802 pianist and composer Beata Moon works primarily as a teaching artist. In a normal week, she may have 2-3 residencies in schools throughout the five boroughs, making music with students of all different ages and backgrounds. Beata also composes for instrumental, chamber, orchestral, and vocal groups, performs solo piano concerts, and works with music educators. During the pandemic, most of Beata’s work has been cancelled or postponed. To fill in the gap, Beata has been able to make some online videos to finish residencies that were interrupted, as well as leading a few of her music educator sessions online instead of in person. During quarantine Beata has tried to reach out to friends and colleagues as much as possible to stay connected.
“I find that helping others makes me feel better, whether it’s making a donation to someone in need or reaching out to an elderly neighbor to find out if she is okay. I have been finding inspiration in music I used to play growing up – like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven. I haven’t started writing a new composition yet – it’s a bit too early for me for that but there is one brewing. I hope that we will all do our part to make the world a better place after this – health care for all, higher wages and protection for all workers, and better treatment of the environment.” #MusiciansofNYQuarantineEdition #MusiciansofNY #802strong