
Executive Board Minutes

October 10, 2017 - October 31, 2017

Volume 118, No. 3March, 2018


Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. by President Gagliardi. Present: Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Burridge, Cutler, Garnett, Hyde, Namkung, Sharman.  Minutes from October 3, 2017 reviewed. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from October 3, 2017 as corrected. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

President Gagliardi reported on a Members Legal Services Fund request from Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. It was moved and seconded to approve $15,000 from the Members Legal Services Fund as a credit for the additional contract year negotiated into the 2014 Metropolitan Opera Collective Bargaining Agreement. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Gagliardi reported on the first hearing to address a request for a special situation from the producers of “Escape to Margaritaville: the Musical” that took place on October 6, 2017.

Executive Board member Hyde requested an update on the board vacancy. Discussion held.

Financial Vice President Olcott presented a request from Bronx Arts Ensemble to utilize public service scales for a concert at Lehman College on October 26, 2017. It was moved and seconded to approve the request from Bronx Arts Ensemble. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Olcott reported that ratification of the collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and Orpheus was concluding. Discussion held. Olcott reported that AFM had approved the inclusion of excerpts of certain recordings in a live performance by New York City Gay Men’s Chorus on a one-time, non-precedential basis. Discussion held. Olcott reported on matters pertaining to Westchester Philharmonic. Discussion held. Olcott reported on matters pertaining to American Symphony Orchestra. Discussion held.

Hyde excused at 12:14. Hyde present at 12:16. Recording Vice President Schwartz presented a by-law amendment to be proposed and voted on at the Local 802 membership meeting of February 7, 2018 to amend the Local 802 Bylaws as follows (new language underlined): Article III, Section 5, Paragraph (a): “…A further portion of the amount thus collected by the Union equivalent to one-quarter of one percent (0.25 percent) of all scale earnings on which work dues are collected by Local 802 shall be dedicated for use in Public Relations programs such as the Emerging Artists Project and any other similar program meant to increase the union’s membership and bargaining unit work available to the union’s membership. The amount of any grants awarded as part of the Program shall not exceed the actual amount of funding established by the Executive Board available for the Program at that time. The Union will notify its members of the status of the Program on an annual basis.” It was moved and seconded that the Executive Board report this resolution favorably to the February 7, 2017 membership meeting. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting recessed at 12:31. Meeting reconvened at 12:40. Schwartz presented requests from four members for leaves of absence from Broadway shows. It was moved and seconded to approve the requests as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Political and Communications Director Carroll present. Carroll proposed a contribution to the reelection campaign of Elizabeth Crowley for New York City Council from District 30. It was moved and seconded to contribute $500 to the reelection campaign of Elizabeth Crowley. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Carroll reported on the Arts & Entertainment Worker Resource Center. Discussion held. Carroll reported on a proposal that Local 802 sponsor an instrument drive to assist public school music programs. Carroll excused. It was moved and seconded to approve $5,000 to fund an instrument drive, such funding to come from the public relations budget. Discussion held. Motion carried. Olcott, Namkung, Sharman opposed.

Schwartz requested that a date be selected for the annual Local 802 holiday party. The Executive Board scheduled the holiday party for December 20, 2017. Meeting adjourned at 1:47 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:03 a.m. by President Gagliardi. Present: Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Sharman, Suttmann. Minutes from October 10, 2017 reviewed. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from October 10, 2017 as corrected. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

President Gagliardi reported on negotiations between Local 802 and Metropolitan Opera. Discussion held. Gagliardi presented a copy of a letter from New York City Ballet to John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts pertaining to the inclusion of the Ballet Orchestra on alternate years of its annual residency. Discussion held. Gagliardi reported that he would be meeting with the producers of “Jersey Boys” to discuss their request to utilize the terms of the Broadway Media Agreement in an Off Broadway production of that show. Discussion held. Gagliardi reported on matters pertaining to the pre-Broadway performances of “Escape to Margaritaville the Musical.” Discussion held. Gagliardi reported on matters pertaining to a Local 802 instrument drive. Discussion held. Gagliardi presented an invitation to attend the 35th Annual Sol Stein Awards on November 16, 2017. Discussion held.

Financial Vice President Olcott reported on his attendance at the memorial service for Vincent La Selva and presented a request from Chatham Opera to utilize public service scales to compensate the orchestra that performed at the service. It was moved and seconded to approve the use of public service scales for the La Selva memorial service. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Olcott reported on matters pertaining to Westchester Philharmonic. Discussion held.

Recording Vice President Schwartz reported on the status of negotiations between Local 802 and BOOM Collective for a successor collective bargaining agreement covering the Winter JazzFest. Discussion held.

Schwartz reported that he and Executive Board member Garnett would be interviewed for seats on a nightlife advisory board to be established by New York City Council and the Mayor’s Office. Discussion held. Schwartz presented requests from four members for leaves of absence from Broadway shows. It was moved and seconded to approve the leaves of absence as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Executive Board member Hyde requested that a meeting be scheduled of the Public Relations Subcommittee and titled officers of Local 802. Discussion held.

Board recessed at 12:28. Board reconvened at 12:41.

Electronic Media Business Rep Pawlo present. Pawlo presented a limited pressing agreement with Playwrights Horizons for the Off Broadway production of “Bella: An American Tall Tale.” Pawlo excused. It was moved and seconded to approve the limited pressing agreement for “Bella: An American Tall Tale.” Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Executive Board member Cutler reported on matters pertaining to The Orchestra Now. Discussion held.

