
Local 802 supports the faculty of the Cleveland Institute of Music in their question for a union and a fair contract

Volume 124, No. 7July, 2024

Local 802 extends its strong support to the faculty of the Cleveland Institute of Music , who are campaigning for the right to form a union with AFM Local 4.

Professional music faculty deserve fair wages and benefits, just like all workers. We applaud the faculty for their strength and determination, and we ask the CIM administration to immediately recognize the union and bargain in good faith for a fair contract.

CIM claims that college music professors have never been represented by the musicians’ union, but this is patently false. Here in New York City, the jazz professors of the New School are proudly covered by a longstanding union contract with Local 802. The musicians’ union is a perfect fit to cover music faculty, since we know the music industry intimately, including music education. Thousands of our members are professional music teachers, and most of us attended a music conservatory.

We pledge our support to the music faculty of the Cleveland Institute of Music and AFM Local 4 in their quest for a union and a fair contract.