
Executive Board Minutes

May 21, 2024 to June 5, 2024

Volume 124, No. 7July, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Meeting called to order at 11:07 A.M. by President Cutler. Present in person: Recording Vice President Mars, Executive Board Members, Burridge, DeRosa, Hyde and Namkung. Present by video

conference: Financial Vice President Fisher, Executive Board Members Assael, Cohen, Kainuma and Riley.

Minutes of the May 14, 2024 meeting were reviewed by the Executive Board.

Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting, as corrected.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Cutler reported on a meeting with NotMe Solutions, Inc. to discuss a subscription agreement for Local 802 to obtain a license for the #NotMe harassment/incident reporting application.

Motion made and seconded to approve purchasing a two-year subscription for the #NotMe application.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

16Mars reviewed the terms of a collective bargaining agreement between the New York City Labor Chorus and Local 802 for the period April 19, 2024 through April 18, 2025.

Motion made and seconded to approve the collective bargaining agreement between the New York City Labor Chorus and Local 802 for the period April 19, 2024 through April 18, 2025.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Local 802 Off Broadway Business Rep Logan Dolamore present at 11:20 A.M.

Dolamore reviewed the terms of a collective bargaining agreement between Penguin Players Ltd.

and Local 802 for a production of The Sabbath Girl at the 59E59 Theatre for the period July 22, 2024 through September 1, 2024.

Discussion held.

Dolamore excused at 11:31 A.M.

Motion made and seconded to approve the terms of a collective bargaining agreement between Penguin Players Ltd. and Local 802 for a production of The Sabbath Girl at the 59E59 Theatre for the period July 22, 2024 through September 1, 2024.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made and seconded to approve Orchestra Long Island’s request to use Local 802 public service scale for a rehearsal and performance at the Heckscher State Park on August 10, 2024.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made and seconded to approve four Broadway musicians’ requests for a leave of absence.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion held regarding applicants for the Local 802 Anne Walker scholarship.

Local 802 Controller Alla Emelianova present at 11:36 A.M.

Emelianova reviewed the Local 802 profit and loss statement for February 2024.

Discussion held.

Emelianova excused at 11:54 A.M.

Cutler reported on the status of a federal lawsuit initiated by the AFM against NBC studios seeking payments owed to Local 802 musicians.

Discussion held.

Cutler reported on a meeting with the Entertainment Community Fund regarding renewing its service agreements with Local 802.

Discussion held regarding Local 802 personnel issues.

Discussion held regarding the status of Local 802’s building renovation.

Cutler reported on the May 20, 2024 Cornell ILR leadership training at Local 802.

Cutler reported on negotiations between Local 802 and The Broadway League.

Fisher reported on negotiations between American Ballet Theatre and Local 802.

Discussion held.

Fisher reported on negotiations between the New Jersey Festival Orchestra and Local 802.

Fisher reported on a grievance Local 802 had filed against the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.

Fisher reported on Local 802 personnel issues.

Mars reported on negotiations between 54 Below and Local 802.

Mars reported on unfair labor practice charges Local 802 would be filing against self-contained

acts performing in the 2024 Lincoln Center presents American Songbook series.

Mars reported that the extension agreement between Local 802 and Jazz at Lincoln Center had been ratified by the bargaining unit.

Mars reported on negotiations between the Carlyle Hotel and Local 802 regarding vacation benefits.

Mars reported that negotiations between the Argyle Theatre and Local 802 would take place on May 30, 2024.

Mars reported on negotiations between the Gateway Theatre and Local 802.

Mars reported on the preparation of a modified fund-raising agreement between the Transport Group and Local 802 for the Transport Group’s 2024 Anne L. Bernstein Concert Series.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:35 P.M.

NOTE: The Executive Board did not meet on May 28, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Meeting called to order at 11:07 A.M. by President Cutler. Present in person: Recording Vice President Mars, Financial Vice President Fisher, Executive Board Member Hyde. Present by video conference: Executive Board Members Burridge, Cohen, and Riley.

Minutes of the May 21, 2024, meeting were reviewed by the Executive Board.

Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting, as corrected.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously. 8

Executive Board member Assael present electronically at 11:18 A.M.

Motion made and seconded to approve Chi F. Lau Architect, P.C.’s $9,000 proposal for architectural plan preparation for a new stair bulkhead in the Local 802 building.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made and seconded to approve BMB Building Consulting’s $4500 proposal for consulting and expediting services for the Local 802’s building renovation project.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made and seconded to approve the donation of $2,478.05 for the performance of a trio under a Local 802 single engagement contract for the Encore Community Services June 24, 2024 “Heart to Heart” gala.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Fisher reviewed the terms of collective bargaining agreement between the New Jersey Festival Orchestra and Local 802 for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2026.

Discussion held.

Riley excused at 11:20 A.M.

