolfi discussed other sections of the report and answered questions from the board.
Bogert and Dennison excused during the discussion which followed on staff issues. Hafemeister excused during a subsequent discussion of the Search Committee.
Landolfi was thanked and excused. Bogert and Hafemeister returned.
Long Island Regional Director Gulluscio appeared before the board to submit an agreement with Cadillac Moon. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Meeting recessed at 1:10 p.m.
Meeting resumed at 2:15 p.m.
Present: Moriarity, Price, Blumenthal, Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon, Weiss, Bogert, Dennison and Owens.
The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Extra Musicians Committee, comprised of Lynn Bernhardt, Leszek Barnat, Browning Cramer and Larry Witmer, appeared before the board to discuss the recent Metropolitan Opera Orchestra agreement and the Metropolitan Opera Extra Musicians upcoming negotiations with management for a new agreement. The committee reviewed the history of the “pool” players and the amount of the work that this group performs with the regular orchestra. Discussion held, during which the committee shared their concerns with the board. Members of the committee excused.
May 23 minutes unanimously accepted as amended.
Price informed the board that he had granted the following leaves of absence:
- Timothy Malosh, from the Broadway production Miss Saigon, from June 5-24, for personal reasons.
- Jacqueline Henderson, from the Broadway production Cats, from June 26-July 31, to perform in Colorado.
- Thomas Barney, from the Broadway production The Lion King, from May 30-Sept. 20, to perform on tour.
- Roger Rosenberg, from the Broadway production The Wild Party, from June 13-July 6, to perform in Japan.
- Joyce Hammann, from the Broadway production The Phantom of the Opera, from May 25-June 10, for personal reasons.
- Kaitilin Mahony, from the Broadway production The Lion King, from July 4-23, to perform with the NYC Ballet in Saratoga.
Crow excused at 3:35 p.m.
Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the April 2000 vouchers.
Moriarity advised the board that the Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers (ATPAM) will be holding an Emergency ATPAM membership meeting to ask for a strike authorization vote in their negotiations with the League of American Theatres and Producers.
Motion made and carried unanimously to donate $250 to the “Doc” Cheatham Memorial Scholarship Fund, formed to support jazz education in the New Orleans Public School System.
Motion made and carried unanimously to donate $250 from TEMPO802 to “Friends of [Mark] Green” NYC Public Advocate, for his campaign for NYC mayor.
Motion made and carried unanimously to donate $250 from TEMPO802 to “Re-Elect [NYS Assemblymember] Ed Sullivan Committee.”
Motion made and carried unanimously to donate $150 from TEMPO802 to “Friends of David Paterson,” Deputy Minority Leader of the NYS Senate.
Moriarity advised the board that he will invite Lorraine Coyle Koppell, who is seeking Local 802’s support for her candidacy for the NYS Senate, to meet with the board.
Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 12:15 p.m. Present: Recording Vice-President Price, Executive Board members Blumenthal, Crow, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon and Weiss, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison, Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. President Moriarity excused to attend AFM-Employers Pension Fund Meeting.
May 30 minutes unanimously approved as amended.
Board member Simon requested that the board schedule a discussion of members’ issues and concerns.
Board member Crow present at 12:37 p.m.
New Organizing Director Dubnau and Senior Organizers Seymour and Eisman appeared before the board to present and discuss the New Organizing Department’s plan of work. They submitted an addendum to their original plan to bring their activities up to date. After an outline and review of the department’s work a discussion took place in which Dubnau, Seymour and Eisman participated, then answered questions posed by the board.
Meeting recessed at 1:30 p.m.
Meeting resumed at 2:30 p.m.
Present: President Moriarity, Price, Blumenthal, Crow, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon, Weiss, Bogert, Dennison and Owens.
Executive board member Richard Simon’s brother Jerry, a retired professor of business administration at Harvard University, author and presently chair of a consulting group in San Francisco, appeared before the board at the invitation of Moriarity and the board to discuss strategic planning and the possibility of his involvement in this process with Local 802. Simon offered his credentials and experience in this field, engaged in a lengthy discussion and answered questions from the board, after which he was thanked and excused.
