Election 2000 Is Set for December 5th
Volume C, No. 9September, 2000
Local 802’s election of officers – President, Financial Vice-President, Recording Vice-President, nine Executive and nine Trial Board members – and five delegates and three alternates to the AFM Convention, three delegates to the New York City Central Labor Council, two delegates to the New York State Federation of Labor Convention and one delegate to the United Hebrew Trades, will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2000, for a term of office beginning Jan. 1, 2001.
In-person voting will be conducted at the local’s New York office, 322 West 48th Street, and Hicksville office, 55 Broadway, Suite A, between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Members eligible to vote who make a written request for absentee mail ballots on or before Oct. 15, 2000, may cast such ballots – which must be received no later than the date of the election.
The term of office shall run for three years, and all candidates who receive a plurality of all votes cast for an office shall be declared elected. Any member of this local shall be eligible to run for, hold or continue in any elective office in the upcoming election if he or she fulfills the eligibility requirements set forth in the local’s bylaws, which provide (among other things) that:
“No member of this local shall be eligible to run for, hold or continue in any elective office unless he or she has been a regular member in good standing of this local for at least two years immediately preceding his or her election. Suspensions during said two-year period for periods not exceeding six months, when due solely to failure to pay periodic dues, shall not be deemed a bar to eligibility within the limit set above.”
One hundred members in good standing may nominate candidates. Nomination blanks are available in the Recording Vice-President’s office on or after Sept. 15, 2000. Nomination blanks must be filed with the Recording Vice-President of the local by Oct. 15, 2000, and must be accompanied by the signed and notarized acceptance of the nominees.
Voting Eligibility: In order to be eligible to vote in Local 802’s election of officers, a member must have paid his or her dues for the third quarter on or before Sept. 30. (New members joining after June 30 will be ineligible to vote in this year’s elections.)