
Equity President Thanks COBUG

Volume CIV, No. 7/8July, 2004

The following letter was sent to the Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds (COBUG) by Patrick Quinn, president of Actors’ Equity Association.

My good friends of COBUG,

Your support and encouragement over the last year has been nothing short of miraculous, and I thank each and everyone of you for that, not only as the representative of 45,000 actors and stage managers, but I thank you for the strength that you gave me personally.

We would never have been able to achieve what we did, had it not been for the solidarity of all of you. You all were there for us, and as we have proven in the past, we will always be there for you. Thank you also for your many phone calls and emails of support, all of which was very appreciated by everyone at Equity.

Actors are usually the ones that get all the applause, but this time you’re the ones that deserve a big hand.

With great appreciation,

Patrick Quinn
President, Actors’ Equity Association

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