Motion made and carried unanimously to approve a payment of $5,000 from the Members Legal Services Fund to Attorney I. Philip Sipser toward his fee for negotiation of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Extra Musicians agreement.
Moriarity submitted a resolution from board member Gale to reaffirm a board policy decision of June 20, 1992:
“The Executive Board adopts the following policy: 802 members requiring space for meetings with a political or professional agenda in connection with Local 802 or AFM affairs, shall be eligible to reserve space in the local’s conference rooms or other suitable spaces at no charge, subject to availability of such spaces. Official meetings of Local 802 officers, staff or rank-and-file committees shall, however, have priority over unofficial meetings.” Motion made and carried unanimously to reaffirm the foregoing resolution.
Discussion held on Jerry Simon’s appearance at the board and strategic planning activities.
Crow excused at 3:50 p.m.
Motion made and carried unanimously for Moriarity to explore the costs and availability of Jerry Simon to act as consultant and facilitator in the strategic planning process with Local 802. The board directed Moriarity to contact Ken Margolies as a possible participant in the strategic planning process.
Moriarity submitted a request from Steve Young, President of the AFM, that Local 802 share a booth with the AFM, at a cost of $800, at the Latin Alternative Music Conference (LAMC), to be held on Monday, Aug. 14, and Tuesday, Aug. 15, at the Hilton Hotel and Towers. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Moriarity excused at 4:09 p.m. to attend a grievance meeting at the League of American Theatres and Producers.
Senior Organizer Seymour appeared before the board and presented a request from the New York City Gay Men’s Chorus for permission to hold an evening rehearsal and to pay this rehearsal at the day rate. The chorus is an amateur group, whose members work during the day and are only available for an evening rehearsal with the orchestra. Motion made and carried unanimously to grant this request.
Seymour presented a settlement agreement relating to a grievance against the New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Seymour presented a grant application request for a recording by the Young People’s Chorus of New York. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve, subject to an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the orchestra.
Seymour presented a grant application request for a recording by the Musica Regine. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve, subject to an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the orchestra.
Seymour presented a request from the Search Committee for the Financial Vice-President to reimburse the air fare expenses, totaling $1,000, of two candidates to be interviewed by the Committee. Discussion held. Hafemeister excused during the foregoing discussion. Motion made to approve the reimbursement. Giannini recused herself because she is a candidate for the position. Opposed: Rosen, Shankin and Weiss. Therefore, the motion failed.
Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Tuesday, June 13, 2000
Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Executive Board members Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen and Shankin, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison.
Recording Vice-President Price excused for personal reasons.
President Moriarity informed the board that a Special Situations panel convened under the terms of the Local 802/League of American Theatres and Producers collective bargaining agreement had ruled that the planned Broadway production titled Seussical is not a “special situations” musical. The production is planned for the Richard Rodgers Theatre, and therefore that theatre’s minimum of 24 musicians applies.
President Moriarity also informed the board that the NYC Ballet Orchestra had voted to remove the “St. Louis” clause from their collective bargaining agreement. The ballet management and Local 802 agreed that opening the contract for this purpose would not affect any other provisions in the agreement. The orchestra will now request that both Local 802 and the NYC Ballet agree to remove this provision from their agreement.
Local 802 New Organizing Director Tim Dubnau, along with organizers Joe Eisman, Mikael Elsila and Chris Seymour, appeared before the board to continue their report on the activities of the New Organizing Department. Dubnau reported on the department’s efforts in the club date field, research being done in the recording field, and the current status of efforts at the Apollo Theatre. Discussion held. Recording Vice-President Price present at 12:10 p.m. during the previous discussion. Dubnau, Eisman, Elsila and Seymour were thanked and excused.
Ken Margolies, Director of Organizing Programs for the Metropolitan District Office of Cornell University, NYSS of Industrial and Labor Relations, appeared before the board to make a presentation regarding strategic planning. He submitted his resume and credentials in the labor movement and spoke about his present activities at Cornell. Discussion followed, with questions from the board.
Crow excused at 1:00 p.m.
Meeting recessed at 1:15 p.m.
Meeting resumed at 2:30 p.m.
