
Executive Board Minutes

November 20, 2012 - January 8, 2013

Volume 113, No. 3March, 2013

NOTE: The Executive Board did not meet on Dec. 18, Dec. 25 or Jan. 1.


Meeting called to order at 2:05 PM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Boyle.

President Gagliardi reported on discussions with New York City Opera to bring the musicians hired for their gala under contract.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from October 23 as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from November 5 as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from November 13 as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.

Gagliardi reported on discussions with “Rock of Ages” producers over payment to musicians for the modified work week following Hurricane Sandy. Discussion held.

It was moved and seconded to accept as settlement of a potential grievance “Rock of Ages” management’s proposal for payment of wages to musicians for the modified work week following Hurricane Sandy. Discussion held. Motion carried. Brandford, Burridge, O’Connor opposed.

Executive Board member Hyde excused at 2:47. Gagliardi reported on a Grievance Committee meeting with the Broadway League.

Financial Vice President Olcott presented a request from the Senior Musicians Association to use public service scales for a second rehearsal in connection with a December 20 concert. It was moved and seconded to grant the request. Motion carried unanimously.

Olcott presented a request from Gemini Productions to use daytime rates for an evening rehearsal for a April 29 concert. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to grant the request. Motion carried unanimously.

Recording Vice President O’Connor presented a budget for a Bob Cranshaw Eightieth Birthday celebration of $2,332.43, of which $1,357.43 would be paid to the Council for Living Music to hire a band. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to approve the budget. Motion carried unanimously.

O’Connor presented a proposal to purchase two half-page ads in conjunction with the 2013 Jazz Education Network (JEN) Conference to be run in the JEN magazine and the JEN Conference Guide for a total of $1,145. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to purchase the ads. Motion carried unanimously.

Gagliardi reported on a request for special rates for musicians to be hired to play a fundraising concert of “In the Heights” music at the Grand Palace Theatre on February 11. Discussion held.

Gagliardi reported on Local 802 personnel matters. Discussion held.

Recording Vice President O’Connor presented a request for leaves of absence from a Broadway musician. It was moved and seconded to approve the leave. Motion carried unanimously.

Assistant to the President Boyle gave a presentation on the New York Production Alliance (NYPA) and efforts to strengthen the New York film tax credit law to capture more film scoring work for musicians. Discussion held.

It was moved and seconded that Local 802 fund an annual membership to the NYPA for $1,500. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 3:28 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 2:05 PM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Burridge, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Kruvand, Schwartz, Assistant to the President Boyle.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from November 1 as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from November 20 as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.

President Gagliardi reported on a Grievance Committee meeting with the Broadway League on various outstanding issues.

Gagliardi reported on a meeting with the New York Philharmonic to discuss the most recent memorandum of agreement in respect to pension issues.

Gagliardi reported on the New York City Opera’s refusal to cover musicians under a union contract for their upcoming gala.

Gagliardi reported on a fundraiser concert planned at the Gershwin Theatre for victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Gagliardi reported on a recording session on November 24 for the production of “A Christmas Story.”

Discussion held on payments agreed upon for “Rock of Ages” musicians for the week of Hurricane Sandy.

Gagliardi reported on discussions with the Broadway League on minimums for the opening of a new musical on Broadway. Discussion held.

Assistant to the President Boyle requested a donation of $500 to be paid from the Tempo fund for attendance at a New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman fundraising party. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to grant the request. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial Vice President Olcott presented a request from the Bronx Arts Ensemble to use public service scales for a rehearsal and 2 concerts it is presenting under Music Performance Trust Fund (MPTF) criteria at St. Paul’s Church on December 1 and 2. It was moved and seconded to grant the request. Motion carried unanimously.

Olcott reported on an invitation from Metro New York Health Care for All Campaign to attend their annual gala benefit. Discussion held.

Discussion held on Local 802 personnel matters.

Recording Vice President O’Connor presented a budget for the 2012 Holiday Party for $5,500. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to approve the budget. Motion carried unanimously.

O’Connor reported on a planned Communications Workers of America (CWA) demonstration on December 6 in front of the Hard Rock Café against James Dolan, owner of Cablevision, with whom CWA is engaged in contract negotiations. Discussion held.

