Executive Board Minutes
August 2, 2016 - August 9, 2016
Volume 117, No. 1January, 2017
NOTE: The Executive Board did not meet on July 5, July 12, July 19 and July 26.
Meeting called to order at 11 a.m. by President Gagliardi. Present: Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Burridge, Kruvand, Sharman, Suttmann. Minutes from June 28, 2016 reviewed. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from June 28, 2016 as corrected. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
President Gagliardi presented the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Local 802 and the Organization of Union Representatives (OUR). It was moved and seconded to approve the MOA with OUR. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi presented an invoice in the amount of $11,951.66 from Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP for services outside those covered under their retainer. It was moved and seconded to approve the payment of the invoice. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi requested that the board affirm an email poll approving a contribution of $500 to Broadway For Orlando LLC. It was moved and seconded to affirm the poll. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi requested that the board affirm an email poll to approve for ratification the Memorandum of Agreement between Local 802 and The Broadway League. It was moved and seconded to affirm the poll. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi requested that the board affirm an email poll approving the extension of the ratification vote by the bargaining unit on the MOA with The Broadway League through Monday, August 8, 2016. It was moved and seconded to affirm the poll. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi reported on the ongoing legal proceedings brought by Local 802 against Katherine Russell and AND A WALL, LLC pertaining to a production of “The Fantastiks.” Discussion held.
Gagliardi presented an agreement between Local 802 and Algonquin Theatre Productions for the Off Broadway production of “On the Rails.” It was moved and seconded to approve the agreement with Algonquin Theatre Productions. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi reported on the cancellation of a scoring session for the motion picture, “Girl on a Train” and a request to waive a session payment in light of a disruption caused by construction noise. Discussion held.
Gagliardi presented an agreement between Local 802 and Gemini Music Productions for the production of “Takarazuka Chicago” at the David H. Koch Theatre. It was moved and seconded to approve the agreement with Gemini Music Productions. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi reported on the unforseen closing of the limited run of the Broadway production of “Motown, the Musical” and a request from a member of that orchestra to return to substitute on the member’s regular production. It was moved and seconded to permit the member to return to substitute on their regular production. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi reported on the ongoing contract negotiations between Local 802 and Radio City Music Hall. Discussion held.
Gagliardi reported on his attendance at the 2016 conference of Regional Orchestra Players Association in Madison WI, July 26-28, 2016. Discussion held.
Gagliardi reported on the ongoing negotiations between the AFM and the major record labels for a successor to the Sound Recording Labor Agreement. Discussion held.
Vice President Olcott presented a request from the Oratorio Society of New York for an evening rehearsal at day rates on November 1, 2016. It was moved and seconded to approve the use of day rates by the Oratorio Society provided that the musicians involved may take off as necessary without penalty. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Olcott reported on the status of the Brooklyn Philharmonic and outstanding claims by Local 802 and the Musicians Health Benefit Fund. Discussion held.
Gagliardi requested that the board affirm an email poll to approve an additional $239.06 for the purchase of Local 802 T-shirts and hats to that previously approved on June 28, 2016 in amount of $2,567.40. It was moved and seconded to affirm the poll. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi requested that the board affirm an email poll approving an invoice in the amount of $6,030.59 from Kaback Services for repairs to the air conditioning system in the union’s building. It was moved and seconded to affirm the poll. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi requested that the board affirm an email poll appointing Jay Brandford to the Local 802 Executive Board. It was moved and seconded to affirm the poll. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Recording Vice President Schwartz presented a proposal from DRP Solutions for the migration of the union’s computer systems to Microsoft Office Exchange Online and Office 365 at a cost of $21,000 plus monthly maintenance charges of $270. It was moved and seconded to approve the proposal from DRP Solutions. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Schwartz presented a proposal for merit wage increase for four Local 802 employees and to promote John Painting to the position of Assistant Supervisor, Electronic Media Services Department. Discussion held. Gagliardi requested that the board approve a one-time wage increase for an employee. Discussion held. Schwartz reported on personnel matters. Controller Camiolo present. Camiolo presented the financial package for the wage increases. It was moved and seconded to approve the merit wage increases and the promotion as presented to the board. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously
Camiolo presented the 2015 Form 990. Discussion held.