Present: Moriarity, Price, Blumenthal, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Weiss, Bogert and Dennison.
Discussion held on the situation of the Riverside Symphony regarding unauthorized changes in the agreement.
Controller Bogert distributed the budget for year 2000. He held a general discussion on the budget and the revisions made to it in light of actual results to April 30.
Five Recording Musicians Association (RMA) members – President Dominic Derasse, Mark Shuman, Abba Bogin, David Taylor and Lou Bruno – along with Assistant Supervisor of Recording Schaffner and business reps Rodriguez and Sheldon, appeared before the board to discuss National Contracts recording and issues of concern to the union and the RMA. The ensuing discussion covered jingles, TV films, TV shows, motion picture film and phonograph recording. It was noted that approximately 20,000 contracts per year are filed and processed in the Recording Department.
Gale excused at 4:50 p.m. Weiss excused at 4:55 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2000
Meeting called to order at 11:35 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Executive Board members Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin and Simon and Assistant to the President Dennison.
A report was made by board member Simon, chairperson of the Search Committee, on the status of the search for a Financial Vice-President.
June 6 minutes unanimously approved as amended.
Legislative Director West and NYS Senate Candidate from the Bronx and lower Westchester Lorraine Coyle Koppell appeared before the board, and Koppell made a presentation to the board about her candidacy. She reviewed her resume and credentials and outlined the political situation in her district that led to her candidacy. She asked for Local 802’s endorsement and support. Discussion followed. Motion made and carried unanimously to endorse Lorraine Coyle Koppell for NYS Senate. Motion made and carried unanimously to contribute $250 from TEMPO802 to “Friends of Lorraine” [Koppell].
President Moriarity informed the board that he had engaged a parliamentarian, Dorothy Demarest-Rudeschel, at a fee of $400, to provide professional expertise at the membership/bylaw meeting to be held this afternoon at 3:00 p.m. Motion made and carried unanimously to pay $400 to parliamentarian Dorothy Demarest-Rudeschel for professional services at the June 20 membership/bylaw meeting.
Discussion held on the bylaw meeting.
The officers recommended wage adjustments for three staff personnel. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve salary increases for three staff personnel.
Meeting recessed at 1:05 p.m.
Meeting resumed at 2:20 p.m.
Present: Moriarity, Price, Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon and Dennison.
Public Relations and Legislative & Political Director West appeared before the board to review and discuss the report submitted covering the departments she supervises. The report included the following: public relations, Allegro, teachers’ registry, media relations, coalition building and lobbying. Discussion held. Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens present at 2:35 during the previous discussion.
Meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m. to attend the membership/bylaw meeting scheduled for 3:00 p.m.
TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2000
Meeting called to order at 11:55 a.m. by Recording Vice-President Price. Also present: Executive Board members Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen and Shankin, Controller Bogert and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. President Moriarity was excused to attend to AFM business. Bogert took the minutes of the meeting.
June 6 and June 13 minutes unanimously accepted as amended.
Assistant to the President Dennison present at 12:05 p.m. and board member Weiss present at 12:15 p.m. during consideration of the minutes.
Price reported to the board that he had granted the following leaves of absence:
- Stephanie Fricker-Baer, from the Broadway production The Phantom of the Opera, from June 1-27, for personal reasons.
- Batia Lieberman, from the Broadway production Les Misérables, from June 23-Aug. 26, to perform with the Chautauqua Symphony.
- Jeffrey Nelson, from the Broadway production Fosse, from June 1-18, to tour and record in Europe.
- Christopher Komer, from the Broadway production The Music Man, from June 11-July 23, to play the Spoleto Festival.
- Julie Green, from the Broadway production Miss Saigon, from June 19-July 1, for personal reasons.
- Lawrence Feldman, from the Broadway production Saturday Night Fever, from May 25-June 1, to perform with American Ballet Theatre, with the proviso that he not substitute in Saturday Night Fever during that period.
- Kaitilin Mahony, from the Broadway production The Lion King, from July 25-Aug. 23, to play the Aspen Music Festival.
- Rock Ciccarone, from the Broadway production The Lion King, from June 13-July 16, to perform in Japan and Turkey.
