
Executive Board Minutes

July 18, 2000 -- August 22, 2000

Volume C, No. 10October, 2000

TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2000

Meeting called to order at 11:45 a.m. by chair pro tem, board member Crow. Also present: Executive Board members Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon and Weiss, Controller Bogert and Assistant to the President Dennison. President Moriarity was excused for medical reasons. Recording Vice-President Price was excused to attend to union business. Bogert took the minutes of the meeting.

Crow distributed for the board’s information the following list of leaves of absence which had been granted by the Recording Vice-President:

  1. Anthony Cecere, from the Broadway production Beauty and the Beast, from June 22-24 and from June 27-July 2, to perform with American Ballet Theatre, with the proviso that he not substitute in Beauty and the Beast during those periods.
  2. Katherine Fink, from the Broadway production Beauty and the Beast, from July 5-7 and from July 11-16, to play a chamber music festival and to record a CD.
  3. Clinton De Ganon, from the Broadway production Footloose, from the evening of June 10-June 25 and from July 18-27, to work out of town.
  4. Seth Farber, from the Broadway production Fosse, from July 17-31, to perform in Europe.
  5. James Saporito, from the Broadway production Fosse, from July 4-16 and from Aug. 8-27, for personal reasons.
  6. Mineko Yajima, from the Broadway production Miss Saigon, from July 2-30, to teach chamber music and to perform in Japan.
  7. R.J. Kelley, from the Broadway production Jekyll & Hyde, from May 17-25, to play an Orpheus tour and to perform with the NYC Ballet, with the proviso that he not substitute in Jekyll & Hyde during that period.
  8. R.J. Kelley, from the Broadway production Jekyll & Hyde, from June 22-July 2, to play chamber music.
  9. Christopher Parker, from the Broadway production Saturday Night Fever, from Aug. 17-Sept. 3, to perform in Europe and for personal reasons.
  10. Robert Bush, from the Broadway production Jekyll & Hyde, from July 6-18, for personal reasons.
  11. Jeffrey Zahn, from the Broadway production Cats, from July 3-Sept. 3, to work on composition projects.
  12. Anthony Cecere, from the Broadway production Beauty and the Beast, from July 6-31, to perform with the Chautauqua Symphony.
  13. Jeffrey Carney, from the Broadway production Beauty and the Beast, from July 13-25, to tour Europe with Tony Bennett.
  14. Doug Oberhamer, from the Broadway production Swing!, from July 17-30, for personal reasons.
  15. Nam-Sook Lee, from the Broadway production Jekyll & Hyde, from June 28-July 11, for personal reasons.

Senior Business Rep Lennon appeared before the board to participate in the following discussions.

Dennison made a report regarding a promotional CD-ROM that is being produced by SFX Theatrical Group (SFX) for its Broadway series subscribers across North America. In exchange for the right to use existing B-roll footage, SFX has offered Local 802 the opportunity to include in the CD-ROM five minutes of content of the union’s choice, to include information such as the union’s organization, its role in the theatre, etc. Discussion held. Motion made and passed unanimously to enter into an agreement with SFX for this project and to explore the cost of producing five minutes of relevant content.

Dennison and Lennon reported on a course entitled “Training and Certification in Occupational Hearing Conservation” to be presented on July 19-21, and recommended that Lennon attend. Discussion held. Motion made and passed unanimously to approve Lennon’s attendance at this course at a cost for lodging and course registration not to exceed $1,050. Lennon excused.

Simon reported that the AFM Symphonic Media/Internet Agreement had been ratified (see May 2 minutes).

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the May vouchers. Bogert distributed the June vouchers.

Senior Business Rep Donovan appeared before the board to present an agreement between Local 802 and Godspell Ltd. Partnership for a show entitled Godspell at St. Peter’s Church. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Bogert presented the financial results for May and responded to questions from the board concerning them.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the June 27 minutes as amended.

New Organizing Department Director Dubnau and Senior Organizer Eisman present during the foregoing consideration of minutes.

Dubnau reported that a settlement had been reached between Local 802 and the National Association of Performing Arts Educators relating to a grievance for wages and benefits payable for two rehearsals of Pirates of Penzance. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Eisman reported on the winning of an arbitration against the Staten Island Symphony, which involved promotion of a section player to a principal chair. Discussion held.