Political and Communications Director Carroll present. Carroll reported on matters pertaining to a Local 802 instrument drive. Discussion held. Carroll submitted a corrected payroll for the members who performed at a rally prior to the New York City Mayoral Debate of October 10, 2017 bringing the total wages and benefits to $823.18. It was moved and seconded to approve the corrected payroll as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Carroll proposed that Local 802 provide members to perform for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on October 28, 2017. It was moved and seconded to approve an amount sufficient to provide six members at public service concert scales to perform for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, funding to come from the public relations budget. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Carroll excused. Meeting adjourned at 1:12 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:15 a.m. by President Gagliardi. Present: Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Burridge, Cutler, Dougherty, Garnett, Hyde, Namkung, Sharman, Suttmann.

Susan Davis of Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP (CWS) present. Davis reported on matters pertaining to Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. Discussion held. Davis reported that CWS has been retained by Metropolitan Opera Orchestra for the negotiations in 2018 and on matters pertaining to the firm’s fees for those negotiations. Davis excused. It was moved and seconded to approve a fee arrangement with CWS pertaining to the upcoming 2018 Metropolitan Opera negotiations. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Member Justin Goldner present. Goldner reported on his professional background and interest in filling a vacancy on the Executive Board. Discussion held. Goldner excused.

Board recessed at 12:30. Board reconvened at 12:35. Political and Communications Director Carroll present. Carroll presented a press statement from Local 802 regarding a hate crime investigation at the Metropolitan Opera. Discussion held. Executive Board member Hyde excused at 12:45. Carroll reported on the results of the Puerto Rico hurricane relief fundraiser that took place at the October 18, 2017 membership meeting. Discussion held. Carroll excused. Gagliardi reviewed eligibility to attend membership meetings. Discussion held. Executive Board member Suttmann excused at 12:55. Recording Vice President Schwartz presented required updates to the Local 802 Limited Pressing Agreement so as to comport with the AFM Sound Recording Labor Agreement that became effective on July 3, 2017. It was moved and seconded to amend the Limited Pressing Agreement to increase AFM-EPF benefits to 12.81 percent and update the term of the agreement to run from February 1, 2017 to January 31, 2020.  Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Director of Organizing and Field Services Russell-Brown present. Russell-Brown reported on organizing matters pertaining to Lincoln Center American Songbook concert series. Discussion held. Russell-Brown excused.

It was moved and seconded to table the review of minutes of October 17, 2017 until October 31, 2017. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Gagliardi excused on union business at 1:15. Financial Vice President Olcott assumed the chair.

Senior Business Rep Gasteyer present. Gasteyer presented a collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and BOOM Collective for the 2018 and 2019 Winter Jazzfest. Gasteyer excused. It was moved and seconded to approve the agreement with BOOM Collective for ratification by the bargaining unit. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Schwartz reported on the status of Discussion held. Meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:06 a.m. by President Gagliardi. Present: Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Burridge, Cutler, Dougherty, Garnett, Hyde, Namkung, Sharman, Suttmann. Minutes from October 17, 2017 reviewed. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from October 17, 2017 as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes from October 24, 2017 reviewed. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from October 24, 2017 as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

President Gagliardi reported on negotiations for the Integrated Media Agreement. Discussion held. Gagliardi announced he would be meeting with Metropolitan Opera regarding an incident at the opera house. Discussion held. Gagliardi reported on matters pertaining to diversity in the orchestral field. Discussion held. Gagliardi reported on matters pertaining to the probationary period for Broadway musicians. Discussion held.

Financial Vice President Olcott reported that Riverside Symphony has requested a wage freeze at the 2016-2017 rates to add one concert to its season. It was moved and seconded to approve the request from Riverside Symphony pending ratification by the bargaining unit. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Olcott presented a request from Bronx Arts Ensemble to utilize public service scales for a concert at Fordham University Church on November 16, 2017. Olcott presented a request from North/South Consonance, Inc. to utilize public service scales for two rehearsals and a concert at St. Stephen’s Church on each of January 8 and 9, 2018, February 22, 23 and 25, 2018 and on March 9, 12 and 13, 2018. It was moved and seconded to approve the request from Bronx Arts Ensemble as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved and seconded to approve the requests from North/South Consonance, Inc. as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Recording Vice President Schwartz presented a request for a donation from Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc. Discussion held. Schwartz reported on the status of negotiations between Local 802 and 54 Below. Discussion held. Schwartz reported on the status of negotiations for a successor agreement between Local 802 and Single Engagement Club Date Employers. Discussion held. Schwartz reported on an initiative to organize musicians in the Jewish Club Date field. Discussion held.

Schwartz presented requests from three members for leaves of absence from Broadway shows. It was moved and seconded to approve the leaves of absence as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Controller Camiolo present. Camiolo presented the July 2017 financial report. Discussion held. Camiolo excused.

It was moved and seconded to approve a donation to Puerto Rico AFM Local 555 for hurricane relief in the amount of $5,000 of which $1,776 has come from member donations and of which $3,224 will be funded through the public relations budget, pending advice of legal counsel. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Gagliardi reported on matters pertaining to AFM-EPF and the October 18, 2017 membership meeting. Discussion held.

Executive Board member Cutler reported on the status of Emerging Artists Project. Discussion held.

Gagliardi excused on union business. Olcott assumed the chair. Board recessed at 1:07. Board reconvened at 1:12. Local 802 counsel Harvey Mars present.

Mars presented a promulgated agreement covering Local 802 members performing in hotels and partially executed copies of this agreement from the Pierre and Carlyle hotels for the Executive Board’s approval. It was moved and seconded to approve the promulgated hotel agreement and those signed by the Pierre and Carlyle hotels. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m.