It was moved and seconded to contribute $250 to US Labor Against the War. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Local 802 Controller Camiolo present. Camiolo presented a Local 802 consolidated financial statement and August and September financials. Discussion held. Burridge excused at 12:36. Discussion continued. Camiolo excused. Discussion held on Local 802 finances and expenses.

Olcott presented a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the Center for Contemporary Opera. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to approve the MOA. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 1:06 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:12 PM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty, Hyde, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Boyle.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from November 27 as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.

President Gagliardi reported on an American Federation of Musicians and Employers Pension Fund (AFM-EPF) investment committee meeting. Discussion held. Discussion held on AFM-EPF retirement benefit rules.

Gagliardi reported on New York City Opera matters.

Gagliardi reported on a benefit concert organized by City of Hope; Broadway Blows Back for victims of Hurricane Sandy and requested Local 802 donate $500 for the event. It was moved and seconded to make the donation. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial Vice President Olcott presented a request from the Long Island Philharmonic to use public service scale for concerts it is presenting on December 10, December 19, January 25 and April 16 under Music Performance Trust Fund (MPTF) criteria. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to grant the request. Motion carried unanimously.

Olcott reported on wages owed musicians by the Long Island Philharmonic since 2010. Discussion held.

Olcott presented a request from the Oratorio Society of New York to use day rehearsal rates for an evening rehearsal on March 4 for a March 5 concert. Discussion held.

Recording Vice President O’Connor presented a list of proposed recipients for holiday bonuses. It was moved and seconded to approve $8,085.52 for bonuses. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

O’Connor requested $150 to be listed on the Host Committee for the Metro New York Health Care for All Campaign Annual Gala Benefit on December 5th. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to grant the request. Motion carried unanimously.

O’Connor reported that Local 802 paid renewal dues for organizational membership in the New York Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH). Discussion held on safety and health issues in Broadway theatres.

O’Connor reported on various Local 802 organizing initiatives. Discussion held.

Discussion held on Local 802’s plans to expand its referral service. Gagliardi appointed Executive Board members Brandford, Burridge and Hyde to an oversight committee of the Local 802 referral service.

Electronic Media Services Representative Pawlo present. Pawlo presented a Limited Pressing Agreement with New York Shakespeare Festival for the production of “Giant.” Discussion held. Theatre Representative Copeland present. Pawlo excused.

Copeland presented a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the Irish Repertory Theatre. Discussion held. Copeland presented a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with NBSNYC, LLC for the production of “Naked Boys Singing.” Discussion held. Copeland excused.

It was moved and seconded to approve the Limited Pressing Agreement with New York Shakespeare Festival. Discussion held. Motion carried.

It was moved and seconded to approve the CBA with the Irish Repertory Theatre. Motion carried unanimously.

It was moved and seconded to approve the MOA with NBSNYC, LLC. Motion carried unanimously.

O’Connor presented requests for leaves of absence from three Broadway musicians. It was moved and seconded to approve the leaves. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion held on Radio City working conditions.

Discussion held on Local 802 Web site issues.

Meeting adjourned at 1:43 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:07 AM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Burridge, Cranshaw, Dougherty, Hyde, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Boyle.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from December 4 as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion held on a Communication Workers of America demonstration held on December 6 against Cablevision owner James Dolan.

Financial Vice President Olcott presented a request from Bronx Arts Ensemble to use public service scales for a concert and rehearsals for a December 11 engagement. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to grant the request. Motion carried unanimously.

Olcott presented a request from the Oratorio Society of New York to use day rehearsal rates for an evening rehearsal on March 4 for a March 5 concert. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to grant the request. Motion carried unanimously.

Assistant to the President Boyle excused. President Gagliardi requested a pay increase for a non-bargaining unit employee. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to grant the pay increase. Motion carried unanimously. Gagliardi requested pay increase for another non-bargaining unit employee. It was moved and seconded to grant the pay increase. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Recording Vice President O’Connor requested a pay increase for a non-bargaining unit employee. It was moved and seconded to grant the pay increase. Motion carried unanimously. Gagliardi requested a pay increase for another non-bargaining unit employee. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to grant the pay increase. Motion carried unanimously.