Eisman presented a collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and the New York Metamorphoses Orchestra. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Eisman presented a collective bargaining agreement and a side letter thereto between Local 802 and Manhattan Swing Orchestras.

Shankin excused.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the foregoing agreement and side letter.

Shankin rejoined the meeting. Hafemeister excused. Dennison excused.

Discussion held concerning the vacancy in the position of Financial Vice-President. Hafemeister and Dennison rejoined the meeting during the foregoing discussion. Motion made and carried to approve travel expenses up to $900 for Peter Vriesenga for his scheduled meeting with the board on July 25. Opposed: Rosen and Weiss.

Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2000

Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Recording Vice-President Price. Also present: Executive Board members Blumenthal, Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin and Simon, Controller Bogert and Assistant to the President Dennison. President Moriarity was excused for medical reasons. Bogert took the minutes of the meeting.

As chair of the Search Committee for a Financial Vice-President, Simon distributed for the board’s information the resume of Peter Vriesenga, a candidate for that position.

Weiss present at 11:40 a.m.

Vriesenga appeared before the board to be interviewed for a position at Local 802. He presented his background and experiences as president of Denver Local 20-263 and then responded to questions from the board. He was thanked for his attendance and excused. Counsel Leibowitz present during discussion held on Peter Vriesenga and the foregoing interview.

Meeting recessed at 1:25 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:35 p.m.

Present: Price, Blumenthal, Crow, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon, Weiss, Bogert and Dennison.

New Organizing Department Director Dubnau appeared before the board to report on the status of a touring agreement with the Riverside Symphony. Discussion held. Blumenthal, Dennison and Dubnau were asked by the board to work with the Riverside Committee to complete a contract for this work.

Crow excused at 3:30 p.m.

Members of the Search Committee for Financial Vice-President – Frank Donaruma, Daire Fitzgerald, Melanie Bradford and Lou Bruno – appeared before the board to present their thoughts and reactions to recent action of the board. Discussion held. Hafemeister and Dennison excused during the foregoing discussion. It was agreed that the committee should meet again with the board, and that the next date available to both groups was the Tuesday after Labor Day.

Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:45 a.m. by Recording Vice-President Price. Also present: Executive Board members Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon and Weiss, Controller Bogert and Assistant to the President Dennison. President Moriarity was excused for medical reasons. Bogert took the minutes of the meeting.

July 11, 18 and 25 minutes unanimously accepted as amended. Local 802 Counsel Leibowitz present during consideration of the July 25 minutes.

Senior Business Rep Donovan appeared before the board. Leibowitz, Donovan and Dennison reported to the board on the terms of a five-year agreement between Local 802 and Radio City Music Hall. Discussion held. Weiss excused during the preceding discussion. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement. Ratification is required by the 35-member orchestra pool plus two organists.

Meeting recessed at 1:10 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:20 p.m.

Present: Price, Crow, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon, Weiss and Dennison.

Price distributed for the board’s information a proposed notice for the back page of Allegro concerning Local 802 Election Information for the 2000 union election. Discussion held.

Price reported to the board on plans for this year’s Labor Day Parade. Discussion held.

Bogert present at 2:25 p.m.

Dennison presented to the board information on two music conferences at which it was proposed that Local 802 would share in the costs of booths with the AFM. Discussion held, during which it was noted that the board had approved participation in the Latin Alternative Music Conference (see June 6 minutes). Giannini and Gale present at 2:35 p.m. during the preceding discussion.

Motion made and carried unanimously that Local 802 pay $1,250 for its share of the cost of a booth at the Change Music Conference on Oct. 19-22.

Price reported that at the recent AFM-EMSD Conference it had been determined that provisions of the AFM Demo Agreement relating to payment for upgrades differ from language included in Local 802 contracts. Price agreed to provide to the board specific changes proposed for Local 802 contract language.

Price reported to the board on an unrealized gain on Local 802’s investment in the capital stock of ULLICO (Union Labor Life Insurance Co.) Inc. Due to the resulting magnitude of this investment, Bogert was requested to determine whether a portion of the gain could be realized through a stock repurchase by ULLICO.

