
Broadway Health Benefits

Volume CVIII, No. 1January, 2008

Broadway musicians are justifiably asking, “What will happen to my health benefits as a result of missing nearly three weeks worth of health benefit contributions during the stagehands’ strike?”

The answer is: no one will lose health care coverage as a result of theatres being closed during the strike. Your benefits will be protected.

 First, Local 802 is grieving all lost health payments (and wages) due from producers and theatre owners for the entire period that the theatres were closed. While that grievance proceeds, the Local 802 Executive Board has committed the full resources of the Local 802 Strike Fund to make up any loss of benefits that would cause a musician to lose coverage. Once all contributions are in for the period ending Dec. 31, 2007, the union will review any loss of coverage, whether it be the loss of Plan A+, Plan A or Plan B, and provide credits where needed.