Executive Board Minutes
April 7, 2009 - May 5, 2009
Volume CIX, No. 6June, 2009
Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Fein, Giannini, Johansen, Rizzo, Roach, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens.
Local 802 Counsel Engelstein present for a discussion of a tentative Broadway media agreement with the League of American Theatres and Producers. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously that eligibility for ratification of the Broadway media agreement shall be a minimum of four weeks of work during the prior two years of the current Broadway agreement to be determined based on the average weekly health benefit contribution in effect during those two years.
Landolfi requested a $150 contribution to the campaign committee of New York State Senator Eric Schneiderman. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Landolfi requested approval for payment of the Local 802 softball team’s membership fees in the Performing Arts Softball League team in the amount of $1,100. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Landolfi reported on a joint effort by the League of American Theatres and Producers and the Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds to honor longtime Broadway employees.
Principal Theatre Representative Donovan appeared before the Board and reported on Off Broadway organizing efforts. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the organizing discount for musicians employed by the John W. Engeman Theatre in Northport, NY through September 1, 2009. Donovan excused.
Landolfi recommended that the Board agree the Broadway production of “Rock of Ages” is a special situation on a non-precedential basis provided that a session payment as per the terms of the AFM Sound Recording Labor Agreement is paid to the musician who produced the sounds present in several bars of the show’s score. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to agree with the special situations status request as recommended.
Landolfi distributed an agreement with Broadway Worldwide, Inc. for the capture of Broadway shows for distribution on pay-per-view television and subsequent additional media. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement.
Blumenthal requested a standard annual increase for a staff member. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Blumenthal requested approval for the purchase of a new copying machine for the 4th floor at a cost of $5,850. Board member Schaffner present at 12:15 p.m. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request pending review of company references.
Dennison reported that the AFM Motion Picture and Television Film negotiations were scheduled to resume in Los Angeles on May 11, 2009 and requested approval of the cost of sending 3 representatives from Local 802, President Landolfi, Recording Department Supervisor and Board Member Schaffner and rank and file representative Tony Finno. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Dennison distributed Coordinating Advisory Committee (CAC) minutes from their February 10, 2009 meeting. Motion made and carried unanimously to concur with the CAC approved expenditure of up to $1,400 for a Jazz Chorus Workshop sponsored by International Women in Jazz.
Motion made and carried unanimously to concur with the CAC approved expenditure of up to $1,300 for Black History Month Celebration sponsored by the Local 802 Gospel Committee.
Discussion held on the CAC’s approval of the expenditure up to $600 to cover the expenses of a RMA-NY representative who attended the February 2009 AFM Motion Picture and Television Film negotiations in Los Angeles.
Motion made to concur with the CAC approved expenditure of up to $600 for the RMA-NY representative, however such approval was made with reservations, on a non-precedential basis and with the proviso that a Local 802 officer attend the next CAC meeting to inform members of union bylaws and policies regarding CAC approval of such expenditures. Opposed: Fein, Johansen and Roach.
Dennison distributed two bylaw proposals submitted to the Recording Vice President’s office by the April 1, 2009 deadline for presentation to the June 10, 2009 membership meeting.
Recording Vice President Dennison distributed the minutes of March 24, 2009. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 11:15 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Giannini, Johansen, Rizzo, Roach, Schaffner, Schwartz and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. Recording Vice President Dennison absent due to illness. Blumenthal took the minutes.
Local 802 Counsel Engelstein present. Landolfi distributed a draft of the Broadway Media Agreement reached on April 3, 2009 with the League of American Theatres and Producers. Landolfi and Engelstein reviewed the terms of the agreement with the Board. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the Broadway Media Agreement subject to ratification by the bargaining unit. Landolfi reported on an e-mail received from a member suggesting that the ratification days and times be extended for the Broadway Media Agreement. Motion made and carried unanimously to extend the Broadway Media Agreement ratification vote beginning Wednesday, April 15th at 5pm until 7:30 pm, continuing Thursday, April 16th, 9am to 7:30pm, Friday, April 17th, 9am to 7:30pm and Saturday, April 18th, 12 noon until 7:30pm.
Landolfi reported on a meeting at Local 802 at which Congressman Eric Massa, who represents New York’s 29th Congressional District requested the endorsement of Local 802. Motion made and carried unanimously to endorse Congressman Eric Massa. Motion made and carried unanimously to contribute $150 to Congressman Massa’s campaign from TEMPO 802.
Landolfi reported on a proposal from Working Families Housing in conjunction with the NYC Central Labor Council, which are jointly exploring investment opportunities aimed at building middle class housing. Landolfi indicated she would refer this to the AFM and to the AFM & Employers’ Pension Fund.
Landolfi requested the purchase of a half-page advertisement at a cost of $750 in the NYC College of Technology Foundation program journal for “Best of NY” awards honoring Katherine Oliver, Commissioner of Film Production of NYC. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request with the funds to come from the public relations funds.
Landolfi reported on a request that Local 802 become a supporter of the use of public funds for elections with the aim of fostering fairer elections in New York State. Once further information about the request is available it will forwarded to Board members.
Blumenthal distributed a letter of understanding from Certified Public Accountant Michael Van Sertima of Gould, Kobrick and Schlapp, P.C. outlining the procedures he will follow regarding an assessment of the financial condition of an employer with whom Local 802 has a collective bargaining relationship. Blumenthal indicated that Local 802 Counsel had received confirmation that the employer whose financial condition will be reviewed will reimburse Local 802 for that financial review up to $1,350.
