Join Local 802

See a list of union benefits, contact our staff with your questions, download our fancy brochure, or join right now by using the links below.

Option 1: Join Local 802 right now using our online application*


*If you’re a current student, you pay no initiation fee!  Please send an e-mail to and say you want to join as a student.

Option 2: Join Local 802 using our mail-in paper application (anyone can use this option, and this option is also required for some special cases)

First download our mail-in application and print it out on your home printer. Then fill out the form, sign it, and mail it along with a check or money order made out to Local 802* to:

Local 802 AFM
Attn: Membership
322 West 48th Street
New York, NY, 10036

*Please e-mail to inquire how much payment you should enclose. Please be sure to mention if you’re a student.

Special cases:

If any of these special cases below apply to you, please send an e-mail to or call (212) 245-4802:

  • You are a current student and therefore are exempt from the initiation fee
  • You want to join using our mail-in application but you don’t know how much money to enclose
  • You used to be a member of Local 802 and you want to re-join
  • You are a member of another AFM local and you want to transfer your membership to Local 802
  • You are a member of another AFM local and you want to join Local 802 and keep your other membership active at the same time
  • You want to resign from Local 802
  • You want information on Honor Membership
  • You have any other questions not listed here

Need more help?

For further assistance, contact our staff.

To see a full list of Local 802 benefits, start at