Price distributed for the board’s information a list of leaves of absence which he had granted:

  1. Veronica Salas, from the Broadway production The Phantom of the Opera, from July 17-21, July 24-28, and Aug. 3-31, for personal reasons and to play chamber music festivals.
  2. Rudy Perrault, from the Broadway production Beauty and the Beast, from Sept. 1, 2000 through May 28, 2001, to work out of town.
  3. Jan Hagiwara, from the Broadway production The Phantom of the Opera, from July 26-Aug. 29, for personal reasons.
  4. Glen Estrin, from the Broadway production Beauty and the Beast, from July 17-Oct. 15, for personal reasons.
  5. Debra Shufelt, from the Broadway production Jekyll & Hyde, from Aug. 1-6 and from Aug. 14-20, to play the Bard Music Festival and to play chamber music performances out of town, with the proviso that she not substitute in Jekyll & Hyde during those periods.
  6. Horace Wedderburn, Jr., from the Broadway production The Lion King, from Aug. 6-Nov. 8, to rehearse and open the Los Angeles production of this show.
  7. Glenn Drewes, from the Broadway production Fosse, from Aug. 20-27, for personal reasons.
  8. Matthew Dine, from the Broadway production Jekyll & Hyde, from Aug. 15-20, to play the Bard Music Festival, with the proviso that he not substitute in Jekyll & Hyde during that period.

Simon excused at 3:20 p.m.

In connection with the board’s strategic planning effort, Office Manager, Personnel Manager and Health Benefits Fund Administrator Jaffe appeared before the board to report on the areas for which he is responsible. Discussion held.

Crow excused at 3:50 p.m.

Jaffe thanked for his report and excused.

Legislative Director Judy West appeared before the board together with candidate for U.S. Congress from the 2nd Congressional District David Bishop and Bishop’s Finance Director, Angel McCormick. Bishop presented his credentials as a candidate and responded to questions from the board. Bishop and McCormick were thanked for their appearance and excused.

Motion made and carried unanimously to endorse Bishop’s candidacy. Motion made and carried unanimously to contribute $500 from TEMPO802 to Bishop’s campaign. Motion made and carried unanimously for Local 802 to provide for a mailing to Local 802 members residing in Bishop’s district. West excused.

Dennison reported that he had discussed with President Moriarity the formation of a committee, consisting of Dennison, Hafemeister and Giannini, to draft a report on the plans of work which have been presented to the board by Local 802 supervisors during recent weeks. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to establish such a committee.

As part of the live music campaign, Dennison presented for the board’s consideration drafts of layouts for ads to appear in such publications as Playbill.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the June vouchers.

Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Recording Vice-President Price. Also present: Executive Board members Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen and Shankin, Controller Bogert and Assistant to the President Dennison. President Moriarity was excused for medical reasons. Bogert took the minutes of the meeting.

Senior Business Rep Lennon appeared before the board, together with Theatre Committee member Charles Gordon and Producer Geoff Martz. Martz presented a proposal which included three options for the production of Local 802’s portion of a promotional CD-ROM that is being produced by SFX Theatrical Group (see July 18 minutes). Discussion held.

Weiss present at 11:35 a.m. and President Moriarity present at 11:50 a.m., during the preceding presentation.

Gordon and Martz thanked for their appearance and excused. Discussion of the proposals continued. Motion made and carried unanimously to accept Option 1, the most comprehensive of the three, which involves a projected budget of $14,700. Motion made and carried unanimously to appoint Lennon and Dennison co-project managers for this production, reporting to Price for supervisory and financial authority.

Meeting recessed at 1:00 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:28 p.m.

Present: Price, Crow, Gale, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Weiss, Bogert and Dennison.

Public Relations Director West appeared before the board together with candidate for State Assembly Kirk Swanson and Swanson’s Deputy Manager, David Meadvin. Swanson presented his credentials as a candidate and responded to questions from the board. Swanson and Meadvin were thanked for their appearance and excused. Motion made and carried unanimously to endorse Swanson’s candidacy. Motion made and carried unanimously to contribute $150 from TEMPO802 to Swanson’s campaign.