- Jon Werking, from the Broadway production Fosse, from June 13-Sept. 13, for work commitments and for personal reasons, with the proviso that he not substitute in Fosse during that period.
- Samuel Kephart, from the Broadway production Les Misérables, from June 16-22, for personal reasons.
- Kathleen Foster, from the Broadway production Les Misérables, from June 19-July 8, to play the Lake George Opera Festival.
- Lynne Cohen, from the Broadway production Miss Saigon, from June 5-10 and from June 15-July 8, to play Pippin at the Paper Mill Playhouse, with the proviso that she not substitute in Miss Saigon during those periods.
- David Bakamjian, from the Broadway production Miss Saigon, from June 19-24 and from July 3-8, to teach at chamber music workshops in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
- David Finck, from the Broadway production Jekyll & Hyde, from May 24-June 2, for personal reasons.
- Paul Garment, from the Broadway production Jekyll & Hyde, from June 15-24, for personal reasons.
- Stacey Shames, from the Broadway production Beauty and the Beast, from June 25-Aug. 1, to perform and teach at the Aspen Music Festival.
- Tony Cecere, from the Broadway production Beauty and the Beast, from May 31-June 7, to perform with American Ballet Theatre, with the proviso that he not substitute in Beauty and the Beast during that period.
- Belinda Whitney, from the Broadway production Beauty and the Beast, from May 30 until the June 3 matinee, for personal reasons.
- Sheryl Henze, from the Broadway production The Phantom of the Opera, from June 26-July 8, to perform with the Berkshire Opera Company.
- Doug Oberhamer, from the Broadway production Swing!, from June 13-July 16, for personal reasons.
Discussion held on the union’s committee structure and on the desirability of a bylaw on the subject.
Price reported on a grievance settlement with the Carlyle Hotel for outstanding pension, health and hospitalization benefits amounting to more than $20,000.
Price reported on the involvement of the Music Performance Trust Fund in providing pension and health benefits to jazz musicians participating in the summer Jazz Festival of 13 concerts at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York.
Price reported that Tony Corbiscello has become a signatory to the Single Engagement Club Date Agreement.
Price presented a request from the Coordinating Advisory Committee for the board to approve reimbursement by the CAC of travel expenses of attendees at this year’s player conferences of up to $1,500 per attendee. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request, with the proviso that appropriate documentation, including expense receipts and completed expense reports, is submitted.
Price presented a request from the CAC for the board to approve reimbursement by the CAC of expenses incurred by the CAC chairperson in the amount of $27. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Price presented a request from the CAC for the board to approve reimbursement by the CAC to the General Fund of $862.50, 50 percent of the cost of educational seminars held on certain legal matters for the New Organizing Department and others. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Price read a letter of thanks from Michael Bragman, majority whip of the New York State Senate, for Local 802’s support for his campaign for re-election.
Bogert presented financial results for the four months ended April 30, 2000, and responded to questions from the board about them. He distributed vouchers for the month of May.
In accordance with the strategic planning process initiative by the board, board member and supervisor of the Music Preparation Department Hafemeister reported to the board on that department’s activities and planning for the future. Discussion held. Gale excused at 1:17 p.m. during the foregoing discussion.
Meeting recessed at 1:30 p.m.
Meeting resumed at 2:40 p.m.
Present: Price, Crow, Gale, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Weiss, Bogert and Dennison.
Supervisor of the New Organizing Department Dubnau appeared before the board to present an agreement between Local 802 and the Dicapo Opera Theater. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Dubnau presented an agreement between Local 802 and the New York Chamber Ensemble. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Dubnau reported that members and non-members of Local 802 had honored the striking Museum of Modern Art workers’ picket line, forcing cancellation of the museum’s Summergarden musical series. He requested that strike benefits of $100 be paid to each musician who honored the picket line. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Dubnau requested that Local 802 assume 50 percent of the costs, for up to $800, for a band to play at a “Right to Organize” rally sponsored by the Central Labor Council on June 14. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve, subject to the receipt of appropriate documentation. Dubnau excused.
