AFM Electronic Media Meeting Addresses Complex Issues
Volume C, No. 9September, 2000
In an effort to address the many complex recording issues facing the Federation and the recording locals, AFM President Steve Young scheduled a July 12-14 meeting in Los Angeles. In addition to locals from key recording centers – New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Nashville, Toronto and Miami – the AFM’s General Counsel, staff members from the AFM’s Electronic Media Services Department, and RMA representatives attended.
The proposed agenda included discussions on:
- Runaway scoring
- Non-union scoring (dark dates)
- Inappropriate use of the Phono Record instead of the Motion Picture agreement
- Special Payments Fund
- AFM-AFTRA (Higher Prevailing Wage Agreement – Television Videotape Agreement)
- Demo Recordings (conversion to full phono recording)
- Elias Internet Music Licensing Proposal
- Better coordination of locals’ efforts in conjunction with the EMSD
Wednesday’s meeting was limited to the international and local RMA representatives with the AFM participants. On Thursday and Friday, all of the invited attendees participated in the meetings. Thorough discussion took place on all items on the agenda and additional ideas and suggestions were advanced. The AFM will propose a final memorandum for distribution to all involved detailing the discussions, ideas and suggestions presented.
Local 802 was represented by Local RMA President and International Vice-President Dominic DeRasse, Senior Business Rep David Sheldon and Recording Vice-President Erwin L. Price.
Friday afternoon’s session was devoted to a discussion of the AFM Touring Pamphlet B agreement. Attendees included representatives of the Theatre Musicians’ Association and local officers from cities where touring musicals play, such as Detroit, Washington and San Francisco. Vice-President Price attended this meeting as well.