Blumenthal updated the Executive Board on the ongoing negotiations for a successor contract with Lincoln Center for the Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra.
Blumenthal reported that the proposal for a new 4th floor copier approved by the Board (see minutes of April 7, 2009) did not include sales tax and that the tax totals $489.94.
Blumenthal reported on a letter from Blue Cross/Blue Shield indicating an increase in rates due to the passage of the NY Deficit Reduction Plan effective May 1, 2009.
Schaffner reported on declining distributions to the Record Manufacturers Special Payments Fund and the effect this has had on both distributions from the Special Payments Fund and funding available from the Music Performance Fund.
Minutes of the Tuesday, April 7, 2009 meeting of the Executive Board were distributed.
Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.
Meeting adjourned at 12:38 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 11:10 p.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Giannini, Johansen, Norrell, Rizzo, Schaffner and Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens.
Vice President Dennison distributed the minutes for April 21, 2009. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.
Landolfi requested a contribution of $250 to the “Turn America Around Media Fund,” a project of the AFL-CIO supporting passage of the Employee Free Choice Act, which if passed would protect workers’ right to organize and bargain collectively. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Landolfi requested affirmation of a phone poll approving Local 802’s support of HR 1826, the Fair Elections Now Act, which if passed would provide voluntary public financing for Congressional campaigns. The phone poll was unanimous. Motion made and carried unanimously to affirm the phone poll.
Controller Goldman appeared before the Board and presented the March 2009, the January through March 2009 Local 802 financials and the March 2009 vouchers. Discussion held. Financial Vice President Blumenthal excused at 11:40 a.m. Goldman excused. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the February 2009 vouchers.
Landolfi requested approval of the standard 3 percent yearly increase for 3 members of the staff. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Dennison requested the purchase of a one quarter page journal ad at a cost of $250 for a fund raising event in support of the Workers Defense League, with the expenditure to come from the public relations budget. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Dennison requested a contribution of up $800 to fund a 3 piece band to perform at a fund raising event in support of Urban Agenda, a union supported research and advocacy organization, in exchange for a full page ad in their fund raising journal with the expenditure to come from the public relations budget. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Dennison requested purchase of 3 additional tickets at a total cost of $750 to the Jazz Foundation of American’s annual fund raising event at the Apollo Theatre. (See minutes of March 24, 2009.) Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Public Relations and Political Action Director Molloy appeared before the Board and reported on discussions with the AFM regarding joint participation in a Billboard/Adweek conference. Discussion held.
Molloy reported on potential fund raising efforts for Local 802’s political action fund, TEMPO 802. Discussion held.
Molloy requested a contribution of $500 from TEMPO 802 to an upcoming fund raising event for Congressman Gerald Nadler who represents NY States 8th Congressional District. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.
TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2009
Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Executive Board members Burridge, Johansen, Norrell, Rizzo, Roach and Schwartz. Recording Vice President Blumenthal excused on union business.
Recording Vice President Dennison distributed the minutes of April 28, 2009. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes.
President Landolfi requested approval of the February vouchers. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the February vouchers.
Landolfi requested the expenditure of $2,500 to co-fund along with the AFM, a booth at the Billboard/Adweek annual conference in New York City with the funds to come from the public relations budget. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.
Landolfi reported that she had agreed to serve on the steering committee for a fund raising event honoring Local 1, IATSE President James Claffey at St. Malachy’s Church. The goal of the event was to raise funds for a day-care facility at the church that would be available to those who work in the theatre industry.
Board member Giannini present at 11:20 a.m. Landolfi reported on recent membership statistics that compared the period September 2008 through March 2009 to the same seven month period one year earlier. The statistics showed that the number of suspended Local 802 members in the more recent period was less than in the previous period. The statistics also showed that approximately 900 fewer unique musicians appeared on contracts filed with the union in the more recent period compared with the prior period. Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens present at 11:25 p.m. Discussion held.
Board member Rizzo reported that 4 scholarships had been awarded by the Anne Walker Scholarship Fund and that the scholarship amounts were larger than the previous year. Rizzo also reported that the funds’ overall resources had improved.
Concert Representative Fisher appeared before the Board and presented an agreement with the S.E.M. Ensemble. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement subject to ratification by the bargaining unit.
Mike Locker and Tom Newman from Locker Associates, Inc. appeared before the Board and presented a proposal to develop a campaign to promote and expand live music and live music employment opportunities utilizing both legislative proposals and a public relations effort that would be sponsored by a coalition of organizations that have a stake in the economic health of New York’s entertainment industry. Discussion held. Board member Schaffner present at 12:20 p.m. Financial Vice President Blumenthal and Counsel Mars present at 12:30 p.m. Discussion continued. Locker and Newman excused. Board member Fein present at 12:55 p.m. Discussion continued. Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the engagement of Locker Associates, Inc. for a 3 month period at a cost of $4,000/month and a total cost of $12,000 to develop the proposed live music campaign. The funds were to come from the public relations budget.
Blumenthal and Counsel Mars reported on discussion with the American Ballet Theatre (ABT) regarding potential changes in the ABT collective bargaining agreement in light of the current economic climate. Discussion held. Motion made and carried unanimously to allow the proposed changes in the agreement as recommended by the ABT Orchestra Committee to be presented to the orchestra for a ratification vote.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.