Dennison presented a grant application recording agreement with the Goldman Band. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Dennison presented to the board a request for a $500 contribution to the campaign of Arthur Cheliotes, NYC Council candidate from Queens. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve a payment of $500 from TEMPO802.
Dennison presented to the board a request for a $250 contribution to Jobs with Justice. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.
Senior Business Rep Mary Donovan appeared before the board to present an agreement between Local 802 and the Jewish Repertory Theater for the show Abie’s Island Rose. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve. Donovan excused.
Discussion held regarding a report of an engagement on which a union band was being replaced by a band playing without compensation.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2000
Meeting called to order at 11:40 a.m. by Recording Vice-President Price. Also present: Executive Board members Crow, Gale, Rosen, Shankin, Simon and Weiss, Controller Bogert and Assistant to the President Dennison. President Moriarity was excused for medical reasons. Bogert took the minutes of the meeting.
Dennison reported on President Moriarity’s health. Discussion held.
Simon reported the recommendation of the Search Committee for Financial Vice-President. The committee’s choice was Peter Vriesenga, who is not a member of Local 802 but is the President of Local 20-623. The committee had recommended that Vriesenga be hired to perform the duties of the Financial Vice-President as an employee of Local 802, pending his qualification to hold office as an officer.
Discussion held, including consideration of the difficulties a non-member of the local, who is not experienced in the affairs of the New York music business, would encounter in discharging the duties of the Financial Vice-President. The problem would seem to be complicated by the absence of the President due to his illness.
Motion made and seconded that, in light of current developments, the decision of the board is that the appointment of a Financial Vice-President shall be made from among experienced members of Local 802. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting recessed at 1:10 p.m.
Meeting resumed at 2:15 p.m.
Present: Price, Crow, Gale, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon, Weiss, Bogert and Dennison.
Motion made and carried unanimously that Hafemeister and Dennison be added to the officers and staff members authorized to sign checks on certain of the local’s bank accounts.
Simon questioned Local 802’s response to an article which had appeared in the New York Times concerning the New York City Ballet orchestra. It was reported that President Moriarity had immediately responded to the article, but the response was not printed by the Times. His response was to be distributed to orchestra members and published in Allegro. A copy of Moriarity’s letter to the Times was distributed for the board’s information.
Price reported that a letter of thanks had been received from Lorraine Koppell for the local’s support for her campaign.
Price reported that a letter of thanks had been received from the New Orleans Public Schools Scholarship Foundation for Local 802’s contribution in honor of the late “Doc” Cheatham.
Price reported that a letter of thanks had been received from musicians for whom the local had successfully obtained payment from Mystic Music for a phonograph recording engagement performed three years ago.
Public Relations Director West and primary candidate for State Assembly from Northwest Queens Kimon Thermos appeared before the board. Mr. Thermos presented his qualifications as a candidate and responded to questions from the board. He was thanked for his attendance and he and West were excused.
Jazz Rep Natasha Jackson appeared before the board to present a side letter to an existing contract between Local 802 and Mayah Publishing, Inc., defining an “engagement” and a “concert” for purposes of the contract. Discussion held, during which it was decided that the wording of the letter should be amended.
Jackson presented an agreement between Local 802 and Tailgate Music, Inc., relating to engagements through March 13, 2001. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve, subject to amendment of the wording relating to health benefits.
Jackson presented an agreement between Local 802 and Marstam Music, Inc., relating to engagements through July 31, 2002. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve. Jackson excused.
Crow excused at 3:30 p.m.
Discussion resumed concerning the appointment of a Financial Vice-President, with New Organizing Director Dubnau participating in part of the discussion.
Hafemeister reported that a new member who had joined the local in June was not advised to defer joining until the July membership special. Motion made and carried unanimously to credit the member’s account $122.50 ($80 excess initiation fee plus one quarter’s dues), provided the Membership Department is provided with the individual’s name.
Motion made and carried unanimously to ask Assistant to the President Dennison to assume certain responsibilities of the President in the President’s absence.
Motion made and carried unanimously to appoint Simon liaison to the Lincoln Center orchestras to assist Dennison.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.