Allegro (July-August 2020)
Volume 120, No. 7July, 2020
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Click here first for auditions, job postings, advertising and special offers.
- President’s report by Adam Krauthamer
- Financial Vice President’s report by Karen Fisher
- FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: “Black Artists on How to Change Classical Music” and “Opera Can No Longer Ignore Its Race Problem”
- Financial statements (2019) of Local 802, Health Fund and Emergency Relief Fund
- Update on Local 802 health plan
- “Effective collective bargaining during a pandemic” by Harvey Mars
- #WeWillMetAgain campaign raises money for MET Orchestra Musicians
- First Local 802 outdoor gigs return
- Music of the Soul pays out $10,000 in union gigs to members
- In memorium: Tributes to JERRY BRUNO written by Russ Kassoff and Howie Tavin; we also remember the lives of Carmine DeLeo; Kathryn Easter; Paul Faulise; Romolo Ferri; Janet Grice; Judson Griffin; Bob Ojeda; Marilyn K. Smith; Ron Roullier; and Donn Trenner
- MEMBER TO MEMBER: Eve Zanni shares her story
- FROM THE NEA: Virtual concert celebrates 2020 NEA Jazz Masters
- Band Room by Bill Crow
- “Endurance Training for Covid-19” by Dr. Don Greene
- Executive Board Minutes
- Welcome to our new members!