
Executive Board Minutes

January 14, 2020 - February 4, 2020

Volume 120, No. 3March, 2020

Monday, January 14, 2020

Meeting called to order at 11:12 am by President Krauthamer. Present: Financial Vice President Fisher, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Davis, Donovan, Frawley, Hoyt, Kainuma, Paisner, Shankin.

Minutes of January 6, 2020 reviewed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of January 6, 2020 as corrected.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

President Krauthamer presented requests from three members for leaves of absence from Broadway shows.

It was moved and seconded to approve the leaves of absence as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Krauthamer reported on matters pertaining to the Off Broadway production of Emojiland.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on an upcoming AFM meeting on the topic of streaming to be held in Los Angeles.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on his attendance at AFM Sound Recording Labor Agreement negotiations.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reviewed the Executive Board meeting of January 6, 2020 held with representatives of Indie Musicians Caucus.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that Local 802 will interview internship candidates from CUNY.

Discussion held.

Executive Board member Axelrod present at 11:45.

Krauthamer reported on planning for the 401(k).

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the DCINY negotiations.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the Local 802 organizational goals for 2020.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on board subcommittees and assigned committee members.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on plans for performance reviews to be rolled out in 2020.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on organizing efforts at the local.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the plans for the social engagement team and announced that the team would meet with the board next week.

Discussion held.

Board recessed at 12:50.

Board reconvened at 1:12. Executive Board member Cohen joins via telephone.

Krauthamer reported on budgetary matters.

Recording Vice President Schwartz reported on the recording department budget.

Discussion held.

Schwartz presented a request from the Local 802 Broadway Show Bowling Team to have the local cover payment of the Spring season fee of $90.

It was moved and seconded to approve for payment the Bowling Team fee of $90, payable to BC/EFA.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Schwartz presented a quote from Sterling Forms for the printing of a 2020-21 membership directory.

Discussion held.

Financial Vice President Fisher reported the salary increase for non-bargaining unit employees, set at 1.74 percent.

Discussion held.

Cohen discussed the reopening of the Club Room.

Discussion held.

Meeting adjourned at 2:32.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Meeting called to order at 11:16 am by President Krauthamer. Present: Financial Vice President Fisher, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Axelrod, Donovan, Frawley, Hoyt, Paisner, Shankin.

Minutes of January 14, 2020 reviewed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of January 14, 2020 as corrected.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

President Krauthamer presented requests from two members for leaves of absence from Broadway shows.

It was moved and seconded to approve the leaves of absence as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Krauthamer presented an invoice in the amount of $200 from Jewish Labor Committee (JLC) for membership renewal.

It was moved and seconded to approve for payment the JLC membership renewal as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Krauthamer presented an invoice in the amount of $16,650.83 from Cushman & Wakefield for real estate brokerage services.

It was moved and seconded to approve for payment the invoice from Cushman & Wakefield as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Krauthamer presented a retainer agreement for legal services from Kevin Case of Case Arts Law LLC pertaining to negotiations between Local 802 and New York City Ballet.

Executive Board member Davis present at 11:27.

Executive Board member Cohen present at 11:28.

It was moved and seconded to approve the retainer agreement with Case Arts Law LLC as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Director Mejia present.

Mejia reported on a performance review process.

Discussion held.

Mejia excused.

Krauthamer reported on board subcommittees.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the opportunity for AFM-EPF participant comment on the Fund’s application under MPRA.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported he would meet with the committees of New York Philharmonic and New York City Ballet next week.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on a voluntary adjustment to the salary of Managing Director Kantor.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on matters pertaining to compensation for legal counsel.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on plans for training sessions for the Executive Board and committees.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the status of negotiations between Local 802 and DCINY for a first collective bargaining agreement and appointed Executive Board member Davis as board liaison to the negotiating committee.

Discussion held.

Board recessed at 12:52.

Board reconvened at 1:05.

Members Schroeder, Reza, Vance and Pecoraro of the Social Engagement Team present. Member Monkell present via Skype.

The team presented an overview of its work.

Discussion held.

Schroeder, Reza, Vance, Pecoraro and Monkell excused.

Board recessed at 1:56.

Board reconvened at 2:08.

Financial Vice President Fisher reported on matters pertaining to American Symphony Orchestra.

Discussion held.

Fisher reported on matters pertaining to an archival recording by Riverside Symphony.

Discussion held.

Fisher reported on negotiations between Local 802 and Mostly Mozart Festival for a successor collective bargaining agreement.

Discussion held.

Fisher reported on negotiations between Local 802 and American Ballet Theatre for a successor collective bargaining agreement.

Discussion held.

Fisher reported on her attendance at a meeting NYC Central Labor Council.

Discussion held.

Recording Vice President Schwartz presented a proposal for scale wages pertaining to a benefit performance to be produced by Voices for the Voiceless at Town Hall on February 6, 2020.

It was moved and seconded to approve the scale wages.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Schwartz submitted quotes for a printing of the Local 802 membership directory.

Discussion held.

Schwartz presented an overview of budgeting, organization and workflow in the Recording Department.

Executive Board member Cohen excused at 2:53.

Discussion held.

Executive Bord member Frawley reported on matters pertaining to member communication.

Discussion held.

Meeting adjourned at 3:34.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Meeting called to order at 11:15 am by President Krauthamer. Present: Financial Vice President Fisher, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Axelrod, Cohen, Donovan, Frawley, Hoyt, Kainuma, Paisner, Shankin.

Minutes of January 21, 2020 reviewed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of January 21, 2020 as corrected.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

President Krauthamer presented requests from four members for leaves of absence from Broadway shows.

