
Did You Record for Knitting Factory Records?

Membership Alert

Volume CVI, No. 3March, 2006

Summer Smith

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Last year’s protests resulted in a win for Knitting Factory musicians. Pictured are Rebecca Moore and Dean Bowman.

Recording artists and Local 802 won a settlement last year against KnitMedia, the parent company to several labels, including Knitting Factory Records and Instinct Records.

As part of that settlement, any artist who has ever recorded for KnitMedia can get the rights back to their work and purchase any remaining stock of their CD’s for $2 each, after signing a contractual release.

Any KnitMedia recording artist interested in obtaining CD stock must request it by April 30. Go to and click on “Claim your KF stock!” If your name or CD title is listed, follow the instructions to request stock.

For more information, including the amount of stock in inventory at KnitMedia’s warehouses, contact Norman Yamada or Rebecca Moore at (Inventory figures are not listed on the web site for artists’ privacy purposes.)

Shortly after the April 30 deadline, the requested stock will be retrieved from KnitMedia’s warehouses and the artists will be able to pick it up at 802.