802 bassist Alexis Cuadrado usually splits his work between composing, producing, teaching, and performing. Like many musicians, all his freelance composing and performing work has come to a halt. However, Alexis continued his job teaching at The New School remotely for the remainder of the spring semester and has been able to do some production work in quarantine. Alexis has stayed busy connecting with friends and colleagues over Zoom, hosting listening parties on Facebook, and collaborating with fellow New School faculty members on building a track online. He recently performed his first live social distancing performance for a Catalan Culture festival with some bandmates and two poets. Alexis has also been finding joy in cooking, going for morning runs, gardening in his backyard, and spending extra time with family.
“I’m just trying to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. We’re all just waiting for this crisis to end. The world has changed, and we need to be patient. I’m taking it one day at a time and making the best out of it. I’m especially enjoying having this much quality time with my family, even though it’s been also challenging with the kids doing remote school, and my partner having a very demanding full-time job. But we’re adjusted now. It’s been fascinating to see how much we can all adjust. I’m not sure of how, but I do believe in the resilience of New Yorkers, and we must stay strong! We’re all together in this, and we’ll get over it. We shall overcome!” #MusiciansofNYQuarantineEdition #MusiciansofNY #802strong