Camiolo presented the April and May 2016 financial report. Discussion held. Camiolo reported on the costs of the migration to Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange Online and confirmed the cost-effectiveness of the proposal from DRP Solutions. Camiolo excused.
Board recessed at 12:55. Board reconvened at 1:05. Schwartz presented requests from members for leaves of absence from Broadway shows. It was moved and seconded to approve the requests for leaves of absence. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Local 802 counsel Mars present. Mars reported on matters pertaining to the Brooklyn Philharmonic. Discussion held. Mars reported on the matter of producer Katherine Russell and the related arrears in pension, work dues and health benefits owed to the AFM and Local 802. Mars excused.
Meeting adjourned at 1:23 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. by Financial Vice President Olcott. Present: Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Kruvand, Sharman, Suttmann, Assistant to the President Bond. President Gagliardi absent on union business. Minutes from August 2, 2016 reviewed. Executive Board member Hyde present at 11:13. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from August 2, 2016 as corrected. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Assistant to the President Bond reported that the Memorandum of Agreement between Local 802 and The Broadway League was ratified by the bargaining unit. Discussion held. Financial Vice President Olcott reported on contract negotiations between Local 802 and Radio City Music Hall. Discussion held. Olcott requested approval of an annual anniversary wage increase of 2 percent for an employee. It was moved and seconded to approve the wage increase. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Olcott reported on a communication received from the Oratorio Society of New York pertaining to a prior request to utilize day rates for an evening rehearsal on November 1, 2016, which the Executive Board had approved on the condition that musicians would be able to take off as needed. It was moved and seconded not to modify the terms of the board’s prior approval. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Olcott reported on the completion of a draft Memorandum of Agreement between Local 802 and Orchestra of St. Luke’s. Discussion held. Olcott reported that he will be meeting with the American Symphony Orchestra at Bard College on August 12, 2016 to continue contract negotiations.
Recording Vice President Schwartz presented an invoice in the amount of $5,651.16 from Kaback Services, representing one-half of the annual service contract for the maintenance of the union hall’s air conditioning system, covering the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. It was moved and seconded to approve the payment of the invoice from Kaback Services. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Schwartz presented a request for a donation from the New York City Labor Chorus in celebration of its 25th Anniversary Gala Benefit Concert, November 12, 2016. It was moved and seconded to approve $250 from the Public Relations budget to purchase a quarter-page advertisement in the Labor Chorus Journal. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Schwartz presented a request for a donation from the Peggy Browning Fund to sponsor the 18th National Law Students Workers’ Rights Conference on October 14&15, 2016. It was moved and seconded to donate $100 from the Public Relations budget to sponsor the Peggy Browning Fund conference. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Schwartz reported on the progress of the Local 802 Musicians’ Referral Service. Discussion held. Schwartz presented the minutes and findings of the Local 802 Trial Board. Discussion held.
Bond announced the networking event for musicians performing in the productions of the New York Musical Festival, to take place on August 10, 2016 at Local 802. Bond announced the networking event for musicians performing in the productions of the Fringe Festival would take place on August 31, 2016.
Communications and Political Director Carroll present. Carroll proposed that Local 802 consider the endorsement of Hillary Clinton for the presidency of the United States. Carroll proposed that Local 802 consider the endorsement of Micah Lasher for State Senator from New York District 31. Carroll proposed a $250 contribution to the campaign of Linda Rosenthal for election to New York State Assembly from District 69. Carroll proposed a program entitled District Captains, a political initiative designed to engage members in our union’s political activities. Carroll proposed a community grassroots happy hour and Tempo fundraiser. Carroll requested that Local 802 participate in the AFL-CIO’s Labor Action Network online database, an application that can be used to direct messages to members. Carroll excused.
It was moved and seconded to endorse Hillary Clinton for President. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved and seconded to contribute $250 to the campaign of Linda Rosenthal. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved and seconded to endorse Micah Lasher for State Senator. Discussion held. Motion carried, Kruvand opposed. Discussion held on the request to participate in the AFL-CIO Labor Action Network. Discussion held on the proposals for the District Captains initiative and a Tempo Fundraiser. Bond excused.
Meeting adjourned 2:49 p.m.