It was moved and seconded to approve the leaves of absence as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

President Krauthamer presented invoices for legal services from Spivak Lipton LLP.

It was moved and seconded to approve for payment an invoice from Spivak Lipton in the amount of $2,681.25 for professional legal services pertaining to the establishment of the 401(k) plan.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

It was moved and seconded to approve for payment an invoice from Spivak Lipton in the amount of $5,775 for professional legal services in the month of December 2019.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Krauthamer reported on the status of negotiations between Local 802 and DCINY.

Discussion held.

Director of Field Services Gertner and Organizer Paulina present.

Gertner and Paulina presented a report on DCINY negotiations.

Financial Vice President Fisher excused at 12 noon.

Discussion held.

Fisher present at 12:14.

Gertner and Paulina excused.

Board recessed at 1 pm.

Board reconvened at 1:14.

Krauthamer reported that negotiations between Local 802 and Not-for-Profit theatrical employers will resume on February 7, 2020.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on his recent meeting with the orchestra committee of New York City Ballet.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the status of the club room assessment.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer called the meeting into executive session at 1:17.

Krauthamer called the meeting out of executive session at 1:36.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on matters pertaining to the 2020 Local 802 budget.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer presented a request for a special situation from the producer of the Broadway production of Six at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre.

Discussion held.

Executive Board member Frawley discussed proposals brought to the board by Social Engagement Committee.

Discussion held.

Board recessed at 2:20.

Board reconvened at 2:29.

Executive Board member Axelrod requested information on the status of a potential AFM-EPF trustees meeting with the membership.

Discussion held.

Axelrod requested information on the progress of the Emerging Artist Project grant winner.

Schwartz reported on the work under contract performed by Roxy Coss Quintet and read a message of appreciation from member Coss.

Discussion held.

Schwartz reported on the progress of planned improvements to the Club Room and Room B.

Discussion held.

Axelrod and Krauthamer excused at 2:59. Fisher assumed chair.

Fisher presented a successor collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and Victor Herbert Renaissance Project Live!, Inc.

Executive Board member Hoyt excused at 3:03.

It was moved and seconded to approve the agreement with Victor Herbert Renaissance Project Live!, Inc. as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Fisher announced a date of June 17, 2020 for the next membership meeting.

Discussion held.

Fisher excused at 3:15. Recording Vice President Schwartz assumed the chair.

Schwartz reported on his meeting with a representative of Hank Lane Music to negotiate a settlement of a grievance.

Discussion held.

Schwartz reported on the status of negotiations for a successor collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and Apollo Theatre covering the Amateur Night at the Apollo band.

Discussion held.

Schwartz reported that a tenured ensemble had been given its notice by The Sahara Plaza and on the response of Local 802 to the employer.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer and Fisher present at 3:28. Krauthamer assumed the chair.

Schwartz reported on plans for a unified member services model on the second floor and for improvements to the processing of data and checks in the Recording Department.

Discussion held.

Meeting adjourned at 3:32.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Meeting called to order at 11:14 am by President Krauthamer. Present: Financial Vice President Fisher, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Axelrod, Cohen, Davis, Donovan, Frawley, Kainuma, Paisner, Shankin.

Minutes of January 28, 2020 reviewed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of January 28, 2020 as corrected.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

President Krauthamer distributed LM-2 forms to board members.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer presented a request from a member for a leave of absence from a Broadway show.

It was moved and seconded to approve the leave of absence as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Krauthamer presented an offer of a discount from Manhattan Plaza Health Club to be added to the Member Resource Center listings.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on upgrades to the club room.

Discussion held.

It was moved and seconded to approve $5,260.45 for the purchase and installation of theatrical lighting to the club room.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Krauthamer reported on the process of booking rehearsals in the club room.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the agenda for the membership meeting of February 26, 2020.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that he will be meeting with the Not-for-Profit theatrical employers on Friday and will meet with the member bargaining committee today.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that he would be meeting today with the orchestra committee of New York Philharmonic.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on a meeting with member Roxy Coss.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer discussed proposals received by the board from the Social Engagement Team.

Discussion held.

Board recessed at 12:10.

Board reconvened at 12:16.

Krauthamer reported on a meeting of the board’s Politics Subcommittee with consultant Chris Carroll pertaining to the development of a political program at Local 802.

Discussion held.

Director of IT Mosher present.

Mosher presented proposals for modernizing technology at the local.

Executive Board member Cohen excused at 1:01.

Discussion held.

Cohen present at 1:11.

Mosher excused.

Executive Board member Davis reported on her attendance at negotiations between Local 802 and DCINY.

Discussion held.

Board recessed and Krauthamer excused at 2:18.

Board reconvened and Financial Vice President Fisher assumed the chair at 2:34.

Fisher reported on the status of negotiations between Local 802 and Mostly Mozart Festival for a successor collective bargaining agreement.

Discussion held.

Fisher reported that she had met with musicians of American Symphony Orchestra, American Classical Orchestra and Riverside Symphony and planned to meet with musicians of Little Orchestra Society.

Discussion held.

Fisher presented a booklet containing information from NYCOSH.

Discussion held.

Recording Vice President Schwartz reported on his and Fisher’s participation in a meeting of the board of Art Workers Resource Center.

Discussion held.

Cohen presented a draft mission statement of the board’s Pension Subcommittee.

Discussion held.

Cohen excused at 3:05.

Executive Board member Frawley reported on the NYS Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act.

Discussion held.

Executive Board members Axelrod and Shankin excused at 3:14.

Meeting adjourned at 3:22.