Price distributed for the board’s information a list of leaves of absence which he had granted:

  1. Sheryl Henze, from the Broadway production The Phantom of the Opera, from July 31-Sept. 16 and from Oct. 16-Nov. 18, to perform out of town.
  2. Ted Baker, from the Broadway production The Lion King, from Aug. 9-Oct. 3, to perform on tour.
  3. Rob Shaw, from the Broadway production Miss Saigon, from July 31-Aug. 14, to perform in Costa Rica.
  4. Doug Oberhamer, from the Broadway production Swing!, from July 31-Aug. 27, for personal reasons.
  5. Julie Green, from the Broadway production Miss Saigon, from Aug. 7-Sept. 9, for personal reasons.
  6. Claudia Hafer-Tondi, from the Broadway production The Lion King, from Aug. 8-Sept. 3, for personal reasons.

West reported on the status of advertising for the live music campaign. Discussion held. Director of New Organizing Dubnau present during the preceding discussion.

Crow excused at 3:40 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Board members Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin and Simon, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison.

Aug. 1 and 8 minutes unanimously accepted as amended.

Board member Weiss present at 12:00 p.m.

Discussion held on Seussical the Musical. President Moriarity submitted a request from the producer for board reconsideration of the panel’s denial of special situation status for the show. The board declined to alter its position supporting implementation of the panel’s decision: that the production use the full complement of musicians.

Discussion held on an interview with Peter Vriesenga, who was recommended by the search committee for Financial Vice-President. Moriarity reviewed the history of the search, beginning with the formation of the committee. The board will meet with the search committee on Sept. 5.

Discussion held on expanding the Local 802 web site to include the possibility of promoting members’ recordings.

Moriarity submitted a request from the New York Philharmonic Orchestra Committee to fund legal and filing fees in the amount of $8,200, for the incorporation of the Elaine and Stephen Stamas New York Philharmonic Scholarship Fund, Inc. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Meeting recessed at 1:10 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:35 p.m., with Recording Vice-President Price presiding. Also present were Crow, Gale, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Simon, Weiss, Bogert and Dennison.

Dennison reported that the national office of the RMA has requested that Local 802 co-fund, together with the AFM and Local 47, an ad in the Grammy Journal recognizing Latin Grammy Award winners. Local 802’s cost would be $1,500. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve this expenditure.

In connection with the board’s strategic planning effort, Office Manager, Personnel Manager and Health Benefits Fund Administrator Jaffe appeared before the board to continue his report on the areas for which he is responsible (see Aug. 1 minutes). Discussion held. Giannini present at 2:47 p.m., during the preceding discussion. Jaffe was thanked for his presentation and excused.

Simon excused at 3:35 p.m.

Dennison presented to the board an agreement between Local 802 and Back to Back Productions, L.L.C., for the production of a show entitled Imperfect Chemistry at the Minetta Lane Theatre. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Dennison presented a request for a donation of $150 from TEMPO802 to the state senatorial campaign of Velmanette Montgomery. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Dennison presented a request from New York State Senator Nicholas Spano, Chair of the Senate Labor Committee, for Local 802’s endorsement of his candidacy for re-election. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

In connection with the board’s strategic planning effort, Price distributed reports for the Recording Vice-President’s office, the Music Performance Trust Fund, and Legit 802.

Crow excused at 3:44 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Executive Board members Crow, Gale, Hafemeister, Rosen and Shankin, Controller Bogert, Assistant to the President Dennison.

Aug. 15 minutes unanimously approved as amended.

Board member Weiss present at 11:34 a.m. Board member Giannini present at 11:38 a.m.

President Moriarity reported that two business representatives would be hired as budgeted, one for the recording (national contracts) department and one for contract administration, to help cover single engagements and the hotel field. Discussion held, during which responsibilities and duties were outlined for the representatives in several areas to be covered.

Harriet Slaughter, Labor Relations Director for the League of American Theatres and Producers, Inc., and Maria DiDia, General Manager of Broadway on Broadway, appeared before the board to submit a request for waiving of the premium and doubling fees of musicians for the local television broadcast of the show on NBC-TV Channel 4 on Sept. 10. Assistant Supervisor of National Contracts Schaffner also present. Discussion held.