O’Connor gave a report on Legit 802, Inc., the payroll service associated with Local 802. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to approve the report on Legit 802, Inc. Motion carried unanimously.

O’Connor reported on a grievance filed by Office Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local 153 on behalf of a dismissed Local 802 employee.

O’Connor presented a request for a donation from the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) Emergency Relieve Fund. Discussion held.

Gagliardi reported on a donation made by Worldwide Pants, Inc., producer of the Letterman Show, to the Local 802 Emergency Relief Fund. Discussion held.

O’Connor presented a request for a leave of absence from a Broadway musician. It was moved and seconded to approve the leave. Motion carried unanimously.

Gagliardi announced there will be no Executive Board meeting on December 25 and January 1. Gagliardi announced that the elected officers of Local 802 will be sworn into office at the January 8 Executive Board Meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:01 AM. Present: President Gagliardi, Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President O’Connor, Executive Board members Brandford, Cranshaw, Cutler, Dougherty, Kruvand, Schwartz, Sharman, Assistant to the President Boyle.

It was moved and seconded to appoint Dan Willis to the Trial Board for the term beginning January 1, 2013. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved and seconded to appoint Marvin Moschel as Delegate to the New York City Central Labor Council for the term beginning January 1, 2013. Motion carried unanimously.

Executive Board recessed at 11:05 for an officer inauguration ceremony officiated by American Federation of Musicians President Raymond M. Hair. Meeting resumed at 11:15.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from December 11, 2012 as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.

President Gagliardi reported on New York City Ballet negotiations. Discussion held.

Gagliardi reported on New York City Opera matters. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to require payment of time and a half rates for rehearsals after 7 p.m. for a non-NYCO event rehearsal on February 10. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Gagliardi reported on Metropolitan Opera matters.

Gagliardi reported on a special situations request for “Matilda,” a musical opening on Broadway.

Gagliardi reported on a search for “neutral persons” replacements as provided for in Section V, G of the League of American Theatres and Producers Collective Bargaining Agreement. Discussion held.

Gagliardi distributed a proposed teleconferencing policy for officers unable to attend Executive Board meetings in person because of union business or other reasons. Discussion held. It was moved to adopt the policy as amended. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion held on using teleconferencing for Membership Meetings.

Gagliardi reported on Local 802 and AFM International Executive Board business requiring him to travel in February and March.

Gagliardi presented a request to finance a trip to London to meet with officials of the Musicians’ Union of the United Kingdom to discuss theatre and other issues. It was moved and seconded to grant the request. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.

Gagliardi reported on a meeting with the Organization of Union Representatives, the staff union for Local 802 Business Reps and Organizers regarding the work schedule in the week following Hurricane Sandy. Discussion held.

Gagliardi reported on Local 802 financial matters.

Gagliardi reported that he and Recording Vice President O’Connor will be attending a Television and Radio Commercial Announcements Agreement caucus today and tomorrow.

Financial Vice President Olcott reported on Opera Orchestra of New York negotiations. Discussion held.

Olcott reported on payments made to musicians by the Westchester Philharmonic. Discussion held.

O’Connor reported on his planned attendance at the Western Regional Conference of Musicians in Portland, OR on February 22. Discussion held.

Executive Board Member Schwartz presented a request for a donation to Feel the Music!, which uses music and art to work with families in crisis. Discussion held. It was moved and seconded to contribute $250 to Feel the Music! Motion carried unanimously.

Board recessed for lunch at 12:58. Board reconvened at 1:20.

Local 802 Controller Camiolo present. Camiolo presented October financials. Discussion held. Camiolo excused.

Local 802 Jazz Representative Weeks present. Weeks reported on his and Executive Board Member Cranshaw’s attendance at the Jazz Education Network Conference in Atlanta. Discussion held. Weeks presented a proposal to host a jazz forum and concert on February 1 to promote the Justice for Jazz Artists campaign. Discussion held. Weeks excused. It was moved and seconded to spend up to $4,044.08 for the proposed jazz forum and concert on February 1. Motion carried unanimously.

O’Connor presented 6 requests for leaves of absence from Broadway musicians. It was moved and seconded to approve the leaves of absence. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 2:06 p.m.