Motion made and seconded to approve for ratification the collective bargaining agreement between the New Jersey Festival Orchestra and Local 802 for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2026.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Fisher reviewed a Memorandum of Agreement between American Ballet Theatre and Local 802 for the piano accompanists’ bargaining unit for the period January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2026.

Motion made and seconded to affirm the Executive Board poll approving the Memorandum of Agreement between American Ballet Theatre and Local 802 for the piano accompanists’ bargaining unit for the period January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2026 for ratification.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Fisher reviewed the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between American Classical Orchestra, Inc. and Local 802 for the period September 12, 2023 through September 11, 2028.

Motion made and seconded to approve for ratification the collective bargaining agreement between American Classical Orchestra, Inc. and Local 802 for the period September 12, 2023 through September 11, 2028.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made and seconded to approve the Local 802 Senior Musicians’ Association’s request to utilize Local 802 public service scales for September 27, 2024 rehearsals and a September 29, 2024 performance of the Local 802 Senior Musicians Orchestra at Carnegie Hall.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Mars reviewed the terms of a collective bargaining agreement between The Second City and Local 802 for the period January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026.

Motion made and seconded to approve for ratification the collective bargaining agreement between The Second City and Local 802 for the period January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Local 802 Off Broadway Business Rep Melissa Chucaralao present at 12:35 P.M.

Chucaralao reviewed the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the Bedlam Theatre and Local 802 for the production of Music City.

Chucaralao excused at 12:40 P.M.0

Motion made and seconded to approve the collective bargaining agreement between the Bedlam Theatre and Local 802 for the production of Music City.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made and seconded to approve six Broadway musicians’ requests for a leave of absence.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Cohen excused at 12:45 P.M.

Culer appointed Assael, Burridge and Fisher to the Anne Walker Scholarship committee.

DeRosa present electronically at 12:45 P.M. 7

Namkung present at electronically at 12:45 P.M.

Discussion held regarding Local 802 limited pressing agreements.

Local 802 Principal Business Rep Marisa Friedman present at 12:42 P.M.

Discussion held. 7

Friedman excused at 12:48 P.M.

Motion made and seconded to approve the Limited Pressing Sound Recording agreement between Twelve Second Development LLC and Local 802 for The Twelve Concept Album.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made and seconded to approve the Limited Pressing Sound Recording agreement between North South Consonance and Local 802 for Christopher James: Instrumental Music.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to approve a budget of up to $400 for the June 27, 2024 Local 802 Pride event co- sponsored by Local 802 and the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Namkung excused at 1:19 P.M.

Discussion held regarding the agenda for the June 5, 2024 Local 802 membership meeting.

Motion made and seconded to approve an agenda for June 5, 2024 Local 802 membership meeting.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Fisher reported on a grievance Local 802 had filed against the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.

Fisher reported on negotiations between the American Ballet Theatre and Local 802.

Fisher reported that Victor Herbert Repertory Theatre and the Center for Contemporary Opera 96 have ceased operating.

Fisher reported on member Daryl Goldberg’s receipt of the New York Labor History Association’s 2024 Philoine Fried Award.

Riley present electronically at 1:32 P.M.

Discussion held regarding renovation of the Local 802 building.

Mars reported on negotiations between 54 Below and Local 802.

Mars reported on negotiations between the Argyle Theatre and Local 802.

Mars reported on unfair labor practice complaints Local 802 filed against self-contained acts performing in the 2024 Lincoln Center presents American Songbook series.

Mars reported on negotiations between the Gateway Theatre and Local 802.

Mars reported on negotiations between Local 153 OPEIU and Local 802.

Discussion held regarding a bylaw amendment concerning charges against officers submitted by Local 802 member John O’Connor.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:45 P.M.

MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hybrid Local 802 AFM membership meeting called to order at 5:09 P.M. by President Cutler.

Roll Call of the Local 802 Officers by Cutler.

Present: Recording Vice President Mars, Financial Vice President Fisher, Executive Board Members Assael, Burridge, Cohen, DeRosa, Hyde, Kainuma, Namkung and Riley, Trial Board Members Gandara, Korn, Lorensen, Odze, Rutkowski, Seidner,  Willis and Local 802 General Counsel Susan Davis.

A quorum was achieved during the meeting at 5:18 P.M.

Introductory remarks by Cutler.

Cutler reported on status of the building renovation, pending litigation and negotiations in which she is involved.

Fisher reported on Union finances and the status of negotiations in which she is involved.

Mars reported on the status of negotiations in which he is involved and newly promulgated contracts.

Cutler reported on the #NotMe application that will be made available to members for reporting harassment/workplace issues.

Local 802 Member Ken Hartfield reported on the creation of a Local 802 Artificial Intelligence Committee.

Questions by the membership responded to by the Officers and Davis.

Meeting adjourned at 6:04 P.M.