Slaughter and DiDia excused while the board considered the request. They returned and Moriarity informed them of the board’s decision as follows: The live performance of the event will be paid as usual under MPTF rates, with rehearsals paid at single engagement club date rates. The local NBC-TV two-hour telecast will be paid in accordance with the usual practice at 75 percent of national rates ($545.89) for side musicians and double for leader and contractor; premiums and benefit payments will not be waived, with the first double paid at 25 percent and each subsequent double at 10 percent, health at $16 and pension at 10 percent. The local internet webcast will pay $53.90 per musician with no doubles and no premiums, in accordance with AFM policy. Slaughter and DiDia thanked the board and were excused.

Discussion held with Schaffner on the business representatives’ visits to recording studios.

Meeting recessed at 1:10 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:15 p.m. Present: Moriarity, Price, Crow, Gale, Giannini, Hafemeister, Rosen, Shankin, Weiss, Bogert and Dennison.

AFM President Steve Young, RMA International President Phil Ayling and RMA Vice-President Steve Gibson made an informal visit to the Board to greet Moriarity’s return to the union and were then asked to speak to the Board. Young reported on AFM activities, Gibson reported on the phonograph recording industry and the internet, and Ayling reported on the film recording industry. They were thanked for their presentations and excused.

Moriarity informed the board that the Broadway show The Phantom of the Opera will exercise the cut list for musicians and eliminate two positions as of Saturday, Sept. 9. He discussed with the board the union policy regarding cut list musicians who subsequently will be hired for substitute work in that production.

Senior Business Rep Lennon, Chair of the Theatre Committee Rawdon and cut list musicians/members Carol Poole and Jan Mullen appeared before the board to discuss the cut list policy currently in effect. Discussion held, during which the current policy was affirmed as follows:

Pursuant to Article II, Section B(2) of the collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and the League of American Theatres & Producers, Inc., it shall be union policy that a dismissed cuts list musician shall receive preferential consideration for hiring for any substitution work at the show at which s/he was engaged on the instrument(s) s/he performed at that show. For purposes of this policy, “preferential consideration” shall be defined as offers of work made on a generally equal basis with those offers made to the substitutes most often engaged by each individual musician. In implementing this policy the union recognizes the need for all substitute musicians to maintain a familiarity with the music.

Lennon, Rawdon, Mullen and Poole excused.

Bogert excused at 3:25 p.m.

Long Island Supervisor Gulluscio appeared before the board to report that Gateway Playhouse on Long Island had used recorded music for a recent production. To combat the lack of live music in that venue Gulluscio recommended placing an advertisement in a local paper, the Senior Newspaper (Suffolk edition), reaffirming Local 802’s commitment to live music in the theatre. This ad would reassure the musicians and audiences of the Gateway theatre, and would remind Gateway management that Local 802 expects live music to prevail at future productions. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to purchase the ad in the Senior News at a cost of $334, as outlined. Gulluscio excused.

Crow excused at 3:40 p.m.

Senior Organizer Seymour and Supervisor of New Organizing Dubnau appeared before the board to request continuation of the use of the Nexis-Lexis database service at the special flat-fee rate of $200 per month, which permits unlimited use of the service. Seymour reviewed the union’s recent use of the service in various campaigns. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request. Seymour excused.

Dubnau submitted an agreement with Ronald Simpson, a.k.a. Vanguard-Bren,t for the employment of musicians. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve. Dubnau excused.

Senior Business Rep Donovan appeared before the board to submit an agreement with the B2B Company for a production entitled Berlin to Broadway at the Triad theatre. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve.

Donovan submitted an agreement with the Collaborative Arts Project, Peter Van Wyck, for the production of a show entitled The Immigrant at CAP 21, 18 West 18th Street, NYC. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve. Donovan excused.

Assistant Supervisor of National Contracts Schaffner and Senior Business Rep Sheldon appeared before the board with revisions to the Local 802 Demo Recording Agreement that will make it conform to the AFM National Demo Agreement, as mandated by the AFM. Motion made and carried unanimously to accept these changes. Schaffner and Sheldon excused.

Moriarity initiated a discussion on Local 802 elections and submitted the possibility of printing candidate statements in an upcoming issue of Allegro. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to allow all valid candidates the opportunity to have a statement of not more than 100 words printed in the December Allegro, which is published in mid-November before the election.

Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.